yippie, i was more than happy when an envelope from
mangosteenskin reached my home few days ago. Thank you.. Thank You mango for all those stuffs. They are great!! Now who says "blog tu membuang masa?" keke. I was giggling when i realized there was a "urusan - blogger - blogger" on the envelope, instead the usual remark of "urusan seri paduka ." Nice take manggo. P/s : i just smooch my address, so it wont show on the pic. Kena la hati2 kan, keke. How do i get these? Check this out -
Here. I am sure from non-bloggers point of view, they would say that blogging is such a waste of time and etc etc etc. Some would even go like "wahh aku mana ada masa free time cam kau. Lain la ko, banyak masa free kerja tak banyak." Sheeshh, then i just keep my mouth shut, rest my case instead of trying to win an argument on "the wonder of blogging." Since i ve actively started blogging early this year, i ve found many great things - friends, ideas, trust and courage. A melting pot of things seems it is. Initial idea of just "rattan stuffs" has lead to a mix n match of sort of things. hihi. Anyway mango, my name is not Ryzal Ahmed (sounds like i am a Pakistani..hehe) My real name is Noorizal Ramly. That Ryzal ahmed was a name that i simply put when i registered my yahoo (YM) years back. So, how do you find your blog's life? Why do you blog? Get any sarcastic remarks b4?

And this is my first attempt to draw a potrait in my whole life (gara-gara cabaran manggo). Never done this before. As for me, doing potrait is even harder than designing a whole exhibition set. Hehe. Terlupa pulak nak scan yang original kat ofis. I still need to learn and keep practicing more. Eyes and nose are somewhat skewed to certain sides. I think the eyes are too big and the whole picture looks tense. The potrait looks younger than the original- which means i didn't capture it right. But then, hey i am glad that i try this. Otherwise, i wouldn't know if i can do a potrait (yang atas tuu tak perfect ye). I know i need to keep doing, until i find certain styles that i like. Macam buat kraf rotan jugak, first time takkan sempurna. I ll post another one in the future.
Anyway, enjoy your weekend and heppi blogging ya..

[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]
kenapa sume dpt benda2 nih...??
BalasPadambest ar..
hooray!!! eh? adik beradik dengan adlin aman ramly ke? me n hubby likes him. hehe.
BalasPadamRizal! Ehemm..bestnya dapat mail. =) Your dancing little gifs made me giggle! So cute! Btw, let other non-blogging people say whatever they want. I feel the same way, blogging has opened my eyes a lot; it's like traveling, minus the flight tickets and the hassle of packing! Don't ever stop blogging ya..
BalasPadamMangosteenskin: I love your art work. =)
Oh ya, if in my language (I am a Bidayuh but of Selakau tribe, from Sarawak), the basket that the lady carries is called "bangkat". My grandma has those.
BalasPadamOhh yeah.. i was the first commentator that time! hahaha.. anyway.. congrats rizal! hehe.. and blogging is fun!! Wachaaa!!
BalasPadamHi, got here from the link in my weife's website. Nice blog u have. Very creative
BalasPadamwahwah.... so excited bile dpt adiah dr mangosteenskin. so far no regret la jadi blogger ni bcoz leh kenai ramai kawan melalui entries yg korg post. serba sedikit boleh kenai sapa yg patut kite kenai atau tak.....
BalasPadamalo roxy,
BalasPadammaghi, maghi laa buat illo. Jgn dipendam bakat tu, nanti jadilah ia bakat terpendam.. huhuhu..
alo mango,
sesungguhnya, hamba tiada pertalian dengan adlin aman ramly.. hanya nama dan mungkin mulut yang pedas dan bisa kadang-kadang..hahaha..
elo phatelara,
satu hari nanti, memang kena swap jugaklaahh ni, huhuhu, hanya masa akan tentukan. i agree with your non-bloggers thing. Hey, you should install that emoticons too on your blogspot. Ohhh, "bangkat" - see i learn something today.. who says blogging is no good? hehe
alo pupu,
BalasPadamha ah, i remmber, i was like just few minutes away from your post. So, that number 2 was lucky. Yup, blogging is fun.
Alo bro adiejin,
thanks for visiting yer. Hope u have enjoyed your stay here. Do drop by again.
Alo Shahril,
bukan Mangosteenskin jer, kalo dapat hadiah dari mana-mana bloggers pun memang akan excited. huhu. Memang betui tang hang kata jadik bloggers, serba sedikit buleh dapat kawan baru atau dapat spammers baru jugak..hehe
wah wah cantik fotonya ...bisa drawkan foto saya lah ni kan.
BalasPadamRizal! Seronok kan dapat goodies?! Jom kita exchange art nak? What about orginal artwork on postcard size card? Manggis awak pun termasuk jua! So kalau setuju, e-mail me both your addresses!
BalasPadamRoxychick, up to it? Let me know!
Cantik lah potret tu. =)
BalasPadamwell done brother! see...sometimes we dont know what we can do kan until we really try. i agree the face a bit skewed (and larger than ori eyed, maybe), but overall i think it's brilliant! it could be a trademark tho.look at caricature, the faces are all skewed n tormented sometimes but we can still recognized the person. i love how u do the shading and the hair. can really see u doing it with passion. how long u did u take to finish this? what size?
BalasPadamok kak emila! it would be my pleasure. DEAL!!
helo pak bono,
BalasPadamhehe, kalau lukisan saya udah mantap, buleh ajer. Tapi ini saya masih perlu perhalusi kerja saya.. :)
helo phatelara,
t.kasih... hope i win your matchbox gift with my pantun 4 kerat there. hehe.
helo kak emi,
you are on. huhu. cume tgh wonder.. nak buat postcard size standard atc atau any postcard size 10cm x 15cm ker contohnya? tgh racun roxychick. harap2 dia join sekali laa.. huhu
ehhh dah balas baru perasan manggo punyer komen masuk..
