I actually find it hard to do my IF theme for this week, though the title is quite simple. I guess i am a bit exhausted. So, this week, i think i skip my usual detailed drawing and resort to something simple, light n easy. Hey, it saves my time and saves me by filling my weekly quota of one illo per week. Hehe.
So, here is the story of my illo :
A is not sure if this sketch would "save" rizal's day.
B is happy for he came up with the idea.
C and E couldnt care less whether Rizal's illo is saved since their love is doomed and cannot be "saved".
D just hates to be the middle person trying to save C and E 's love.
F is angry for B "save" idea.
G is just happy for B "save" idea.
H is grinning on the whole "save" idea.
I thinks this Rizal's "save" idea is a joke.
J just happy for this "save" idea, since he ll be put on the net.
K could not believe that Rizal goes with this "save" idea.
L - Larry Potter wishes he could wand something to save this idea. - Expecto Patronummmm
M - ughhhh on this whole "save" idea.
N just smiles and wait n see too on this save idea.
O just glad that rizal finally does his IF on "Save" and that saves his IF.
Haha..this is nut. I am having a second thought whether I m going to submit this to IF. Just happy to post it here. :) [Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]
i rasa G tu selalu u kuar many noty2 idea duk kacau or menakut2kan i ....huaaaa
BalasPadamkalo tak notty..camne laaa nanti nak jadik angel kan?
simple? less is more. i think this is awesome, rizal!! very creative. so p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y dan z pegi mana?
BalasPadamini mcm boleh ada part 2 ni.
hello mangosteenskin,
BalasPadamp,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y, dan z semua pakat -pakat lari ngelat tak nak terlibat dalam hal ni.. Depa semua just nak "save"kan diri masing-masing jer.. hehehe
thanx for the comments ... to be honest I don't know how to create the widget 125x125 ...heee ... funny kan
BalasPadamit is actually quite easy..
phtotoshop and illustrator will do..
Lets join our contest
BalasPadamgandingan mantap yaa..bali udah alliance dengan bono..
bagus yaaa... syabas!!
BalasPadamNext kita gabung buat contest untuk blogger yg super kreatif ... bagaimana??? Bono bisa sposor prize
BalasPadamHahaha cool! Banyak huruf dah lari nak selamatkan diri ya! Kak Emi baru je siap illustrate this theme. Sibuk gila!
BalasPadamsalam sheimz..
BalasPadamterima kasih kerana sudi singgah berkunjung... :)
halo pak bono,
BalasPadamidea tuu nampak bagus dan bernas..tapi nanti yerr..kalo saya agak free..boleh e-mail dan dibuat begitu :)
helo kak emi,
ha ahhh, huruf2 tuuu pakat2 lari..teruk betui depa tuu..sibuk2 kak emila pun,, tuu dia, sempat buat yang power2..hehehe..rizal sibuk plus kemalasan melanda yang amat amat..tuu buat sempoi jer.. :)
Hai! =)
BalasPadamSuma comel2! Simple but cute. Okay la tu, sesekali lukis yang simple tapi tetap menarik. =)
helo phatelara,
BalasPadamhaa ahh, kali nii rizal memang buat simple2 jer. sajer sekali sekala..pergi simple untuk lari dari my usual detail punyer style.
have a great weekend ya..
ni pun lawa kalau buat ikon smiley ni? kuikui...
BalasPadamhehehehe...aku lukis doodling2 camtu rajin laa..hahaha nak buat digital doodling jadik smiley...macam tak daya..
tapi ko cakap..baru aku perasan..hehehe