Salam and Hello everyone. I know, it has been two+ weeks since my last update (typical Incik RestNrilekS - Aha!) Anyway, Hari Kraf Kebangsaan 2010 or National Craft Day is here. The Craft Festival will be from 24Feb - 8Mac 2010. Great for people who look to do something on weekends. Visit Kompleks Kraf Kuala Lumpur to experience this yearly event yourself. Malaysia Handicrafts items like, rattan, mengkuang, wood, ceramic and others will be on sale. Great thing about Hari Kraf Kebangsaan is, the event houses craft entrepreneurs from all over Malaysia under one roof. You can everything here, mostly. There are craft exhibitions, demonstrations, workshops and more. Havent got a clue where Kompleks Kraf is? No fear, it is located at Jalan Conlay, which is around 6 minutes of walking distance from that so famous Pavilion KL. Mind you though, parking is a bit cramp during the event, that you may have to park and do some walking. At least, a little walking would do good for your fitness. Whoa!! Hehe!

Initially, i was supposed to be a Liason Officer of Icoming Buying Mission for International Buyers. But, i was down with fever that i had to excuse myself. Perhaps next year (owh! please dont put my name again ya Kraftangan Malaysia - ahaks!) Even, on the launching day itself, i still had my fever.

Alright, i will not bore you to death. Just enjoy the pixs. Owh, i skip the Batik part since too much emphasizes have been given on Batik. Moreover, Malaysia Handicraft is not all about batik .

A snapshot of the event layout posted. Crafts are divided into categories. I found this near the food stalls. A bit secluded if you ask me.

Some school children and mamas trying out the Wau-Bulan Demo near the food stalls.

I was intrigued with that Orang Utan made from "Sabut Kelapa"

Bought a bamboo coin box with the traditional Sarawak Motif carved on the bamboo. Price - Rm6.

Then only i saw another bamboo coin box which could be opened at the bottom. Too bad, i was short on change. I had not planned on buying something on that day. Sigh.. Owh, i love that ceramic and rattan bowl works. Kudos ya Kak Julita from Kampung Batu Lunguyan, Keningau, Sabah : D.

Handbag @ Purse (err you ladies out there may know the proper word) made of "mengkuang" and leather. Kak Hamiah of Cherating B N B Craft was busy discussing something. Maybe later, i ll get few of that mengkuang colored boxes. That will be great if i fill em with chocs and give em to those BD people as gifts wrapped in beautiful ribbons. Whoaho!!

Just anothe varities of Mengkuang Products by HKY. This section is mainly on rattan and bamboo crafts. Rattan crafts?! Nothing new was on display that day.

One section that i like is the "Ukiran Melayu di dalam Seni Bina" section. Works presented here give you an idea how Malay Wood Carvings are used in buildings, be those of the modern or traditional ones. This is a large "Ukiran Tebuk Tembus Timbul" made by Abang Abdah of Mega Ukir Craft. I ve commisioned some of my works before.

A bit modern in styles. Some say they resemble those Bali wood carving styles, but to me, they are just the outcomes of modern contemporary design. These are the works of Azizul Ahmad from Langkawi. The wood panels would be great as your space divider in your home or office (of course you ve got to work with your interior designer to bring out the modern yet traditional identity in your home.)

Another craft entrepreneurs are here. Posing here are Abang Mad and Kak Ani of Warisan Craft Wood. They specialize in Home and Hotel Decos, Antique and Modern Furniture plus Decorative and Souvenier Items. I ve know them since 2001 when i first worked in Kraftangan Malaysia. Thank you Abang Mad and Kak Ani for those valuable experiences. Good Luck!!

Then went for "Jalan-jalan cuba makan kuih Tradisional". Ahaks3x!! Hey i neededed my energy for that day. Just try the samples, and if you like them, you can buy : )

Demos of traditional instrument making.

Aha! Pak Wahab and his awesome Sabah Pearls. I know i am not into jewelleries, but most my girl friends would love to stop at Pak Wahab. Anyone fancy for Crystal Swarovski? Eee Haa!!

Well, that is it for my supers super short review on this year Hari Kraf Kebangsaan 2010. You may want to check out the Main Lobby area for other craft products, and owh! dont forget the Craft Museum too. I feel this year Hari Kraf Kebangsaan 2010 is a bit less on the Buzz. But to those who havent come to HKK, please do come and see for yourself, and to those who have some experiences on what Hari Kraf Kebangsaan is all about, i am sure you ll know what to expect, more or less.

