Salam and Aloha People. I hope you have had great and wonderful days. If things are not going according to your expectation, dont despair, I am sure, things will turn out brighter eventually. Anyway, I am going to talk about something different in this entry. No handmade rattan crafts, no design sketches or ideas, no blogging tips or tricks nope nope nope... Today, it is about something that we love : )..something that we all have in common. FFFFOODDDD!! : D

I cant remember when i started cooking but i do remember my first cooked meal was stir fry cabbage. Funny because most people whom i know would have started theirs, either by frying an egg or making an instant noodle. Aha! We cook almost everyday, nowadays. We take turns actually. We used to buy food for breakfast, lunch and dinner and it hit hard on our wallets. Ouch!! Moreover, it became a bit tiring to go out 2 - 3 times a day just to buy food.

Cooking has become a way for several reasons : main are money and time. Now just imagine, our weekly market shopping is roughly around rm70 (USD22) and that would get us a 1.5kg imported meats (RM20), one and half chicken (rm15-18), vegetables (RM8-15) and herbs and spices (rm10-20). And that RM70 is for three persons eating 2 times a day for 5-7 days. We dont shop at hyper-market to buy our weekly grocerries, but go to typical small and wet nearby home market (and my wet market isnt that wet : D). Best thing is, our relationship with the sellers have grown great. Buying here has become somewhat a personal experience. I always like going to these type of markets then those big fancy hyper-markets such as TESCO.

Cooking can be a dragging task especially when it is your turn to cook. Aha. But trust me, that is just a gut feeling. It doesnt take that long to cook. At most, 45minutes or an hour if you are preparing something special. So, getting home at 5.30-5.45pm, i would normally be done by 6.30-640pm. Luckily we make it a habit of boiling our meat every week, thus cooking doesnt take too much of our time.

Now, what is a Food entry without pictures of food. Hehe. Barbequed Chicken - Marinated with chili sauce and ketchup, a bit of barbeque and black pepper sauce, a dash of honey plus herbes and spices.

My spicy chicken and meat curry with potatoes and tomatoes. I like the sound of potatoes and tomatoes. Aha ha ha : D

Quick stir fry veggies with meat when time is not a luxury.

Spicy Dried Rendang without the coconut milk.

I am not good in making western food, but i love eating them. I love to try easy cooking recipes when i feel of making one. That way, probability of my experiment going wrong is kept to a minimul. Aha... Owh! maybe i should try to make Chef's Pasta Salad and that Drunken Noodles (I love the name). I am not good at baking too but i have tried baking choc muffins. Hmm maybe i should find some easy cookie recipes too because right now my mind is imagining those hot baked straight out of the oven choc walnut cookies. Whoaho!!

Enjoy your meal everyone.

Happy blogging and have a great day everyday.

Till next time.

[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

50 ulasan:

  1. huhuhuh... mujur aku dah makan. kenyang makan laksa. kalau tak.. maunye aku start motor aku ajak wife pg perkena siakap stim neh

  2. =-X =-X =-X =-X =-X =-X

  3. Rizal buat PB ahaks! ;) ;) ;)

  4. Sedapnye kari u Rizal... stir fried vege tu pun nampak menarik sungguh!

  5. Rizal! Make la mug cake!! Senang je and tak yah pakai oven, sure can satisfy ur baking needs!

  6. Recipe ada kat MPG kalau nak lol... happy cooking and baking! :* :* :* :*

  7. sedapnya tengok gambar food tu. Ni yg semangat nak mencari ni.

  8. wohhoo.. nampak sedap.. 

  9. ahaks.. tuu laaa kalau pergi jalan2 masa perut tgh kosong.. bahaya wooo.. boleh terbeli banyak dari apa yang diperlukan.. hehe.

    Owh Tahniah jadi yang pertama..

    p/s:  Awat hang tak letak penuh alamat blog hang? :-D

  10. =-X =-X =-X =-X =-X shhhhhhhhh ..senyap2 .. hihihi

  11. Ahaks dah lama tak buat PB.  Selalu dapat lepasss tuuu rizal kena tolak tawaran tuu sebab sibuk.. ni kena cuba rajin balik..sebab bila tolak depa merajuk tak nak offer lagi dah.  hahaha

  12. Kari tuu makan dengan roti panjang sedap.. nak2 kena yang pekat... mengaum rasanya.. chechewahhh hehe :-D

  13. Tahniah jadi yang kedua..

    Tu laa dari dulu lagi ingat nak buat kek2 ni semua... tapi sampai sekarang tak sempat nak buat kek mug tuu..  : D

  14. InsyaALLAH.. nanti Rizal minta.. hehehe

  15. Salam bro.. macam mana perjalanan hari tu..  : )

    Ahaks.. tu laa sekarang ni Rizal nak cari makanan pasta..sesekali nak rasa..

    Alamak teringin pulak nak makan Fettucini Alfredo  : D

  16. Ahaks...  kalau lapar selalunya memang sedap tengk apa pun.


    Selamat Hari Rabu : D

  17. oh my! *drooling like waterfall* =-O =-O

    wah, wah... bukan main hebat lagi resepi Incik RnR ni ye...

    Home cooked meals are the best. check out my resipi blog kalau berkesempatan... sume resipi yang senang2 n cepat... hehe

    i love this PB post... LOL!

  18. air liur ku meleleh when i see allllllll the good food u cook laa.. aparaaaaaaaaaaaa.. and its only 10am in the morning... aparaaaaaaaaaaaa u go tempt us with food laaaaaaaaa... hahhahahaaa..

