It has indeed been a while since my last IF illo. So today, i think , i submit something simple. This is not a new illo but based on my previous IF themed Electricity. I choose to do fully digital after Kak Emila commented that i should try using Wacom tablet. Hence, i did. Have had that Wacom for 2 years, but never used it until recently. Took a while for me to get used to it. But, with much practice, i think i ll do ok in the future. Sour - Just a rush zappy feeling you get right after tasting a sour orange. Ohh! Masamnya.. Illustrator and Wacom Tablet.
Heppi Blogging and have a great day everyday :)
Pecah kaca berderai gelas, sudah baca sudi2kanlah membalas yerr.. huhuhu :)
Rizal, this is cool! Syok kan guna wacom?
BalasPadamNanti cuba sketch dalam Photoshop pulak ok!
Kak Emila.. ha ah syok guna wacom.. Macam syoknya..syoknya..ada matcool.. hehehe..
BalasPadamSenang buat lukisan lepas tuu nak warna apa pun puas.
Tapi tetap bezakan? - kepuasan menonyoh pensil, pen dan pensil warna di atas kertas dengan tekstura tersendiri tetap ada aromanya tersendiri.. hehe
wacom pun ada aromanya tersendiri.. :D
huh jelesnya *muka masam*.
Tahniah rizal! now that u can add more variety to ur artworks! tepuk! tepuk!
saya suka buah oren itu! macam iklan kicap jalin dlm radio tu pulak..."buah apa warna jingga? Oren!". "rasa oren?, masam!"....
Heee seperti kami di sini ... sehari 2 kali listrik mati ...pengiliran katanya...masam nya...nice drawing.
BalasPadam*pat your back* *dance tra cha cha*
finally you use your wacom tablet!
My first experience using tablet, my hands get tired.Berpeluh2 juga using tablet. Trying to adjust here and there.But then i had fun. :)
Have a nice day Rizal. ;)
How could you leave out your Wacom tablet for so long and start using it? (mind you, I too waited 6 months before I use it!)
BalasPadamAnd are you regret not using earlier!
I am, now I am loving it! Thanks to my sister who give me this wonderful birthday gift from last year.
Your entry looks great, you will soon can't draw without your Tablet! Have fun!
sour orange..byk vitamin c
BalasPadamSalam mango-pango.
BalasPadammuka berkerut menahan masam yang terasa.. ehh iklan kicap jalin..sorilah manggo, rizal tak perasan la.. Miss Jhaleen tau la..
p/s : Miss Jha leen n Miss Suuraam say hi
Salam Pak Bono,
ohhh begitu yerr.. tak pa tak pa.. masam mencuka tuu..
mekasih untuk komen itu..
Aloha pupu,
tra cha cha cha..
Tu laaa..terketar-ketar pegang pen tuu.. hehe.. kena guna selalu..lepas tuu mana tau ter "oppss" picah..boleh upgrade wacom baru..huhuhu..
syok syok
Helo May,
hehe..sorry..previously i didnt know the wonderful feeling of using wacom.. Ye..ye.. tak cuba tak tahukan.. aiyooo.. sebelum nii buat lengkuk2 semua pakai mouse.. sampai dah terbiasa.. nii pakai pen.. whuu hu.. senang nyer.
both methods have their own advantages i guess..
muakkss muakks Wacom..kekeke
Salam arsaili,
oh! itu sour orange memang banyak vitamin C.
Lama menghilang tak nampak kat blogspeher. selamat kembali.. :)
Wah. nice2.. Very clean ar.. Hehe
BalasPadamthank you..thank you.. very clean ker?
you're going to love the tablet once you get used to it :)
Love the grass and the dot lines of clouds.
BalasPadamEmmm yang Abg Bear faham,... gambar tu budak tu kena sambar petir masa makan limau tu... betul ker??
BalasPadambila nak jumpa bro lak..kat KL ek?
BalasPadamcamana tengah makan limau budak tuh kena panah petir???sian......nanti budak budak ramai tak makan limau takut kena panah petir..hehe
BalasPadamhello dot,
BalasPadamthank you.. i am sure i will.
Hello siukwan,
thanks.. do come again..
Aloha bro,
hehe..bukan bro..tuu cuma ilusi atau fantasi yang bila kita makan buah limau yang masam..seolah2 satu badan kita kena kene elektrik sebab menahan rasa masam tuu.. huhu
ehhh hang lama lagi kaa kat kl ni? bila balik ker australia semula? InsyaALLAH kalau tak da aral melintang.. Kalau sanggup datang sini, meh ker IKN, Rizal bagi le tour de la ngaataan.. hehe
hehehe..mana kena panah petir..tuu perasaan jer.. dah terangkan kat brohoneybear tuu.. dia pun ingat cam hang jugak
I've tried a couple of posts for Illustration Friday but mine look too amateurish so I don't do it very often. Nice to see someone else doing it. :)
BalasPadammouse tabletnya jarang dipake? hmmm, sayang sekali yer, tapi hasilnya sudah bagus
BalasPadamhello laura..
BalasPadamIt is okay. IF serves as an outlet for us to get creative right?
Anyway, thank you.
ola mas antown,
tapi sekarang ni nak mula jinak2kan diri dengan wacom. Untuk asah bakat melukis dengannya. :)
Mr Rizal ,
BalasPadammegat dah add this post di yoyooh.com.
Under section seni dan kebudayaan - bloggers post.
me ada buat link blog u , sekali pada post itu
thanks sebab berkongsi idea kreatif ini
BalasPadamMr. Megat,
thanks for that linky love ya.. I ve seen it. Took me a while to figure it out how to post a comment there..
thanks too for sharing this out there..
you re the man megat.. huhu
sweet and sour..
salam nikli..
BalasPadamoh yeahhh.. sweat and sour..