Happy blogging and do have a great time.

Till next time.

[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

62 ulasan:

  1. RM6 for that tabung bambu? murah! i still remember masa kecik2 RTM selalu siarkan dokumentari pendek sebagai selingan iklan tentang cara2 buat kraftangan tradisional; labu sayung, tabung bambu, tikar mengkuang, ukiran gading dan kulit siput, batik etc. kenapa sekarang x ada rancangan sebegitu ya? sayang sekali.

    me n my brother make our own tabung, konon try2 nak tiru yg kat dalam tv tu la. kebetulan dekat rumah ada pokok bambu, so ikut sukahati sendiri nak besar atau kecik. untuk mengelakkan tabung tu dikorek...kami pakukan tabung tu ke dinding, sbb rumah kayu kan. nak tahu dah berapa byk simpan, juz ketuk2 dinding tabung tu utk dgr duit syiling dah smpi level mana. Mine always yg kurus dan kecik je tp still tak pernah sampai penuh, lantak kat dinding pun mango sendiri jugak yg kopak. hahahaha.

  2. Aha, Salam Manggo.

    Rizal pun masih ingat dokumentari RTM tu.  Tanduk Kerbau Bala? Ingat?  Lepas tu ada ukiran kepala keris siap dikilatkan dengan daun pelas.  Memang betullah, sekarang sayang dah tak da lagi dokumentari yang bersifat pendidikan.

    Tabung tu memang murah, lebih-lebih lagi bila tahu hasil kerja tangan yang perlu ada untuk mahirkan membuat uikiran bermotif tu  : )

    Aha, tentang tabung tu.. Haha.  Rizal dulu pakai tabung ayam seramik je.  Haaa lepas tuu angkat tinggi kat lantai kasi pecah.  Whoa!!  Tak pun, tabung tu balut dengan kain pelikat, lepas tu ambil hammer, ketuk kasi pecah.

    Tukang kira duit syiling tu selalunya Rizal belanja Airskrim Drumstick.  Kekekeke.

  3. Baru nak makan then nampak twwet ahaks!

  4. I agree it's not all abt batik..but still it would have been nice to see some batik pics lol!

  5. Sounds and looks very colourful Rizal, have a good time yeah.. kalau ada kesempatan boleh la gi visit Rizal kat sana! :)

  6. Olla... congrats for the super duper Choppie  : D

  7. Entri ni dah keluar pagi lagi tadi.  Tapi biarkan ajer sajer tak dak buat apa2 promosi.  hehe  : D

  8. LOL.  Batik kalau letak, panjang entri ni.  Berlambak-lambak Batik.  Aha, funny thing is, Rizal kalau cakap tentang batik ni kurang sket cendekel memilih.  Haha. 

    Eh cendekel ke? Fussy jugak kot, kalau kena pakai baju batik, nak corak yang hensem tapi tak nak nampak macam corak2 Menteri2 atau datuk2 yang old tu, kecuali la batik yang ditaja, tu pakai ajer.  Haha

  9. Kalau Ada kesempatan datanglah.

    Rizal esok nak dating ngan Kawan Marzie tu.  Dia kata nak datang.  Ala, Marzie musti kenal, Rizal panggil dia Kak E**L*  Y***F.  Kekekeke  : D

  10. lol kiri salam sikit kat emila itu!! :)

  11. Yeah B ada satu 2 je baju batik... cause kena pakai sometimes kan? But we too particular with corak... kena yg unik  and kaler pun kena la menarik cam lime green ke hehehe....

  12. Yay dapat jugak chop kat RnR yg sunyi dah 2 minggu! ;)

  13. testing email sat... i dah tick follow each time new item added and inserted my email ... hope can rec comments from RnR after dis...

  14. Aha, syabas Marzie boleh balas dari emel,  Rizal pulak tak boleh.  Hehe  : )

  15. Yang betul2 Rizal beli satu aje, Yang lain semua dapat taja.  Hehe.  Yang pilih pun hitam dengan corak batik putih.

    Memang kalau batik ni kena pandai pilih corak dan warna.  Silap pilih, tak kena. nampak pelik.

  16. Orait, akan disampaikan esok.  InsyaALLAH  : )

  17. Nampak Gaya boleh aja jawab dari emel tu  : )

  18. wahhhhhhhh.. aku memang suka crafts expo cam ni.. alahai.. tak sempat jugak turun KL.. the mengkuang boxes are real nice :) its very nice for gift box..

    anyways.. hope you are feeling much better.. minum air banyak banyak.. cos the days are getting real hot.. and lots of people are getting sick.

