My memory card (digital camera of course, not my memory..hehe) is kaput!! Arghh, That means i lost all the doodlings and pixs taken previously. Well, left here are some doodlings made by ex-students and students. They are on ATC size card. Sorry about the quality since i just shot them using normal digital camera. I think i am going to ask my students to do more this coming semester. A good exercise for them indeed - sharpen and horning their skills. And they seemed to enjoy doing em last semester. Gave them a bit of something other than just rattan crafts. So, who knows, maybe, restnrileks will be posting more of, not only my illos but my students as well.

Hehe.. Happy Blogging Ya..

Pecah kaca pecah gelas, sudah baca, sudi-sudikanlah membalas.. tehee
[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

13 ulasan:

  1. You know, we would love to see more from them here. As my dad always says, a great idea not usually comes from a single mind. :)

    Your students must have different point of view for the same topic. The interesting of it is how they defined the topic right? hehe

    Just hope that they won't sue you for copyright violation. hahaha :P

  2. wow..amazing.. great fun fun ideas
    i cannot imagine if my memory lost someday...scary....


    eppy blog writting n hopping...lalalala

  3. I'm sorry about your memory card! loosing data is such a problem!

    great ATC...your students most definitely do a lot more of these mini art pieces!

  4. saya tidak bisa pasang shoutbox di blog, bingung caranya. begitu bisa copy, tapi paste-nya saya yang tidak ngerti.
    Oya, itu doodlingnya berapa siswa mas? dalam rangka tugas ya?

  5. Wah, sungguh kreatif! Bagus! I think doodling is a great way to chanel our creativity.

    Rizal, buy a scanner, in case of emergency.

  6. hehe, dah cakap thru YM tp nak cakap lagi kat sini. saya paling suka kad yg paling bawah seblah kiri tu.

  7. salam Blue,

    alrighty then, RnR will post more of their works starting this coming sem.
    I agree with what your dad says. :)

    Sue me? Took care of that. "Swap" means they are all mine. hehe. I have the priviledge of "I dont have to swap with you.." since i am the boss.. hehehe.. they just have to give em to me.

    salam fliffy,
    i dont want to even imagine the idea of having a lost memory.. hehe..

    hey, when can we see your sketch..

    kami tunggu yer.. :)

    salam zari,
    Thank you for your concern Zari,
    I will make it compulsary this coming semester. hehe (grin)

    masih belum berjaya lagi memasang shoutbox ye. tak per.. nanti musti boleh tu,

    Ya dalam rangka tugas mas. Yang hasil daripada 9 orang sahaja. Setiap orang membuat dalam 4-6 atc.

    Salam Kak emila,
    ha ah, setuju sangat..

    I do have a scanner at home. Unfortunately, none at the office.. Which i find the situation is ironic. They can give us fancy desktops and printers but take a long time for a scanner. Malas nak mintak dah sebenarnya. hehe

    Salam Mango,

    hehehe, now that you ve mentioned it. I agree it does look like a tower in" rapunzel rapunzel let down your hair." hihihi

  8. wahhhh hilang ke? camno tu.... hehhe seperti penah ku lihat doodling itu.. apapun keep it up for the next sem student....

  9. hehe..

    mekasih ida...

    ehhh hows demam? dah okay?

    tuu dia cuti sampai 3 hari sekali tuuu.. huhuhu

  10. wooow i love this

  11. salam Bono,

    thanks.. i love them all too.. hehe

    heppy blogging yaaa..

  12. teringin nak take part lam blog noorizal is my sifu by the way..ahaks! kan cik rizal? mel banyak koleksi doodle..mintak die..kate ak tambah ag kat ur blog..hehehe....

    Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!

  13. owh yaya, my bad, lambat benar balas. Keke

    Thanks for making time dropping some comments.

    Er, tak perasan sebab ni post july tahun lepas yaya. Dah setahun lebihhh tuuu.. :-D :-D :-D

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