  19. kalu Rizal nak make choc muffin (easily).. try the premix pack from the baking shops.. u can't really go wrong with those :D

  20. cookies lagi senang.. hehhehehe :) trial and error mesti berjayo jugo satu hari nanti.. by the way... u cook really well... yum yum yummmmm... bila nak bercooking for all of us.. we come to your rumah to eat :p

  21. Salam Rizal,

    OMG! Yummy! I can't wait to live on my own and start some cooking myself. I had tired with eating outside! 

    Love the fry vegi! I am a sucker for vegi ;)

  22. Wow.. The photos are seriously making me hungry.. Walaupun i takble mkn byk kebelakangan ni, tp ia amat membuka selera! Yum yum! :P

  23. wah wah nessa.. jaga2.. drooling sampai ke sini.. habis menitik air liur macam air terjun.. hahaha :-D

    orait orait nanti rizal intai secret resipi ala Nessa-Mumblings.. musti sedap tu.. nyum nyum..

    Aha.. PB ni agak senang nak buat sket.  sebab dah ada gambar dah kat livemobo. hehehe

  24. Jemput -jemput sila makan.  Wah 10pagi perut dah berkeroncong anny?

    Hehe.. Seronok akhirnya berjaya tertempting dengan masakan ni semua.. aha  :D

  25. Aha, pernah juga cuba guna premix.. memang takkan salah.  Tapi hari tuu gatal buat dari scratch - kira konsep handmade la kan.  Tapi nampaknya konsep handmade cuma boleh untuk menganyam je.. buat dari scratch, muffin jadi lembit dan beroily sangat.  lol.. haha

  26. Terima kasih.

    Masak biasa-biasa sahaja.  Tak la sedap mana.. Tapi okay la kalau nak makan. hehehe.

    Wah ni nak kena cuba buat cookies.. tapi buat cookies ni agak leceh sket, buat sket2 rugi.. kalau dah main masak2 biskut, jawabnya tak masak laaa lauk.. aha :-D

  27. Salam Haaziq..

    Aha, harap cita-cita kesampaian.  Kalau dok ngan geng yang okay tak masak, tak pening kepala.. senang je.  Kena yang berkira.. adoiiii leceh..

    Stir fry vegie memang syiok.
    Makan salad pun syiok gak.. nak nak fusion chili sos campur tempoyak.. ahaksss sedappppp :-D

  28. Jangan lupa makan yer Bella.  Kang hilang pulak energy.

    I tak nak makan banyak tapi selalu akhirnya termakan banyak pulak.  camne tuu.  Bahaya ohh bahaya..

    Ohhh teletummies.. ko makin membesar ye.. hehe

  29. wow Rizal.. u're such a great cook! =-O =-O =-O <span><span> </span></span>

  30. hmm my first ever meal cooked was a packet of maggi mee..dont laugh! :-P :-P

  31. i love food. i love home cooked meals but i don't like cooking *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* lol!

  32. now Im hungry again just looking at those pics :-E :-E

  33. ok it's supper time! :-D

  34. 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

  35. ha betul tu kalau rejeksi byk nanti depa merajuk! This one LW kan? Yay! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$

  36. Apalagas? Senang je! He he he! Kalau jadi, ambik gambar!

  37. Ahaks.. thank you Mon.  Tukang masak yang biasa2 sahaja  : D

  38. ehhh maggi also okay what.  Have you ever ate Murtabak Maggi? : D

  39. aha mon.. you always makan and then tangkap gambar makan and then tangkap gambar.. hehehe

  40. I love home cooked meals especially the ones that i dont have to make.. hehe

  41. 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) - jenama DKNY.. haha

  42. HA ah LW.. tuu laa silap.. BV dah merajuk dah... ishhhhh

  43. alamak, terasa nak makan kek pulak mlm2 ni.. hehehe

  44. huh? what is <span>Murtabak Maggi?? </span> *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*

  45. same here! :-D :-D :-D

  46. where got always <span> tangkap gambar makan </span> :-E :-E :-D :-D

  47. Even the photos of these foods look so delectable....I'mm getting hungry :-D

  48. Olla Bingkee..

    hehehe.. yeah i think home cooked meals are always the best.  Cheaper too.. but once in a while, i dont mind steak, fries and salads.  :-D

    Thanks for showing some love here  : )

  49. mai sini komen tak lepas - tatau pasai pa
    gate tinggi sgt kot...tak mkn lagi tu yg tak ckup power...

    pagi ni dah sarapan.... so tak terlioQlah sgt tgok gambaq mcm gini.

    tapi awat tatau.....dan dan juga teringin tgok gulai ayam tu

    tekak mengada2 la ni

  50. Salam Isnin Kak Jie..

    Haha, Kak Jie, pandai pula buat lawak.  Tuuu laa, gate tengah nak ganti yang automatik (letriK). 

    Nampak gaya mungkin kena buat tutorial cara mengomen guna Echo sebab ramai WP users yang keliru camne nak komen.  Hahaha..

    Aha... Sekali-sekali tekak mengada2 okay arr tu Kak Jie.  : ).. Dulu Kak Jie goda Rizal dengan tempe kan di Hidup Biar Sedap  : D


Terima kasih bertandang ke RestNrilekS. InsyaALLAH. Setiap komentar akan cuba dibalas. Sila langgan jika anda suka RestNrilekS : )