  19. btw... Malaysian Handicraft is not ONLY about batik.. hahhahaha.. you are soooooooooo right!

  20. High 5 Anny,  I think Batik is given too much extra attention.  It is about time, Batik moves on and belajar berdikari and let other crafts get all the support.

    I dont hate batik, but it s getting on my... hehehe

  21. Yeah i like when they use ribu-ribu, rotan, bemban or mengkuang to make boxes..

    The mengkuang boxes will be awesome if you put small decorative metal work on the cover. Cun mengancam. :D

    Ha ah Anny, ramai yang jatuh demam sebab cuaca panas melampau.

    Err kopi kira ka (walaupun tahu memang deuratic). Haha

  22. testing... saja nak try boleh komen ke tak??

  23. Salam Zik,

    boleh ajer kalau nak cuba-cuba mengomen di sini.  Komen Zik ada terpapar keluar.

    Terima Kasih datang ke sini.  Kalau sudi, datanglah lagi.

    Selamat Hari Isnin  : )

  24. I went to perkampungan Orang Asli at Gunung Ledang when I was doing my PLKN there, they gave me a bamboo coin box too! It was so fascinating to me, I still have it in my house. It cannot open at the bottom though. tapi xpenuh2 pun lagi sebab panjang gila tabung buluh tu. Hehe

  25. dulu aku ada gak tabung buluh tu tapi tak pernah penuh. 
    asyik bocor sahaja. hehehe

  26. ha! sekarang u dah femes di Emila Yusof's side.. hehehhehee

  27. batik belajar berdikari.. *LOL* i love batik actually... and tried the canting bebenda thingy.. it was fun

  28. kopi tuh kira... supplement for sleepiness :-D

  29. Wahhh, tuuu memang dia suruh simpan duit sampai penuh tu.

    Rindu pulak zaman2 penuhkan duit lepas tu kena ketuk bagi pecah.  Tabung2 seramik bentuk ayam.

    Blue, harap dah sihat dari demam  : )

  30. Lol, asyik bocor jer ye.

    Hahaha.  Tabung aku Bank Bumiputera bukan asyik boyor tapi asyik rosak sebab aku korek.


  31. ahem!

    selamat tengahari diucapkan kepada Incik Rizal kita yang pemes kat blog Emila... huhuhu

    my son and his classmates (special class) will be visiting the pameran dis Thursday... looking at the pictures, I'm sure they will be very happy to be there. btw, are you going to be on duty there or not??

  32. owh yer ker, tak tahu pulak, selalu bila dah minum makin segar je.. hehe

  33. ye laaa, maybe i should nake Batik Doodle.. haha

  34. Tu la terkejut betul bila check pagi tadi.  Sebab semalam kat area rumah satu malam tiada letrik.  sigh..

    Femes sekejap.  LoL  : D

  35. Adoi..

    Tu la terkejut pagi tadi bila bukak blog Kak Emi.  Ni chiter fasal HKK ker chiter fasal Rizal.  LoL!

    Malu siot.. semua dok komen2 fasal Incik RnR.  Ahaks

    Owh, unfortunately, Rizal tak dak kat sana Hari Khamis.  Ada kat sana minggu lepas, lepas tuu Semalam, Rabu tak pasti dan Jumaat ada.

    Harap dia seronok di sana..  : D

  36. takpe... sesekali jadi bahan bualan best gak... hehe

    i dunno la, maybe i'll visit but not sure yet. i hate KL jams and the horrendous parking. lama lg kan pameran tu.. im liking the tabung dari buluh, quite cheap oso :) :)

  37. aku suka menda-menda gini tapi biasanya yang lawa-lawa mesti mahal..hehe

  38. i so agree wz u, m'sia handicraft is not all abt batik! <span><span><span><span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span></span></span></span></span>

  39. so cute la dat orang utan!! :)

  40. oh i def love Crystal Swarovski coz <span><span>the designs are simple.. </span></span> 8-)

  41. Aha, izzat tak juga, ada juga yang boleh dibeli, kena pandai tengok-tengok  pusing dua tiga kali.  Hehe :-D

  42. Olla Mon, welcome back to blogging world.  Great to see you here ;)

  43. Yeah "Malaysia Handicraft is just not about batik, it is more than that!!" aha the new tagline. :-D :-D :-D

  44. There are around 10 booths (jewellery), Try la MoN, maybe you ll find somthing for you. 8-)

  45. Yay!! btw, <span>I still cannot rec emails from RnR!</span> :(
    wat abt u? can u rec <span>emails from TUO??

  46. Owh sorry to hear about this Mon.  I know marzie is having the same problem too.

    Hmmm, i did not receive notifications for TUO but i can read your reply  in my mail.  And i am replying this not thru email since i seldom do that.

