The mighty Genie King and the beautiful Genie Princess from the magical Land of Faraway are back! Upon escaping the clutches of their Evil Master after being held captive for 1000 years, the magical genies have been busy flying on their Magical Flying Carpet, granting wishes and spreading love throughout the blogosphere.
And now, the genies are back with a special gift for everyone! Behold the sacred, Magic Lamp of Luck! With this magic lamp, your blog will enjoy much good luck and fortune, warding off all things evil lurking around in the blogosphere. We would like to share this magic lamp with you so please pass on the Magic Lamp of Luck to those in need of some good luck. Remember, do not be greedy or unkind, evil or vengeful and good luck & fortune will always be with you! Join us on another exciting magical adventure as we spread goodwill and good luck to one and all!
* Start Copy Here *
1. Add your site(s) to the list once you have received the Magic Lamp of Luck.
2. Pass on the Magic Lamp of Luck to as many people as you like. After all, everyone needs some good luck!
3. Leave a comment HERE once you’ve passed on the Magic Lamp of Luck. Once the Genie King and Genie Princess have visited your site to make sure your links are complete and proper, you will then be added to the Master List.
4. To ensure everyone receives equal link benefit, please UPDATE your list regularly!
*End Copy Here *
Whoaho.. your are next. Please grab this if you are up to it and feel like spreading some linky love. I am sure it will boost ur technorati. Mine has been up..up..up..and alakazam away..huhu

ALAKAZAM! GP is here to thank you for joining us on another magical adventure, filled with love and luck! Your site has been added to the Master List at number 64. Pls update your list accordingly from the Master List, thank you and have a magical day! :)
BalasPadamRizal, thanks for passing on the magic lamp, happy Wednesday! :)
Alakazam! Thanks for playing, Rizal!
BalasPadamI have an award for you at my blog, cheers!
BalasPadamHappy thursday Mariuca..
BalasPadamtak per..seronok jugak naik terbang guna flying karpet ni..hehe
Salam Kak Emila,
no problem. the pleasure is all mine..huhu
Ola May,
thank you thank you.. i am sure will pass this award to others too.. huhu
holla mr rizal
BalasPadamhuik..yeah , me one of author yg menulis kat blog portal
selain dari menulis n cari post blog yg menarik , minggu depan me akan buat ruangan camner nak melukis
wahhh x.sabar nak mengjar nie
yeap , me dah dapat..but me guna adress seremban hari surat tu sampai ke seremban , next week baru me pergi ambik :)
x-sabar nak tunggu , apa la yg me dapat akan join.
mari kita conteng2 lagi
Rizal.. i have a blog nomination award for you. :D
BalasPadamolla megat..
BalasPadamnanti kalau macam tuu..dah tahu..rizal maklumkan kat megat for second atc..
ada jugak check2 tuu
wahhh..posting kuntilanak 3 yaa?
olla pupu,
mekasih mekasih.. terasa bahagia..
May pun bagi jugak..apa pun mekasih..honored menerimanya..
thank you..
I think I will do this too. haha. I already have 2 tags. I should complete it to 3. Hehe.. Maybe tomorrow I will post it :D
BalasPadamthis tag will make your technoarati soars.. cam lagu aladdin..
"a whole"