Well, this is my IF for this week - "forgotten." Hey..Group photo.. Snap shot time!! : ) The whole group decides to take a group photo as a remembrance, of how they have come to terms of respecting and understanding each other, in spite of their obvious differences. They seem happy and in much fun, after knowing and living together. They believe that event like this, should not be "forgotten," for it serves as a proof that we can learn to live together, if we choose to, and thus make this world a better place. Pen-ink, water colour and colour pencils. Hope you enjoy it.
Have fun, Happi blogging and have a great day everyday.

hahahaha. funny. belum baca lagi saya dah ketawa tgk illo tu.
BalasPadamgood job rizal! and very good take on the theme too. u're right, photos are very precious coz they connect us to smthing that has passed or gone in our life. a way to keep memories.
salam mango,
BalasPadamhehe.. well, rasa seronok pula manggo dah ketawa walaupun belum baca. Semua tuu tgh sedia "posing" nak bergambar tuu.. abang ngan adik yang tukang susun posisi..hehe
i agree, a way to keep memories so that we can cling to em. Most important they wont get lost or be forgotten.. hehehe :)
Hi,fantastic illo!
BalasPadamCould you tell me how can I find these three little rabbit?
I really love these funny guy!!!
Nice colors and characters. Awesome work as always.
BalasPadamHi Rizal. Happy blogging to you? Were you the one who made the graphics. If you do, then I would like to say that you did a very great job.
BalasPadamhi there rizal, long time didn't drop by here. Have a great week ahead ye!
BalasPadamsimply gorgeous Rizal !!!
BalasPadamNice one Rizal....
BalasPadamI love photos too...mmmm yela kan because Im a scrapper...lol...
such a good story.
BalasPadamYour illo sure detail and fancy!
Love the colors!
Hi Rizal! Wow! This is wonderful! Love all your unique creatures!
BalasPadamhelo parisa,
BalasPadamthese three little rabbit? hihi
i love those funny guys too. :)
Helo ammon,
thank you.
Helo chiz,
Happi blogging to you too. :) Yup, i did the graphics. Thank you.
Helo syari,
Thank you for dropping by. You have a great day everyday too yaa :)
Helo Kak ida,
i love taking photos. A great way to remember great events. :)
Helo May,
Terima Kasih sebab sudi singgah. :) Glad that you like the colours.
Helo Kak Emila,
Thank you. They all say "hi..." and love to visit your creations one of these days.. hehe :)
saya semakin tertarik untuk ikutan di illustration friday. tapi apakah saya sanggup ya?
BalasPadamLike your IFs. Wish I could be as imaginative to come out frequently with something like that. Need a theme for my upcoming monthly bead project.
BalasPadamFrom your blog, think we have much in common :)
meriah.. hehe.. nice nice :)
BalasPadamsalam sdr, apa kabar..happy blogging too
BalasPadamhuhuuuuu so many characters in ur illo but so intresting composition....hehehheh
BalasPadam@antown -
BalasPadamayuh mari join IF. Saya mula2 dulu begitu juga. Lama2 cuba.. boleh. Bagus sebab kita boleh lihat hasil2 para illustrator yang lain di luar sana..
ayohhhh..mari join yok..!!
salam Kak Norzihan,
Terima Kasih kak Zihan..terima kasih sudi singgah. I like what you do too. I think they are great.. :)
Salam BCD,
Hehehe..memang meriah meriah... cuba dimeriahkan..
Salam Arsaili,
Selamat kunjung kembali.. saya okay okay jerr. Terima kasih sebab sudi kunjung lagi. :)
Salam Ida,
Thank you thank you.. i think this is the first comment ever without that harsh critique from you. hehehe :P
wahhhhh i bg harsh critic ke??? hehehhe tak perasan lak.. khek kehekhe
As usual nice work. how u mate it's long time......knoc knoc.
BalasPadamhey sameer,
BalasPadamthanks for dropping by, yeah it has been a while..
pretty much exhausted from over swarming of works lately.. :)
how are you?
hi there..
BalasPadamlama tak datang sini..
but, ur blog is still unforgettable..kene kah theme with my comment.. hahahaa...
Terima Kasih Nikli,
BalasPadamHarap2 blog ni wont be "forgotten" laa kan..
Per2pun, mekasih beb still ambik masa datang sini..
selamat hari ahad..huhu
teringat kenangan tangkap gambar reramai masa skolah dulu...
BalasPadambnayak kenangan tidak dapat dilupakan :)
adakah aku melupakan mereka
adakah mereka melupai aku
hmmmm...apakah jawapan yang sebenarnya?
BalasPadamyang pasti, gambar satu cara untuk kita tidak melupakan saat itu.. huhu
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