  47. Oh that looks interesting.. I haven't been to a Hari Kraf exhibit before.. The stuffs looks very nice and intricately done.. But until 8th je? Ayohh.. Sangat takde masa la :(

  48. Nessa, terasa macam on top of the world kejap.  Haha.

    Hari tu datang nak beli tabung buluh yang boleh bukak kat bawah dari Sabah.  Alih-alih dah habis.  Ishhhhh...

    Kalau nak pergi hari minggu, baik awal2 senang sket nak letak kereta  : )

  49. Bella, Terima kasih dan selamat datang ke RestNrilekS.  Haa ahh sampai 8 hb je.  Tinggal jumaat, sabtu dan ahad ni je  : )

    Wah, avatar topeng.. misteri tuu.

    Cuba la datang.  Sekali setahun jer semua pengusaha kraf satu malaysia berkumpul di satu tempat.

    Selamat Hari Khamis dan selamat berblogging :)

  50. ooops.. tak mengintro diri plak.. sgt kurang sopan.. hehe.. saya bella, apa kabar? :D

    avatar topeng sbb tak nak org tau muka.. ramai pencuri gambar.. huhu.. boleh juga if have the time this weekend tho i suspect mesti lagi ramai ppl visiting the place in the weekends kan.. but takpela, kalau brg2nya murah lg la berbaloi..

  51. Aha bella, tak dak masalah.

    Owh, anda bella?  Saya Rizal.  Hehe.  Selamat berkenalan.

    Haha, macam tuu kisah avatar topeng  : )

    Pergi kalau ahad, mungkin lagi murah kalau sanggup last minute la, sebab ada pengusaha yang jual murah(bukan semua) hehe.

    Tak pasti la tahun ni, dulu ada yang let go murah sket  : )

  52. Bestnya tengok gambar-gambar ni. Memang teringin sungguh nak pergi tapi masa terlalu suntuk. Tetap sokong produk kraft Malaysia.

  53. Bro akhirnya dapat juga aku menantap wajah mu di

  54. Terima kasih bro sebab sokong produk kraf malaysia.  Masih di luar negara lagi ka bro?

  55. tuu la fasalnya.. ingat nak mengelak, tapi tak dapat dah.  Dah termasuk dalam jerangkap samar Kak Emi.

    Aha, ni nak kejar siapa sebenarnya dibelakang tabir Denaihati dan juga zulsefort  : )

  56. hadoi... pakai wordpress la bro. susahnye nak berkomen.

  57. haha.. laa awat tak login pakai twitter akaun.. sekali login boleh je.  Dulu, aku memang biarkan anon pun boleh komen, tapi lepas tu dah tak boleh lagi. susah nyer untuk sekali jer man, lepas tuu kalau ko lawat yang guna echo, tak payah nak isi.  Awat hang komen tak letak link blog hang.  Dah letak FB boleh jugak link ngan blog hang.

    hehe.  WP?  Ada 3 Sebab.  1.  Aku tak mampu nak bayar hosting.  2. Aku bukan blogger tegar.  3.  Kategori blog aku kategori picisan bukan kategori otai, jadi tak layak pakai WP.  Hehe.

    Aha, jangan risau, anda dikecualikan dari mengomen dari blog ini.  : )

    Mekasih tandang.

  58. terus teringat tabung buluh..tapi skrg ni dah jadi tabung pintu..hahaha...erk..ada le ceritanya, tak boleh habaQ

    tgok mutiara sabah tu macam nak tempah promosi Air Asia je..hehehe

  59. salam kak Jie..

    Ehhh tabung pintu tu macam mana pulak.  Terfikir-fikir pulak macam mana benda tu.  Musykil ni :-D   Ada peluang ka nak dengar cerita sebenarnya kat Hidup Biar Sedap tu :-D

    Haaa apa lagi Kak Jie, cepat2 la tempah. HiHi 8-)

  60. hey Rizal! how's everything going? :)


Terima kasih bertandang ke RestNrilekS. InsyaALLAH. Setiap komentar akan cuba dibalas. Sila langgan jika anda suka RestNrilekS : )