Well, finally.. all the ATCs are here, err except one - from pupu. I must say that i am indeed very happy how things turn out to be, knowing that this is the first ATC swap that we do. The idea originated from here. Thanks mango for willing to be the first host. I do love this ATC, maybe because this is the first activity which grows out of a spontaneous idea. Thanks Kak Emila for that idea. Ohh, to see all the ATC cards in more details, please clik Mangosteenskin site here. Though ATC - Artist Trading Card- is not something unusual, i do feel special about it since this is an ATC of bloggers' whom we know and respect, and in some sort of way, are friends to each other, to say at least in blogsphere. So, hopefully, there will be a second ATC from this for i sure do have fun doing this. Which one is mine? Do check out Mangosteenskin site there.
Have fun, have a great day and heppi blogging ya.

adakah i perasan atau mmg i terperasan je.... i nampak nama i terpapar di situ la.... cute gitewwwww... khekhekhekhe
BalasPadamhahaha..cis cis cis..orang pun tak perasan..
BalasPadamhehehe..etu ATC by Kak Ida..
beza kalau komen nama kak ida ngan ida ialah ida punyer nama ada 2 dot "ida.."
tapi memang lawa pun itu ATC, Kak ida nii "scrapper"
Wah, semua ATC cantik2 belaka. Kalaulah saya pandai melukis dan mewarna. Huhu..
BalasPadamsiap ada crita sejarah lagi. hihi.
BalasPadamhello debbie,
BalasPadamdebbie pun boleh dikira sebagai seorang yang kreatif juga. I like with what you re doing, exploring various ways, which to me is very interesting. Rasa debbie pun boleh lukis juga ni.. :)
Salam Madam M,
hehe..kena laa letakkan sedikit sejarah tu. Sebab ni kira event yang agak "special" juga kan? di kalangan kita-kita yang "bloggers" ni.. hihi..
he he adakan namaku dipanggil...
BalasPadamHi Ida.....
Hi Rizal
Janganla puji lebih2 sebab x seberapa je tu....dah lama x melukis dan mewarna...kurang kemas :(
But tq to you guys, kalau tak Kak Ida tak akan start balik with my drawing ni. Kisah frust berbelas tahun yg lalu....2 buku sketch yg berisi perlabagai tulisan tu pun dah kemana kak ida campakkan...
Coolie! I love all the ATCs!
BalasPadamsalam kak ida,
BalasPadamTak puji lebih2 kak ida. pujian tuu memang ikhlas. Personally, i really like all the ATC including yours. Warna yang kak ida guna tuu vibrant, jadi nampak macam warna2 sesuai untuk children's art.
Salam Kak emila,
yup.. veru "coolie" semua tuu.. i like them all too.. Kudos to all of us.
Kak Ida pinjam the photos. link to yours.
BalasPadamwow, ATC mood is in KL too, Great!
BalasPadamWhat a great way to call out all good artist to share and enjoy each other work!
salam kak ida,
BalasPadamno problem kalau nak pinjam link tuu semua.. hehe..
helo may,
yeah ATC mood is in KL, we did have a participation from Brunei.. hey maybe if you like to join next time, you can.. but of course have to make sure that atc from canada does reach here in KL :)
Sharing ideas and works are great..
waaaa, lucunyaa, nanti kalau sduah sempat saya mau dont tukeran ATC sama rizal ya! :D
BalasPadamterima kasih singgah yerr.. apa kata join "second swap" nanti..
berminat ker? rizal suka juga illos gina.. :)
wooo lawanye
BalasPadamalangkah bagusnye aku berbakat mcm kamu sekalian
nak menjeles plak :)
jeles jgn tak jeles..hehehe