RestNrilekS on live blogging : kubur
Originally uploaded by restnrileks

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Maaf Zahir Batin diucapkan kpd semua. Al-Fatihah kepada muslim yang telah meninggalkan kita lebih awal. Sambutlah hari raya dgn keluarga tersayang. Insan yg kurang nasibnya jgn dilupa.

p/s: entri ini akan diedit nanti. (opps telah diedit)

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini

I also would like to extend my condolensce (AL - Fatihah) to one of the neighbors who lost her mother (passed away) around this Syawal Morning.

In the meantime, i am still in Raya Mood, and too lazy to right a full post, so, I am posting pics from the morning Kubur visit with Captions. I know, this is a bit unconventional than the usual Foodie pics of Raya. But hey, the Kubur deserves to be in much celebration as well as the Rendangs, Ketupats, Lemangs, Lontongs and so on. Arwah Ibu, Nenek, Sepupu Ayah, Moyang, Sepupu Rizal, Abang Nenek dan Sedara Mara Sebelah Mak tiri semuanya di tempatkan di sini. As usual, The Kubur Jalan Ampang was packed with people visiting and giving "bekalan" to their loved ones, packed with "peminta sedekah" too which were mostly not Malaysian (owh and they were tip toply organized), and it was very bright, colourful in a cheerful mood.

I find the Kubur can be a comforting place for my occasionally gate-away Weekend Visit. But , uh uh no no at nights.

Anyway, Have a Wonderful Raya Celebration and Please Be Safe on Your Journey Ya.

Enjoy the pixs ya

All were here. Sis and Bros were Raya at In-Laws this year

AL-Fatihah to my Mum

I wonder to whom this belongs to. Hmm? Someone had just visited. See the freshly new flowers.

More and more people were coming

And these were not Malaysians. Owh, They were Organized.. hmmm

Well, that were few of the pixs. Enjoy Ya Raya and to non-muslims, enjoy your holidays


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Congrats Mon for being the first

Congrats Marvic

Congrats Nessa of Nessa Mumblings

Till next time.

[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

30 ulasan:

  1. kubur? =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O

    Recent blog:=- Wishing you a joyous Hari Raya!

  2. Rizal! Selamat Hari Raya to you!!! :) ;)

    Recent blog:=- Wishing you a joyous Hari Raya!

  3. hey party hard, but party safe! hahahahahahah :-P :-P

    Recent blog:=- Wishing you a joyous Hari Raya!

  4. Congrats Mons for being the first :)

    Nak ambil ni Chocolate Oatmeal (imagine aja not real.. hehe) :)

  5. :) :) :) :) :)

    Recent blog:=-

  6. Thank You thank You.

    I still need to update the entry. Wow, it is raining. Time for me to drink a cuppa of coffee.

    Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Live Blogging

  7. enjoy yr coffee Rizal! I'm waiting for the rain to stop! >:o

    Recent blog:=- Wishing you a joyous Hari Raya!

  8. kubur?...hehehe..interesting topic for 1st syawal..

    condolence to ur neighbour... :'(

    Recent blog:=-

  9. Congrats Marvic for being the Syawal Second Chopper. ;)

    Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Live Blogging : kubur

  10. Yeah, Kubur? Something New huh.

    Since, this is the first thing we normally do after The Aidil Fitri prayer. Takkan laah pulak nak ambil gambar tengah sembahyang kan?

    Yea, takziah kepada jiran di kampung itu. Musti sedih sebab semua anak dan cucu telah berkumpul. Meninggal di Pagi Raya pula.

    Al- Fatihah moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.

    Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Live Blogging

  11. hai hai Rizal!

    Selamat Hari Raya :-D :-D

    Kubur?? Tadi baca kat my google reader... takut2 jugak nak check this entry... takot macam dulu tu.. yang ada gambor seram...

    Yeah, me 3rd chooper... >:o

    Recent blog:=- Have A Cupcake...

  12. Olla Nessa..

    Syabas menjadi pengomen yang Ketiga. Whoaho!! :-D :-D Boleh la rizal tutup buku pautan lepas ni. Hehe

    Kubur? aiyo, tak dak laa nak buat cerita-cerita seram di pagi syawal ni Nessa. Hehe

    Ni, kali ni tak dak cerita dan gambar seram.

    Lain kali boleh la kot. hehe :-P

    Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Live Blogging

  13. Salam Aidilfitri Rizal, maaf zahir batin! :* :* :*

    Recent blog:=- Sleeping Cuties

  14. :) :) :) :) :) :)

    Marzie, how s your first raya?

    Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Facebook.

  15. Salam Aidilfitri juga Marzie, Maaf Zahir Batin Juga.

    Jangan lupa makan2 yer hehe :-D

    Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Facebook.

  16. Happy Raya Rizal!! I love your photos and hope you are having a grand time!!
    Salam my friend!
    Jackie :)

    Recent blog:=- The Hummingbird Way A Double Diamond Music Monday

  17. Alfatihah to all yg dah tiada.. termasuk your mom and my father.. disaat ini.. terasa kehilangan mereka kan?

    Recent blog:=-

  18. I miss you ayah!!!

    Recent blog:=-

  19. Selamat hari raya Rizal!

    Recent blog:=-

  20. Al-Fatihah juga kepada arwah Lj.

    Memang terasa, rasanya macam baru semalam ajer tiada. Tapi bila ingat2 tarikh, dah dekat 7 tahun dah.

    Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Live Blogging : kubur

  21. I miss my mum too.

    Teringat masakan arwah di Hari Raya. :)

    Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Live Blogging : kubur

  22. Sekali Lagi.

    Selamat Hari Raya LJ. Hehe. JAngan lupa detox. Ni baru jer lepas minum phyto fiber. Hehe :-D

    Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Live Blogging : kubur

  23. Thank you Jackie.

    Your hummingbird shot are awesome.

    Thanks for the Raya wish ya Jackie.

    Salam Blogging Dari Benua Asia.

    Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS And Blogroll

  24. Oh definitely Rizal.. I totally relate!

  25. Mine is long Rizal.. sine 1992.. and still I remember his face vividly!


Terima kasih bertandang ke RestNrilekS. InsyaALLAH. Setiap komentar akan cuba dibalas. Sila langgan jika anda suka RestNrilekS : )