Well.. today is sunday..while i was doing my usual room sprint cleaning earlier this morning, i thought, "might as well i do some dust cleaning on restnrileks" hehe - which means, restnrileks has not been in good shape lately. I am lately running back and forth-to and from- between my cozy office room and the rattan workshop. Last minute checking for the 25th final assessment. Apart from me, there will be a doctorate of Industrial Design and a lecture teaching Design Theory from USM doing the assessment. Things are getting out of hand and out of proportions for one simple reason - One person who is being trusted, has not kept to his part of the bargain, which i have no intention explaining in full details here. Damages are however been contained and kept to a minimum, at the expenses of me and my students, of course. Haha. Nevertheless, learning has become so dynamic and valuable thru this experiences for the whole group.
So, there you have it, above pic is the final diploma students. Below two are pics of these 13 students trying to finish their final furniture products. It is mad trying to weave and finish the whole set within 1 and half weeks. All are working around the clock. The workshop has become a mad house as well. Now, what you see is a workshop with 13 students. Just imagine, previously, there were additional 26 students all doing 2@3 furniture items per person. By this time next year, i would have 50 students doing furniture there. Packed like a sardin :( Prone to accidents - and the usual stuffs happen again (Bahan saya hilang encik rizal, air tacker tak cukup tak sempat nak kejar.. in many ways are true when workshop has become a "setinggan." When the issue was being brought up in a previous meeting, some chap came up with a solution like "kita pasang khemah kat luar." Why do i feel such solution has similiarity to our oil hike price problem? Hahaha. Hopefully the new rattan building which is under tender (to design and build), would able to solve the problem. In the meantime, we just have to bear. Look closely at the pics and i am sure you can see a furniture which previously, i posted as a sketch. Hold on tight to restnrileks for new pics of rattan furniture and small creative items ya.
In the meantime - Have fun, Heppi Sunday and Heppi Blogging.
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Pecah kaca, pecah gelas,
Sudah baca, sudi-sudikanlah membalas.. :D [Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]
pecah kaca pecah gelas,
BalasPadamsudah baca malas balas.
pecah kaca pecah gelas,
BalasPadamthanks baca, and thanks juga membalas.
hihi =D
Pecah kaca, pecah gelas...
BalasPadamduitnya pada amblas... :P
mas boleh dong saya diajari kerajinan rattan gitu? oya soal kontes silakan kirim via mail aja. not YM
Pecah kaca pecah gelas,
BalasPadamLepas baca, err apa yaa itu amblas..?
hihihi :P
Antown, Indonesiakan ada juga kraftangan rotan.. musti ada banyak tempat yang tawarkan kursus kraftangan kan?
Ohhh mas, saya dah email komen tentang blog ke email antown..lihat2 ya..
Wah busynya! Patutlah RnR senyap aja lately! Saya nampak itu meja!! Sungguh cantik!
BalasPadamMinum air dalam gelas
saya dah balas.
"rupe-rupenye ada kelas,
BalasPadamdah baca baru jelas."
Pls comment at my son's blogspot BilikAjim. It will boost his interest in art. Tks in advance.
mmm.. i think i know. it must be amin's work right? heheh.. yeah.. i guess saw it on the picture. hehe. Klw dah siap, don't forget to take the pictures!
BalasPadamok baru hr ni ada masa baca post rizal.
BalasPadamselain rizal, mesti student2 tu pun exhausted juga kan? perabot2 yg diorg buat tu cantik2 lah. saya suka.
"Pecah kaca pecah gelas,
BalasPadamyang balas untuk yang membalas, ahak ahak
Mekasih Kak emila, ha ah agaj bz, harap semua reda lepas 25 hb ni.. huhu
Salam ajim @ kak Zihan,
haah memang sibuk dengan kelas,
hari-hari ada kelas,
jangan risau jgn was2,
itu blog saya sudah balas,
orait pupu, nanti siap
rizal akan post pun gambar tuu ngan bebrapa students punyer.. err yang chantek jerr laaa.. Aci kan?
ha ah mango, rizal exhausted, students lagi laa exhausted, tadi dah ada sorang ngagis terisak-isak sebab takut dan pressure, sebab rizal dalam muka selamba innocent jer kata .. " i dont care how you do it, by hook or crook, kena siapkan.. talian hayat saya dan kamu dah habis.. tak fair kalau kamu mintak kat saya to reduce items.. Not is the time for you to walk the talk.. show how worthy you are"
sebelum tuu ada jugak yang ngagis teresak-esak sambil ngayam.. hahaha pressure tuu
tak per, i am sure they will look back and senyum kenang kan balik masa nii somewhere in the future.. hehehe
I saw USM mention here! haha.. tak sabar nak balik kolej balik.. hehe..
