My head feels heavy. Lots of stuff are in my mind lately. Yup. It feels like there are these invisible rivers of stuffs flowing towards me at the same exact time. I even find it hard to do my IF. My colours seem kaput. Finally, i end up just doing patterns for this week theme :a self expression of me trying to lighten up myself from sinking straight to the bottom. A ha!ha!ha! I have to admit, this is my least enjoyable work. This is so not me. : ) Hmm.. pen-ink and strokes of watercolours. Heppi blogging ya and enjoy!!
[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]
[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]
Love your colours and pattern. Did this lighten your mood?
BalasPadamwah! ada tiga ekor cacing sedang mendekati pusat pusaran! wooop! woooooop! intruder approaching! intruder!
BalasPadamcantiklah rizal....saya suka! berapa saiz sebenar illo ini?
not fair laa...
BalasPadambila la nak i lak nak buat benda2 camni..?
Wagagawgagaag I love ittt!!! YOu are doing lots of thinking as i can see from your patterns you have make. I like the middle ones the one with the look of eyes. it really lokking at me. scary. But but.. I LOVE ITT!! :D
BalasPadamhello nicky,
BalasPadamthanks for dropping by. Frankly, it did not. I was even more stressful doing it, knowing that i had some problems and at the same time trying to finish all these black and white lines..dots..fuhhh
now, i am just laughing looking back at myself on those weekend. :)
Aloha mango (sambil buat aloha hawaiian dance),
tuuu laaa...intruders yang bertambah semakkan lagik otak..huhuhu..syoh syoh..luckily i manage to keep them at bay.
Tak besar laa..kecik sgt 18cmx24cm.. kalo besar, ayoyo..bilik sure tunggang langgang.. aku ni artist kecil2an bah..sekarang ni just buat illo semua atas buku sketch. buat pun sambil dok baring2 atas lantai dengan bantal disulami lagu dari koleksi i tunes.kekeke
alo roxychick,
BalasPadamoitttt...jom laaa buat illo.. tak perr...niii dok tunggu jerr bila hang nak buat.. heheheeh
alop pupu,
yup..otak serabut that day as i was doing my illo. It is an eye. Magical type of eye, kinda like yours - err the wedding ala queen amidala thing-whimsical and magical as you have described it. hehehe. Should have made the eye bigger. :)
samalah kita rizal...sayapun lukis atas sketch book saja. kalau lukis besar2 saya x sabar nak siap. kalau kecil dalam masa 3 jam pun cukup kan.
BalasPadamyup manggo, 3 jam atau 4 jam cukup la..
BalasPadamcant afford to go more than a day, kang kerja lain tak settle.. nak nganyam rotan lagi..hehe..
tuu pun 3-4 jam kadang strecth sebab buat sket dok lari tempat lain, tgk tv. tapi memang pastikan habis sehari la..
Dalam "it is so not me" pun, abah tengok cantik je hasil seninya.
BalasPadamAtau mungkin abah buta seni! :-)
Semoga sihat, ceria dan bahagia selalu bro.
BalasPadamdon't tempt me pleasee....
ok. camni. bila i dah ada new mac, i'll do it..
okeh tak?
heeee....pak rizal pegi tengok F1 this weekend di sepang gantian saya pasti semua yang berat di kepala hilang .... just change new blog the old one bonoriau.blogpsot ada teknikal problem ...
BalasPadamalo roxy,
BalasPadamwah wah wah...tunggu new mac yer? kekekeke...okay le, camtu orang tunggu bila hang dapat new mac hehehe
halo abah,
tahniah yerr...moga tambah rezeki dengan kehadiran orang baru di rumah.
hehe..tak da nyer buta seni.. err memang cantek kot hasil seni orang.. hihihi..
wowowwwww... mmg heavy tul la ur head.... apapun tetap cun but if u try lak outline hitam change dgn colour mesti lg colourful kan... apapun good job..
BalasPadampak bono,
BalasPadamkalo saya pergi tgk F1, jawabnya bertambah serabut laaa kepala. Harga tiketnya sahaja udah boleh buat kepala pusing. moving to a new blog? i see..i see..
anyway, thanks for keep coming ya..
ayoyoyo... ni lagi satu ni..pengkritik yang susah nak dipuaskan hatinyer.. ada ajerr komen tambahan... kekekeke.. :P
wawa...nak berhenti kerja nak jual goreng pisang jerr...jom ida.. ada berani? >;)
bukan tak puas hati.. saje bg u semangat improved lg... hehheh pandai je i ni kan.. jual gorng ppisang??? wah mana dtg idea tu.. apapun check my blog.. something 4 u.. ahaksss
BalasPadamhaaa..something ker..suspennya..
nice combination of soft colours i like it. keep it up........
BalasPadamYeah.. should made the eye bigger. It would be really amazing with all the details. :D
BalasPadamvery much detailed as usual.. nice man!
BalasPadamPak rizal thanx for adding me as your stuff ...heeee ...what do mean by famous
BalasPadamhey sameer,
BalasPadamthanks for keep visiting ya..hope you have a great day there.
helo pupu,
yup... you are right, but then.. what to do? udah siapkan hehehe.. :)
helo BCD,
BalasPadamthanks for being supportive kat restnrileks.. yaa.. as usual u have never failed to support RnR. :)
Halo pak bono,
famous? who? when? how? hihihi :)
Visually stunning. Incredible work!
BalasPadamhello sycla,
BalasPadamthanks for dropping by.. have a great day ahead ya..
ur artwork oso so great!
BalasPadamhey xiang qiang,
BalasPadamthanks for dropping by.. love your illos. they are all great. and thanks for linking me back. :)
i ll link yer back