Fail - Adik is just being grumpy for failing to levitate herself like the rest of the group. Others seem to enjoy and having a good time. Out of a sudden, adik just bursts into the air glowing with joy. So, who is failing? Hihi. People do fail, but sometimes, people are just a bit slow in getting something. I ve seen this in my class too. There are few who seem so out of touch, and yet suddenly they seem so good at what they do. Hehe. Late boomers huh! Anyway enjoy and heppi blogging ya

cute icons courtesy of blogmenjerit

bagus seperti selalu.
BalasPadamsentiasa ada makhluk aneh.
daya imaginasi tinggi.
gaya yang konsisten.
c adik seperti gabus yang meletup dari botol champange!
*WACHAAA** hehehe. Yep yep.. i think i'm a late boomers too! haha. I like your illustration you know. It makes me energetic. I guess I'm hyperactive this morning. Monday morning! * tra cha cha dancing* maybe enough sleep. hehehe.
BalasPadamHahaha.. and i love the cute icons. They make me laugh!!
wah manggo,
BalasPadampeningkatan kupasan bahasa bersifat kritis. Agak sedikit terkejut dengan perubahan yang jelas menampakkan kematangan jiwa. Adakah ini manggo yang baru? timbul satu persoalan. Yang baru sungguh baru..dan yang lama tetap menghiburkan.. Fushion kan keduanya sekali manggo..pasti gempar..!! :)
helo pupu,
i think i am getting addicted to that "tra cha cha.." hehehe.. can help my self tra cha chaing myself laa.. hehehe..
the cute icons works with blogger..i am not sure w wordpress though..
anyway, i am waiting yours yaaa.. IF hehe
i love your work alot my bro
BalasPadamwow magnifico!
so damn unique
it is simple but the meaning was SO VAST....
great effort bro
simple but HUGE to interprate..
tremendously damn beautiful
love all the character and how the story shows..
i like the happy icons
it shows alot of your character..
your art inspired me always..
alo clip,
BalasPadamamboi..ni kes terlebih dose laa memuji..hehehe..sket-sket udah lerr...nii kang cam fanatik pulak..
sederhana dalam islam..hihi..jgn marah..per2 pun mekasih pujian tuu yerr..
ramai lagi good illustrators kat luar sana..check mangosteenskin, pupu, emila, idham..
depa semua pun baguih baguih tau..
haaa..dik..bila nak buat illo atau art work.. blog tuu jgn lupa kasi bersih sawang selalu yerr
tra cha cha..hepi monday yerr
p/s : tra cha cha hanya boleh guna untuk hari senin jerr.. huhuhuhu
Wow! Very good idea and illo. I like a lot the way you have to tell a story with only an illustration
BalasPadamhelo neus,
BalasPadamthanks for dropping by.. glad that you like it too. :)
simple but still creative ...kira mantap lah. Dulu masa kecil ada juga cita-cita jadi pelukis tapi dah tua ni semua dah lupa ..ha ha ha
BalasPadamwah pak bono,
BalasPadamkenapa tak cuba-cuba buat doodlig dulu..mana tau mungkin berjaya..
nanti boleh tambah satu lagi blog.. bonodoodle.. :)
p/s : saya msg pak bono di entrecard. :)
suke la tajuk kali ni. mmg pun kekadang kite tak boleh paksa diri utk dapat level sama dgn org lain. rezeki @ kebolehan masing2 adalah berlainan cume kita perlu berusaha & sabar. pernah tengok banyak keadaan mcm itu.
BalasPadamso klu anda sorg MLM jangan la pengaruh orang lain ttg kehebatan seseorg dpt duit juta2 dalam masa sekejap. banyak cara juga boleh berjaya dalam hidup.
well said shahril..
BalasPadammcm tuu laa sebenarnya.. Dalam konteks pembelajaran,kita cuma kata pelajar tuu belum sampai kompetensi level dia lagi..just sebab dia tak boleh buat buat..belum tentu lagi ertinya dia tak boleh..belum masa ajer
tapi, apapun, yg sebenarnya bergantung kat diri sendiri untuk tahu samada benda tuu sesuai dgn jiwa dan diri kita. mcm contohnya, kalau suruh aku buat kerja engineering atau MLM, sampai bila pun tetap fail sebab itu satu bidang yang aku rasa aku tak minat.. :)
Sungguh unik dan penuh makna! Great illo, rizal!
BalasPadamChecking in again this week. Does 63 next month qualify me as a late bloomer (started my art studies 4 years ago). I like your 'club'. Connie
BalasPadamhelo kak emila,
BalasPadamthanks for the comment ya..catching up dateline? yeah i know the feeling.. hihi..
hi connie,
thanks for checkin my site again, hihi. Late boomers! hey that's cool.. i dont care much what my age is when i start doing something.. i just see it as "at least i do to try it.." i think it is cool and quite inspirational too that you took your art studies 4 years ago. Now, that makes me think to try something else which i have not tried in my life. huhu
wahhh si adik... mmg ideanya imaginasinya melebihi idea yg biasa..apa tu "out of box" penah dgr tak?.. hehhehe
BalasPadam"out of box" - kekeke..
BalasPadamcukupla ..udah tak larat nak dgr...cukup dah dulu kena penindasan minda ngan mental fasal "out of box"
lepas niii kena laksankan penindasan minda lah pulak yerr..
A great message and really interesting theme for your illustration. Your 'busy pen' style works really well here. Nice work :)
BalasPadamNice illo as always. Too many weird characters, kepala pusing a bit.
BalasPadamhuhu org IKN ke?
BalasPadamslm kenal.. hehe
hahhahaa... simple liked urs... rizal... hope ader karekter aku kat sana sikit eks...huhuhuhuhuhu
BalasPadami love this illustration, it gets the idea across in such a great way...hooray late bloomers :)
BalasPadamThis is great! SO much detail and such fun characters, very original!
BalasPadamhelo bee, helo bobo,
BalasPadamthanks for your comment. i love both your style too..
helo an-nidxm, ha ah orang IKN. salam kenal juga yer. Tkasih kerana singgah..
helo rb_junior, hehehe...ko rasa ada karakter kau kat sini? cuba cari..ada kot..huhu
helo rachel,
BalasPadamya.. hip hip hurray for the late boomers!! :)
helo senta,
i had fun doing that weird characters.. :)
Ini betul kreatif and abstrak. Baik sungguh.
BalasPadamHelo MFH,
BalasPadamterima kasih sebab sudi singgah. Harap anda terhibur ya. Sudi2 laa jengah lagi.