BalasPadamIs the new building will be built close the old one? kalau pakai khemah pun cam orait jek.. hehe
pecah kaca pecah gelas..
BalasPadamlepas baca, saya nak balas,
the new building would be a bit further than the old one. We are supposed to give up our old building to fine metal department. Still, it depends whether the new one is according to our requiremnets. If not, hehehe, something like batu putih issue is on its way, rattan vs fine metal..
pasang khemah? i wish.. but then mana nak letar 20 air tacker..hihi..khemah for makan kenduri alam nasi briyani penang.. then okay.. huhu..
p/s : lapar lah pulak
Hola Rizal! I have something for you at my blog, congrats!
BalasPadamsiap ade pantun plak
meh aku balas komen kat sini
cikgu rizal,
sy mau jadi pelajar enchek
boleh kah?
tapi sy tak mau dok dalam bengkel
busy betoi cikgu skrg ni
gembira selalu ye :)
haa ahhh..agak bz..
BalasPadamtapi alhamdulilah.. nii dah selesai dahh semua.. huhu
hi Mr Rizal
BalasPadamso sweet of you for droppin by
nak berpantun jugak lah
pecah kaca
pecah gelas
seronok membaca
sampai membalas
pecah kaca
pecah gelas
hatiku suka
sahabat berbelas-belas
congrats on ur rattan project !!
i really love to sketch
that is my old hobby
but i am too shy to show
to my artsy buddies
i recently meet :)
helo mariuca,
pecak kaca pecah papan..
lepas baca..syoknya award tuu nak simpan,
thanks for the award.. i am honored.. :)
salam fun fliffy,
thanks sebab drop by..
ehhh tak perr..letak jerr laaa sketches yang dibuat... boleh sesama share tgk2 lain2 hasil seni yang dibuat.. :)
post yer.. we will see :)
BalasPadamlamanya tak menjenguk..
semakin tahun hampir ke penghujung...semakin sibuk la kita-kita ek!
happy weekend..
wah sonok gak main balas pantun n kan... yeahhh akhirnya 2 departmnt brjaya gak menyiapkan projeknya... congratulation to u n me.. keh keh keh...
BalasPadamHmm.. no update? hehe we are waiting rizal. :D
BalasPadamoke mas. sudah saya terima komen pedasnya. silakan dikonfirmasi emailnya. saya tunggu secepatnya
BalasPadamsalam kak sharifah,
BalasPadamthanks for dropping by.. yup it has been a while.. hope kak sharifah is doing great over there..
salam ida hehe,
pecah kaca pecah gelas,
kelam-kabut baca, kelam kabut nak balas,
aiyorkkkk ni tgh serabut..huhu
alo pupu,
sabar..sabar tgh nak mengupdatekan diri..
alo antown,
huhu..terima kasih.. takl sangat komentar tu boleh buatkan rizal dapat free grafiti..
go go chayukk!! hehehe
BalasPadammat pagi semua
BalasPadamhai rizal how are u...
BalasPadamkpd semua dak sem 3 2007 jgn lupe dtg bln 1 ni...
BalasPadammane rizal ni...
BalasPadambzy ke rizal...sy nk kate cikit je lah awk ni x kasihan lansng dgn murid awakkan,kasilah chan cikit..
BalasPadambzy lah 2...terpulanglah nak bg pe kt your student.choice in the your hand...
BalasPadamgambar bdak2 lain xde ke..
BalasPadamdah bertambah mantap rattan dept ckrg eh.. ase cam nak p smbg blaja je....hehehe...........gOod Luck En. rizal
terima kasih kerana singgah. Tapi kalau dok berselindung bawah nama-nama samaran ni kan payah nak tahu siapa pengunjung sebenarnya. hehehe
happy days :)
p/s: sori lambat balas sebab ni post tahun lepas. Tu yang tak perasan tu.. :-D
Hai selamat sejahtera abd rizal and semua pelajar rotan yang comei2. Harap semua sihat and happy2. Keje rerajin semoga kamu semua berjaya kelak and have a bright future. Salam rindu dari en arif (hep). k adios.
BalasPadamsaya pelajar disitu
BalasPadamMekasih Ariff, aduihhh post tahun lepas ni. Keke. Tak per.. Janji mengomen. Maghi le komen kat post yang lebih update.
BalasPadamArif, ko ganyang sket itu orang yang malas buat kerja. hehe
P/s : siapa itu arita charmer?
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