Ini merupakan tutorial yang kedua seni kraf anyaman rotan. Yang ni kira agak mudah la, sebab kalau tak da rotan, boleh cuba guna pakai kertas sahaja-kertas agak keras skit buleh, kertas warna buleh, tapi elakkan guna kertas surat khabar laa sebab lembik sangat. Lepas siap, buleh laa tempak kat mana-mana samada sebagai hiasan kad kerr atau tempek kat"art card" yer tak..huhuhu. Selalunya, bunga ni ditepek pada permukaan bakul rotan dengan menggunakan ikatan anyaman yang bersesuaian.
This is my second rattan craft tutorial. Unlike the rattan butterfly, you can use paper strips (three of course) to make a simple flower. I post too pictures showing you the differences working on rattan strips and papers. The last six pictures are just varieties that you can do to make them more interesting. I leave to your creativity on that. hehe. I think the illo is quite self explanatory since i have coloured the rattan stripes to make it easier for you. - oppsss i ll be back to post this in more details ya- [Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]
BalasPadamTo avoid such a tragedy happening again, and for the salvation of our children, we are doing a worldwide campaign, displaying the image of NURIN JAZLIN JAZIMIN in blogs all over the world on 25th April 2008. Let's not forget NURIN JAZLIN.
Yay!! I like this one. I'll try! hehehe... tgh chuba buat ler nie. hehehe.. I think I'm getting over-excited this days. hahaha. is it because of the vitamin i ate. ohh no! haha.
BalasPadamHave a nice day rizal.
p/s: me too.. i skip IF theme: Primitive. I 'm blank. and currently busy too. *sigh* work work!
hm....letak kat mana bagus bunga nih? thanks for the tutorial! illustrasinya mudah difahami!
BalasPadamhello david santos...
BalasPadamthanks for the reminder. hope thing like this wont happen anymore. such a sad thing.. thanks for dropping by too..
helo pupu..
hehe..harap2 mender tuu menjadi.. abit complicated sket memula bila dah banyak masuk silang-silang tuuu jerr...
me too..quite bz lately..
helo manggo..
letak mana? mana2 pun boleh..mungkin depan artcard (ehem ehem ATC kad-identiti rotan kan) hehehe
Pak rizal indah sekali karyanya ...visit http://bonoriau.com ada suprise ...sudi2 iklan di entrecard bonoriau, I'll return back the ec pts, idea tu memang mantap.
BalasPadamwahhhh dah siap bunga2 yg cute ni... sgt cantik illustration n senang nak paham.. bila nak letak buat bakul sia lak ni.. hehehhe
BalasPadampak bono,
BalasPadamwah memang surprise...best part your site downloads faster..terimakasih terimakasih...hihihihi..nanti rizal iklan di bonoriau ec.
helo zulkieflies,
terima kasih sebab sudi singgah
allo ida,
sakit perutlah..hihihi..wah wah wah, kalo dah start buat bakul..mampu tercirit amik berapa page nak buat illos..hahahaha
allo bro ni ke illo yg rizal sibuk aritu? wahwah... memang cantik utk org yg rajin buat hasil kraftangan ni. aku ni pemlas skit. hehehe... bunge die memang terklua & kena potong bagi nampak lawa ye.... tak nak try jual hasil kraftangan kat blog ke?
BalasPadamshahril..ni antara illo yang terpaksa den buat.. ada lagi illo2 lain yang den tak siap lagik.. huhu.. aku nampak ko kerr rumah bro beruang madu yerr.. wah asyik makan2..sodap tuuu..huhuhu..
BalasPadamhaa ahh..yang lebih2 kat rotan tuu memang guna ntuk mengikat. kalau tak..buleh potong, atu pusing balik masukkan kat celah2 atas jadik kelopak pulak.. hang cube buat pakai kertas, lepas tuu tampal kat blog, meh che' tgk jadik ker tak..huhuhu
ok nanti aku try la. tapi rasanye mau berkurun ko nak tengok hasilnya. nanti buat aku tempek kat blog ye. hehehe....
BalasPadamworaitttt..cun laa kalo ko tempek kat blog..
BalasPadamnanti aku tunggu..huhuhu
BalasPadamreminded me of folding lil 'stars' using thin stripes of paper.
i will definitely give it a try and will post my bunga if mine turns out to be a bunga. hahha...
yeah bidarlah..just give it a shot..
BalasPadamwho knows, how it will turn out after all.. huhu
haha..yeah make a post about it if you manage to get it right (not that hard actually..) :)