Produk Anyaman Kraf Rotan Datang Lagi..

As promised earlier, so here are some pixs of my final students' projects- Rattan Furniture and some minor rattan crafts /products (The required rattan products- A single seater which is only varied in colours and weaving style and their own design.) Some of the forms are plainly weird, nevertheless, i like them. I wish them the best of everything. I do really hope good things are around the corner for their future undertakings. Though i believe there are still few things needed to improve, i believe too they have shown tremendous improvements. I cannot deny the facts that - this batch has become the one that i have most enjoyed and respected in spite of all the roller-coaster mood. I guess that is the beauty of teaching. You experience one personal growth. So once again, best wishes to yer all.

Orait.. wont talk much.. just let the pixs do the talking.
Have fun, happy blogging and have a great day everyday..

Pecah kaca pecah gelas, sudah baca, sudi-sudikanlah membalas.. tehee
[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

11 ulasan:

  1. amazing work by your students! u've done great jobs on them, rizal!

    saya juga mahu ucap all the best wishes to them, selamat maju jaya.

    saya sangat suka termasuk yang pelik2 itu.


  2. salam mango,

    thank you..
    i ll pass your wishes if i ve got the chance yaa..
    i am sure they ll be glad hearing them.

    pelik memang pelik.. hehe..

  3. Greetings :)

    oh wow! you got some amazing works using rattan material there... you gotta give them A for them huh? (^_^)


    ,.-*'``'*-.,_Chronicles of Trisna_,.-*'``'*-.,

  4. greetings trisna,


    Thanks.. glad that you like them all..

    unfortunately, not all will get A. :) those class participation, class projects and how they were doing during idea development process are all counted for their final grade.

    hepi blogging..

  5. Ohh .. this is so nice furnitures!!! If my parents see this, they will be so excited to buy this kind of furnitures! haha. Very very amazing work!

  6. ohh pupu,

    thank you..thank you..
    wahhh beli furniture tu.. huhu.. nasib baik jauh kan.. otherwise rizal dah datang ketuk pintu jadi penjual yang jual pintu-ke-pintu.


  7. nak beli kat dorang boleh ke?
    ermm menarik tu
    nanti ade rumah nak order kat rizal la

  8. hehehe..

    buat masa sekarang mender2 nii simpan jerr dulu.. simpan buat perangat stok..hehe

  9. goods 2 u & all your students,menarik sesgat,design bgus,estetik mmg ada,design better drpd syudent yg dah graduate,kim salam kt tnga pngjr sckgu zali,c.amir,c.syed,mr am,mr cho,mr epul,drpd yatie x student 2005.

  10. cantik sesangat...nak belajar berape yuran  n kat mana?
    email :

  11. Salam..

    Guest.. saya sudah pun emel kepada anda.  Harap anda semak yer bukan apa takut termasuk di dalam kotak spam pula :)

    Selamat Hari Rabu dan terima kasih sebab singgah dan mengomen di sini  : )


Terima kasih bertandang ke RestNrilekS. InsyaALLAH. Setiap komentar akan cuba dibalas. Sila langgan jika anda suka RestNrilekS : )