I wish to go to this age - 7-: Any primary school years would be just fine.

I just love those times in 7. Those were times where life was hepi-hepi joy-joy. We would just play and play and play. No worries. Played "police and thief..one two jaga!!.. Polis mati, pencuri jaga..ahak ahak" Ohh my, i still remember that in few occasions, i would choose my fav. spot to hide myself under my house "longkangs", playing hide and seek, which of course later, would be accompanied with a long bebel for all those "kotoran." Lucky, Fab Buku Baru was already invented during those times. Ramadhan Month? Since we all knew, hantu semua kena ikat, then we took turns jadik hantulah. haha. Played "sate ria" with all those "fireworks." Got scolded by one of the neighbours since my roket missed its course and flew into her house. Hari Raya would always be the best of times in a year - (me getting the most duit raya compared to my other relatives laa since i had no rivals within my age). hehe. All of us were very close - ranging from 6 years to 12 years . Made ourself such a hectic and kepoh team. School holidays were days that we always looked for since we would be planning ourself with activities. Sesudah subuh aktiviti bermula - alasan ngan parents kata nak jogging walhal nak pergi merewang : ). - Me, Farid, Aun, Boy occasionally, Nana Pet, Nana Pot, Irni, Iza, Fatin, Mus and Peah. Sadly, as we grew older ( secondary shcool years), we lost our touch - I guess everybody was having his / her own new clicks by those times. Now, we just get on with our life , nodded with somewhat a smile here and there if we happen to bump each other. Isnt it ironic - dont you think? - alanis morissete.
So, here it goes - tagging time - and i would like to tag Ida, Nikli, Sahril, BlueCrystal and BeruangMadu (Anggapla ia sebagai satu khidmat masyarakat komuniti blogger yea..)
Instructions :
Title: The Age That I Wish To Go Back To
Requirement: Write about the one age that you wish to go back to and why?
Tag Mode: 5 bloggers
1st - You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.
2nd - Let the blogger you want to tag know they been tagged by comment in their blog or etc.
The Age that they Wish to Go Back to:
Amidrin wish to go back to age 22 to correct back some mistakes in life .
Lemonjude wish to go back to age 6 to enjoy kid’s life .
L’abeille wish to go back to any year but never return to age 28.
Sweetpea wish to go back to, actually, just thinking about 17.
Jean Chia wish to go back to 14 years old.
Emila wish to go back to the age of 7 to live that precious moments again
Mangosteenskin wish to back to age 7 to chase back Macik Piut's geese and dogs. haha!
Mariuca wish to go back to age 14 to forget her current sorrows.
Rizal wish to go back to the age of 7 - 7 super wonders of my world.
hehe.. menarik2.. nak kene carik gambar time kecik2 nih.. hehehe
BalasPadamhehehe...cepat-cepat pergi carik gambo masa kecik kasi tepek..kekeke
BalasPadamhik...hik...mana tiru posing gigit jari nih? hehe.
BalasPadamtuu laa mushkil gak posing gigit jari masa tuu--masa dulu posing2 camtu blum lagik famous..kekeke
i also miss my child hoods days, that are the golden age, no tension only fun, play.......... :)
BalasPadamLa..comel ya amat! Thanks for playing Rizal!
BalasPadamhey sameer,
BalasPadamyup, i agree... childhood was much fun. nevertheless adulthood is interesting too.. huhu
elow kak emila,
no problem tang playing along. tak per..seronok gak pergi dok mencari gambo lama. hehe..comel yerr kak emila? keke
huhuhu kena tag rupanya... mana den nak korek gambo lama.. nanti la balikkg umah mak den carik yoooo..
BalasPadamaikkkk ratu gambar takkan tak da gambar kot..cube godek2 kat hard drive..musti ada gambo..huhuhu
BalasPadamnak kena carik kat arkib nihhh...
mana ada gambaq time kocik2.. sume tikus dah gigit loooo...
kui kui kui...
BalasPadamtakkan gambo setahun dua tahun lepas tak do kot..
kalo tikus dah gigit..cube carik serpihan dia..kit kot leh cantum balik..huhuhu..
gambar2 masa kecik tak banayk la bro.... kalau ade pun tak comey pun. hehehe...
BalasPadamtak perr.. tak semestinya gamabar sendiri...dan bukan semestinya age yang kecik
who knows the age could be last year..huhuhu
Few weeks back, Ummi did ask me more-a-less the same question, "Kalau abah dapat under masa, abah nak balik semula ke umur berapa?".
BalasPadamDan jawapan abah hampir sama macam Rizal, "7 tahun".
Kenapa? Banyak sebabnya. Tapi rahsia le...
Semoga segalanya selamat utk bro rizal.
ohh yer kerr abah..
BalasPadamohhh umi pun rupanya tanya soalan yang sama juga yerr..
betul - 7 tahun - banyak rahsia.. etu sebabnya 7 super wonders of my world
Tkasih doakan semuanya sejahtera untuk Rizal :)
chumell sunggoh kamooo
tergiang2 lak lagu raya di cuping telinga bila tgk this photo
hallo megat,
BalasPadamhehehe...bila hang nak letak gambar hang kecik2..
lagik comel kot...
errrr atc dah siap? hihi
Hola Rizal, I've done this tag too, pls add me to your list here okay? Thanks and have a great day! :)
hello mariuca..
BalasPadamconsider it done! :)
Thanks Rizal and good morning to u! :)
BalasPadamHey mariuca,
BalasPadamGood morning to you too.. hehehe..