Apa Khabar? (which means how are you). Finally, RestNrilekS is up again on the net. I think that 3+-month rest should be enough. I said to myself "If i dont do something about it, i am sure RestNrilekS will probably go MIA for another 3 more months.. chuckle. It is easy to be strayed out there. : D

It has been almost 19days since we first ventured the year of 2011. I am sure, as usual, there are people who embrace it with new enthusiasm, and there are those who simply look at it as like normal days.
I asked myself calmly this question : "Will this year be better?" . Personally, 2010 proved to be a roller coaster ride, both personal and career. I got few shocks here and there. Thus, i am very much like to see what 2011 has in store for me.

On another note, i ve just got myself a new camera. Panasonic Lumix GF1 (The new GF2 came up in the market few weeks after i had my hand on this. Ouchhh!!) I still have my compact Lumix F9 with me, just that i need a camera which has almost the DSLR capabilities with the compact mobility and portability (ehh!! sound like notebook features.) Ever since i ve got my hands on Lumix F9, I love a Lumix brand more than Sony and Nikon, hence the GF1. I am still exploring all the features of GF1 and love it every minute i spend myself with it. Wait!! What is a story without pictures. So, i am presenting my noob skills of picture taking and no fuss quick recipes of my cooking on RestNrilekS.


LumixGF1recipeFried Crispy dried anchovies lightly fried with chili, garlic and sweet dark soy sauce. Lol

GF1OmelleteOmellete with onions, chillis and garlics. I think the bottom side was sligthly burned. Hehee

GF1sautepotatoesSautee potatoes using light olive oil and sprinkled with white pepper and dried oregano. o_O

This is "Mama", a strayed cat who makes herself comfortable in our home. She first appeared in 2003, and ever since then, she has been staying in and out of our house. Many handsome macho cats have succumbed to her beauty (lol). She is a grandma now, living much of her life at a slower pace. Sometimes, looking at her, makes me miss my Blackie.

Rizal : Oiiii!! get out of there. Mama : But master, this blanket is warm and cozy, plus it makes perfect prop for pix. But of course, with the help of my presence that is. This red blanket even brings out the colour of my eyes.. Meoowww!!.

Rizal : Okay! Mama can stay. You know how i hate you leaving all your cats hair all around. Mama : Chuckle. The blanket is warm and cozy, just nice for me laying and cuddling myself around. Purring happily..

Anyway, i would like to say thank you, to those who keep coming and commenting on RestNrilekS while i wasnt around. Much appreciated indeed...

I leave this post whishing you Have a great day everyday.

Till next time.
[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]