Thank you Kak Emila. Well, she sent me this after being among the first five commenting her post. Hihi. Lucky me. So, here it is, my own name made by Kak emila's own handwriting. Done in Illustrator. Thank you..thank you!!

Now, this is what i would call true doodle in its purist form. hahaha. No need to think about focus, colours, variety and such on. I feel free. : ) Done in Illustrator in just few short minutes. Anyway, i ve been tagged by that lovely blogger known as mangosteenskin- Rest assure that you ll find no mango there :)

~~Begin Copy~~

This is the easy way and the fastest way to :
1. Make your Authority Technorati explode 2. Increase your Google Page Rank. 3. Get more traffic to your blog. 4. Make more new friends.

Rules : 1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog. 2. Put your own blog name and link. 3. Tag your friends as much as you can.

1. Picturing of Life 2. Juliana’s Site 3. Shower Your Children With Love - The Right Way 4. Life’s a journey, not a destination 5. Simple Life 6. Life is beautiful; Life is love 7. Lovely Mummy 8. Lemonjude 9. Faith,Hope,Love 10. Newife Blog 11. Good things in life… 12. …the Guru-Guru life… 13. Ezooone 14. mangosteenskin
15. restnrileks

~~ End Copy ~~

So, i am tagging this to friends of mine.

bali - abner - ida - roxychicks - dbub - sameer - pak bono - nikli - shahril - beruangmadu - phatelara - pupu

it is not compulsory but it would be great if you could spread the link love. :)
[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

11 ulasan:

  1. thank you very much Pak Rizal ...semuga tuhan sentiasa memelihara kita dari kekacauan dunia

  2. sama-sama pak bono.. yerr, lately dunia ini kan udah penuh dgn perosak agenda. pusing mana-mana semua dilihat hingar-bingar..

    udah itu mohon tuhan menjaga keamanan dan kesejahteraan kita..


  3. hey there incek rotan.
    jgn jeles okeh.. kak emila pon dah email i the lettering evetho' i'm a person too late... yay!
    (i shudn't be telling this eh? nnt orang lain kata tak adil lak)

    okeh! okeh! terima kasih kerana mentagging. nnt akan kukotakan janjiku (2 tags??) insya Allah..


  4. huhu...roxy..

    tuaa arrr terperasan hang lumbe lari dapat tempat ke-enam...tapi memang baguih laa..sebab dapat jugak hadiah kan...

    errr..roxychick tak nak buat free gift ker kat site?


    p/s : my rizal is in ai bolehlah tukar2 kaler dan sebagainya..huhuh

  5. Wahuhuh.. I've been tagged by both of you and magosteenskin. Gonna put it up soon. *Teehee* Alohh you sempat ek to get that stitch-look-alike done by Emila? hehahahha i'm the 19th. I missed it!

  6. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Celular, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  7. hey cellular, thanks fro dropping by..

    i was at your site but then i can read brasil.. :)

    hello pupu,
    my bad, mangosteenskin tagged you first. So, i think it would be fair to do under her name.. :)

    speaking of give-away.. yaaa..lucky me.. i didnt expect to be the 2nd person. errr are you going to do give-away too.. huhuhu.. that would be great.. kalo buat jgn lupa nanti bagitau awal2 sebelum post, so i can comment asap.. hihihi


  8. dah jawab yee...

    p/s: bila mau pi bali tuh..

  9. terim ksih kern menjwb..

    babai yerrr nanti dtang lagi..keke

  10. ya allah dear, sorry i baru baca entry ni..will dooo soon okeh..thanks for tagging!

  11. problem laaa..kalau tak buat.. hehe..sebab tiada paksaan dalam islam kan?

    hehehe.. tapi yang bagusnya this love -link memang cepat lonjakkan technorati.. hehehe =)


Terima kasih bertandang ke RestNrilekS. InsyaALLAH. Setiap komentar akan cuba dibalas. Sila langgan jika anda suka RestNrilekS : )