BalasPadamyup, i am glad i did it. Tu la, the face is a bit skewed and mata tuu cam terlebih besar buntangnya teehee. I think i was too carried away with my children's art style that i tried to simplify the face and eyes. Tu yang lari. Nevertheless, i enjoy every minute doing it. Doing potrait is a good way to sharpen your skill on observing things.
ohh it is on 17.5cm x 22.5cm working area. It is now on that book where your freebies were on. I just do all my illos on that sketch book, hoping later this year, i can flip thru all the pages seeing back what i have done this year. kira bagaikan satu reminisi anjakan paradigma tahun 2008. Took me 3 hours - 80% concentration, 20% sesambil makan ja jan, baring2 kat katil, main ngan blakie, dan surf internet. kekeke
waaaa potrait tu dah masuk blog... hehehhe.. congrate berjaya gak...
BalasPadamwaaaa potrait tu dah masuk blog... hehehhe.. congrate berjaya gak...
BalasPadamwah wah...3 jam tu kira hebat tu. klu saya, 3 jam mungkin x cukup utk lukis potret camtu.
BalasPadamhihi ida, 2 kali terkomen kerr,
BalasPadammusti cam kes minyak masak sri murni kan? pemeringkatan dua kali..hahaha..
ha ahhh post jugak potrait nii..
helo mango,
ha ahhh rizal kalo buat illos, maks pun dalam 3-4jam.. lepas tuu memang tak buleh concentrate, sebab my fokus akan hilang...hehehe...so dalam 2-4 jam (bergantung illo) masa tuu laaa pulun fokus dan buat selalunyer.. but i love how you do illo guna watercolour.. that looks great..
ni nak mule buat trading card - atc saiz..hehe
Rizal, Kak Emila, I want to join the handmade ATC exchange. Boleh tak?
BalasPadambuleh ajer debbie...this should be fun... you are on.. this would make four of us, plus mangosteenskin..
Hi Rizal...sayang hari tu pegi kraf tu tak dapat jumpa u.. never mind, okay jugak lukisan tu... bagus buat permulaan kan...yesss
BalasPadamitulah bro, last last sedar yang post kawan bro aka shah dah terpampang fasal HKK. Shahril pergi pun camtu jugak. Tarak jumpa. Anyway bro, thanks for the encouragement buat potrait. Selamat Hari Ahad
BalasPadamopsss sory maybe tertekan enter 2 kali tuhh.. heheh
BalasPadamdah agak dah..musti tertekan 2x. ingatkan ikut konsep miinyak masak seri murni yang pemeringkatan dua kali..
BalasPadamahak ahak
I wish I can draw my own portrait like you did. Awesome!
BalasPadamawat potret lelaki itu mcm kena serang strok je. hehehe... gurau je tapi memang bagus la mengasah bakat dari tak mencube langsung mcm aku ni. hehehe... mana tau 1 ari berhasil gak boleh buat duit. org opis pernah anta gambar utk dilukis oleh pelukis di CM tapi kualiti hampeh gak tak sama langsung dgn gambar diberi.
BalasPadamyup it is great to give and take
BalasPadamsurely love to do that too later
hmmm who wanna exchange gift with me?
raise yo right hand n then raise yo left hand..hehehe
hello jenz.. thanks for the comment..
BalasPadambut the truth, that is not me.. hehe.. still need to improve more. do drop again ya..
helo shahril,
BalasPadamsampai hati ko guris perasaan aku dgn komen mu begitu.. ahak ahak.. sori beb, tak dak nak teremo. hehe tapi memang betul la kau cakap. tu yang dok pi kata kena improve lagik tuu..hehehe.. aku tak dak plan nak jual art potrait.. cume cita2 ku hanya ingin menjadi penjual karipap yang berjaya..huhu
alo clip,
blog dah update ka, paper phd tuu dah settle kaaa...kekekeke..bila nak buat art nii? hehehe...buat jgn tak buat...
Makasih di atas support yang berterusan ...semuga cita-cita to be Alexa top 5,000 bisa tercapai dalam next 1-2 years. Pak rizal di jemput untuk jadi my secong guest blogger. Tajuk bisa anything about creativity and art.
BalasPadamwahhh kalo macam niii...udah dua saya utang dgn pak bono...
BalasPadamtentang art tuuu hmmm..menarik..nanti saya fikir2kan entri yang sesuai...
bagus pak bono...moga berjaya di alexa yaaaa...
"cume cita2 ku hanya ingin menjadi penjual karipap yang berjaya..huhu"
BalasPadambeb, aku suke makan karipap lagi2 mak aku buat. sodap hingga menjilat kuali. hahaha.... ko jangan lupe buat karipap sardin bebanyak nanti aku borong ye.
p/s: aku rasa mcm dah terlari tajuk je
huhu good try.
BalasPadamportrait tu nampak tak real, but love the shadings.
kekeke shahril..tajuk lari tak perr...no hal..
BalasPadamoho..aku karipap sardin, ayam daging semua sukaaa..wah nampak entry baru fasal hans isaac..keekkekke
halo faisal,
selamat bertandang. Kalau tak silap aku, hang ni biasa bertandang kat Bluecrystal dude kann? thanks for the comment. Aku agree dgn pendapat kau.. heppi blogging ya
woooow start twitter ya pak rizal. saya udah lama sign up tapi masih tak gunakan lagi...
BalasPadamya pak bono..
BalasPadamkasi mudah kawan2 tau apa yang kita gunakan..boleh aja di follow2 tahu siapa yang guna twitter...