Salam and A very Great Day All. Okay, First let me say this :

Aha, Yeah i know. I sound like a nut head. Hehe! Now, back to business. Denaihati is having a contest. Now who is Denaihati? A humble blogger passionate about positive life is best to describe him. Denaihati means Denai = path of a small trail Hati = Heart : Best describe as Follow Your Heart in light of Positivity : ).

Anyway, Denaihati is giving away two ACER Netbooks for free, well they are free if you are the TOP Commentator or TOP referral of this contest! This Contest of "HIDUP UNTUK MEMBERI" is open to all blogs. Worldwide acceptance. Here are ways how to enter and win these great prizes :

"There are three things you need to do to become eligible.

1. Register by making an entry about this contest on your blog, and then, leave your entry comment here. Choose your contest link entry via CommentLuv when commenting and don’t forget to include sentences “I Know “Hidup Untuk Memberi” Contest from… : Example. I know this “Hidup Untuk Memberi” Contest from

2. Follow @

3. Follow @".

Prizes are made possible by these generous sponsors :

"1. Alansarproperties : Property Sellers of Banglo Lot / Banglo in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor

2. : Organising and Managing Communications, Campaigns and Events

3. Anisha Online Mall : Wholeseller of Malaysia Wudhu Socks."

Now, does this sound too good to be true? Nope it isnt. Previously DenaiHati had organised quite a number of contests with prizes up to USD1000. Then there were a number of top commentators and best commentators being rewarded with Kaching. Denaihati believes in giving back to the community, hence such contests were being made.

There will also be 2nd and 3rd prizes for both categories. Now, if you like to participate, dont forget to mention from where you know this contest from. Aha:I know this “Hidup Untuk Memberi” Contest from

By joining this contest, DenaiHati will make a blog-roll of contestants, thus all contestants will benefit from DenaiHati current PR4 blog status.

Come and Join The Contest : ).

Happy Blogging and Have a Great Day Everyday : )

Till next time.

[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

25 ulasan:

  1. cool contest.. good luck Rizal!! :) ;) i like the pink one hehe :-P

  2. Salam Rizal :)  

  3. I was invited by DenaiHati on FB, but I am still not sure if I want to join it or not.... 

  4. Ni baru power, mantap, cuunn lah. Jomm semua teman-teman restnrileks bagi meriah contest acer aspire one...banyak lagi hadiah menunggu...

  5. Aha Mon, Pink suit you best.  Ehh come and join Mon.  I am sure you have a higher chance of winning too, since you are on EC too.  I am not fighting for top commentators, just hoping for 1.2.3  referrals.

    Denaihati always surprises us with extra prizes.  Hehehe.

    Flaunt your G&G and you can get more people to join you.  I thought you always wanted to have a netbook.  Hehehe.
    :-D :-D

  6. Waalaikummusalam Haaziq :)

  7. =-X =-X =-X =-X =-X

  8. Selamat pagi Rizal, wakey wakey!

  9. Good luck to u Rizal, kalau menang nak yg warna mana satu, he he..can choose ke? :-[ :-[ ;) ;)

  10. For me, mesti nak warna pink... cause takde lime green kalau ada lime green, nak lime green hahahha...padahal tak join pun I hahahha! =-X =-X =-X :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

  11. O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-)

  12. =-O =-O =-O :-D :-D :-D

  13. Sama-sama.

    Eh mymariuca tak nak turut serta ka?  Musti boleh tu sebab alexa ranking pun kira mengancam juga  : )

    Go Go Chayuk

  14. Pink tu chantjek jugak.  Kalau Rizal ambil warna putih sebab konon2 macam Apple wanna be la. hahaha

  15. tapi takpasti la pulak kalau menang boleh pilih yang mana. hehe  : )

  16. Eh haaziq, come and join.  It is not about winning, though winning it would be awesome.

    I am sure you have as much opportunity as others too since you can promote it to your circle of readers.

    Join jangan tak join (sila nyanyi bila baca)


  17. Aha terima kasih.

    Akhirnya baru turut serta .. lepas ni insyaALLAH kena buat promosi pulak ni  : )

  18. sama-sama. 

    Lain kali jangan le segan-segan mengomen kat sini AdamFaiz  :-D :-D

  19. sounds like a fun  contest....I wish you good luck and hope u win.

  20. allo, allo encik R&R! 8-) 8-)

    wah... netbook for free? seriously? DenaiHati meamng baikhati & murah hati.. bestnyer dpt sponsor yang hebat2 belaka ya.

    gudluck to you Rizal. Kalau dpt laptop tu, memang bahagia la hidup.. ekekeke

  21. masuk akhirnya! good luck!


Terima kasih bertandang ke RestNrilekS. InsyaALLAH. Setiap komentar akan cuba dibalas. Sila langgan jika anda suka RestNrilekS : )