Checking my site, as usual, i have noticed lately a google adsence advert mentioning "Seni/Kraf Tangan Malaysia. Iklanlah Di Mudah - Sungguh Mudah, Cepat, Percuma. Tak Payah Register!. " Of course i am curious since i realize that there aren't many Malaysia sites stuffing their contents on crafts. Ohh, then i realize that it is a place for you to advertise your stuff on Mudah site. This curiosity has brought me over to their site to check it out what it is all about. Well, upon landing on their site, this is what you will see.

I guess, i like its simple-no-fuss-straight-forward feature. The best part is, if you like to find something on your state, you can just click the state that you live in. That is a good feature knowing that it will be much easier to find and pick your desired stuffs, saving you cost on logistics. I try clicking on "Home and Garden" since there are no items sold under crafts. "Home and Garden" seems the best choice. Upon clicking, i am brought to this :

Not bad. A 3-page of 50 items per page is lay out to you. I find there are lots of nice stuffs ranging from rm20 to thousands of ringgit. Whatever you choose based on your budget, you can do wonder to your home with these stuffs sold there. I think craft items would go well to under "Home and Garden" section. Ohh, there are 2nd hand items too. Great for those people looking to fit their house but on a tight budget. And just because these are 2nd hand items, they don't mean to be in bad shape okay.

Well, what are you waiting for. Hope in to and see for yourself. You will never know what is it in store for you until you check this site out. Or better yet, see how it can help you advertise your stuffs there.

This review is brought to you by and!
[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

10 ulasan:

  1. wow bestnyerr.. mmg mudah you... mmg berbaloi..... :P

  2. Mudah...memang mudahnya! I should check it out!

  3. keke..

    ehhh tak sangka pulak ada orang response..sesajer cube tok advertlets..normally memang tak buat pun post paid ni..kekeke.. kang silap2 kena slash ngan uncle google..

    ehh, tapikan ida patut cuba..sebab free..mungkin boleh dok letak barang2 kain langsir yang ida jual tuuu..mana tau berhasil..


  4. Helo Kak Emila,

    hmmm, mungkin jugak bagus tok Kak Emila nak promote2 barang2 jualan kak emila kot. Yer laa tgh awal2 nii depa bagi free. Cam ebay kot. I was doing this for kata awal, tak sangka pulak ada orang reply.

    Maybe you can sell your handmade items, artworks and cards. Tapi so far, kategori tuu belum wujud. Try under different section.

    I know a few advertlets users yang cuba2 sajer letak handmade kad dia just nak cube2.

    Maybe i should give it a try. tgk apa jadik.. and since mudah pun bayar kat google adsense.. i think banyak gak advert dia keluar kat sites malaysia yang pakai coding adsense kot.

    Ape2pun Have a great sunday..

    ni pet peeve masih buntu ni.. hehehe.. Yours is hilarious laahhh (sambil korek hidung..kekeke)


  5. Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pentadbir blog.

  6. shoohhh shooh.. spam spam..


  7. tak mudah jugak, hari tu saya nak cuba letak barangan e-books untuk dijual. Dia reject terus.

  8. Selamat berkunjung anwar..

    terimakasih sudi datang..rajin2 singgahlah yerr..

    hmmm..mungkin e-books tak boleh.. jadikk ada jugak laahhh flawnyerr yer..

    terimakasih sebab sudi berkongsi pengalaman..

    hepi blogging ya.. :)

  9. haha. rasa lucu tengok respon rizal sama spam. klu saya paling2 pun delete jer terus. syoh...syoh...haha.

    kebetulan, sayapun br2 ni ada cuba2explore mudah tu. terfikir juga kot2 ada yang boleh dijual. x salah mencuba kan.

  10. helo manggo..

    haa ahhh tak salah cuba, kalo nak jual artwork cam postcard kerr apa.. at least boleh tambah tempat untuk promosi kan kerja2.. tak payah nak fikir2 logistik..

    orang beli hepi..tak beli no hal...


    ingat nak cube tapi tak sure lagi laaa apa nak letak.. huhu..

    p/s : spammer tuu tak perr sajer tak delete..kekekeke..


Terima kasih bertandang ke RestNrilekS. InsyaALLAH. Setiap komentar akan cuba dibalas. Sila langgan jika anda suka RestNrilekS : )