The best way to get the feel of rattan craft is by making a rattan butterfly. It is the most simple project to start with, yet, for first timers, i am sure they will have difficulties trying to get the hang of it. But, once you pass that stage, it will be quite easy. You can just do em while watching tv. The drawing itself has omitted showing you how to properly place your fingers so that the butterfly will stay firm on its course, as you make rounds and rounds. Nevertheless, this will be the starter edition. : ) Before starting, make sure you damp your rattan (using bottle spray) so it wont break. One strand of rattan (around 2') is enough to make a rattan butterfly. And it depends too on how big you want your butterfly to be. Start by making shape as in picture 1. Make sure you start it at one third of the rattan strand length, so that you can go on to step 2. I think my drawing on picture 1 is somewhat misleading since, in reality, the end tip (where the arrow points out) should have been a bit longer (2/3 of the strand). Keep on doing step by step as shown in the picture. The wings of the butterfly can be made into sharper eclipse by applying a bit pressure - see the real butterfly (make sure the strand is damp / soaking wet - otherwise it will break). You can insert a second or third wind by keep repeating step 4. A rattan butterly usually comes with 1,2 or three rounds of 4 wings. One strand will only get you into picture 6. Usually, we would take another short strand of rattan and insert at the back, so you can hold em. You can colour it any colour you like, or just leave it natural. I just like to soaked it in my hot nescafe cup for like 10-20 minutes to get that brown colour. How dark you want it to be is based on how many teaspoons you put in your cup. A cheap and easy way to do your colouring if you cant get your hand on proper dylon or colouring stuffs. I think, if you want to try, and do not have rattan strands at home, cheap steel wires will do ( yang jual gulung2 tuu- where you can get them from your hardware store) . Then, who knows, you can have your own metal butterfly and stick in your blank book cover as an added value. Dare to give this a try? Hehe. Orait, hepi blogging and have a great day ahead - rizal

nak satu! nak satu!
BalasPadamnak jugak!!!
ok ok take your time. when u r ready please PM me at mybloglog pun bisa atau my gmail. Pak fikir-fikirkan idea contest yang bagaimana tu ya ...
BalasPadamwah, bagus suda ada tutorial untuk buat kraftangan. teruskan usaha, semoga maju jaya.
BalasPadamnice nice!! Sorry rizal.. have been missing this weeks. hehehe. Bnyak kerja. I love your work. Its really nice. Mcm butterfly jugak la.. heheh good good
BalasPadamhaha..roxy..nak satu kerr..bukan satu..kalo nak lima pun boleh bagi..pejam mata pun boleh buat (kekeke..pejam mata err mungkin tak boleh..)
BalasPadamsoalannya..nak bagik tuu camner? hehehe..
pak bono,
i ll e-mail you, once i have settle my many works yang udah menggunung tingginya ni.. :)
helo mango..
BalasPadamhehehe..mari cuba buat butterfly.. boleh cuba guna ribu2 juga kalao nak try..heheehhe..
helo pupu..
long time no see. patut laa jengah2 kat Pu 's imaginative endeavour..senyap sunyi sepi ajerr.. hehehe..tak perr..kerja banyak..rizal faham... :)
Cool! Kak Emi nak cuba tapi kat mana nak cari rotan tu?
BalasPadamIkan dah kenyang ;P
huhu.. kak emi, satu malaysia ni kalo beli rotan, amik kat puchong jer..syarikat hup seng..
BalasPadamtapi kalau nak sket2 tuuu boleh ajer rizal bagi.. hehehe..
Wah, cantik la bro. Kalau di frame tu, mesti nampak cun je kat dinding. Ekekek, ada harapan ke abah dapat satu? harap bro akan senantiasa sihat dan dalam rahmat Allah selalu.
BalasPadamhehehe... insyaALLAH, tapi tak tahu bila laaa...nii semua tgh cam pending ngan waiting list..
BalasPadamnext edition punyer frame pun nak tempah sket bagik spesial.. frame tuu kalau tak gantung letak jer kat para (err bukan para2 sakura yerr) kabinet rumah pun okay..
p/s : abah terima kasih yerrr..
Nak cuba la buat guna dawai. =) Thanks for the tutorial! Kalau dah try nanti I share link, okay? Hehehe
BalasPadamguna dawai senang sket, sebab bila nak ketatkan, senangjer nak tight grip dia, pusing ikat ketat2..
tak per..nanti kalau dah siap..rizal pun cube link balik dgn post phatelara..
that sounds like a good idea... : )
ape kata penghulu buat kelas hujung minggu...mesti ramai yg berminat ni. Kira khidmat kemasyarakatan laa...heheheh
BalasPadambuat khidmat masyarakat..tang tuu aku cuma suruh geng2 projek aperantis aku jerr buat..hehehe
senang kerja den
waaaa dah try buat ngan lidi tp patah.. heheh mmgla kan pendek n rapuh.. nanti i try lak pakai rotan jurusan u. hehhe
BalasPadamhehehe...kan dah cakap kalao pakai lidi memang patah..sebab lidi kalau basahkan memang dia tak serap air..jadi patah le..hihi..tak per tak per
BalasPadamecehhh tukar nama blog nama...errr
puan nak lakar apa kat hati tuuu puan? hehehehe
rizal nak satu boleh pasai aku ni malas nak cari bahan & buat sendiri. ko kan master bab2 mcm ni. hehehe....
BalasPadambest gak jadi org kreatif ni kalau nak bagi hadiah kat org buat sendiri je tak perlu pi terjah kedai2 satu KL cari.
boleh la satu utk aku... besday aku 14/6 so apa kata ko buat utk besday aku plak :)
oho... mcm tak dak masalah jer.. tapi kau kena laa ingatkan bila time ingatkan selalu lebih2 lagi bila time nak dekat..hehehe
BalasPadamsebab kalau 14/6 lama lagi..sure nanti terbabas punyer aku tak ingat.. huhu..
Cantiknye.... do u guys actually sell this to the public?
BalasPadamWhere can we get this?
ohhh sebenarnya tak jual... selalu buat demo mcm bagi free jer.. i think kalo jual pun dalam rm2-3 per piece kot..
BalasPadamjadik bookmark..
try datang IKN this konvo, buleh dapat banyak good stuffs.. free and paid stuffs..hehehe
mekasih sudi lawat yer..
boleh ye??? (dgn muke tak malunye)
BalasPadamok2 nanti aku remind ko & boleh kite lepak skali dgn nikli(die kena turun KL) probably after aku balik dr trip ke KK.
oho...going to KK...aku pun pergi jugak KK. probably around 28-29 nii...kk memang best tapi rasa macam penat lahh pulak sekarang nak pergi ni...
BalasPadamorait..per2 hal..rancang jer dulu..
beautiful butterflies. thanks for the tutorial!
BalasPadamno problem cecilia,
BalasPadamthanks for dropping by