Pheeweeet!! Walawei, kontes HIDUP BERANI UNTUK GAGAL makin panas meletup-letup ngalahkan AJL baru-baru ni. Berdebar-debar siot nak tunggu keputusan akhir. Fuhh!! 133 dah berani mencuba tu. Siap ada perubahan dan pertambahan hadiah tu. Keseluruhan jumlah hadiah yang ditawarkan - RM4k. Whoaho!!.

Sorry for my temporary loss of sanity. Aha!! I am still in the HIDUP BERANI UNTUK GAGALcontest. Latest updates see new prizes on top referrals, best 5 voted entry on 10 selected entries and the new inclusion of Closing date will be on 20th January 2010. I doubt that the English entries would have their chances on best 5 of 10, since i can only recall there are less than 5 (in english) out of 133 blogs participated. But then again, who knows? I am not a fortune teller (looking hard into my magic rattan ball - lol! ) Andway, how is RestNrilekS doing? I am just going to let it runs its own path. I hope everything will go smoothly till 11.59pm on 03.02.2010.

BOMB!! 14days have passed since the beginning of this year. I know 2010 is a great way to start with new resolutions and spirits... more money, great life and so on, the usuals.. the typicals. Frankly, i have never cared much about resolutions. More of a wild spirit goes with the flow is what i am.

Anyway, while i was lying on my bed yesterday, i saw this mini book on my shelf which i bought years back. I had finished reading the book. I guess it was a spontaneous act of picking it up again. I flipped thru the pages and suddenly i chuckled.

The name of the book : The How to easily Handle Difficult People Handbook

The book outlines 20 most difficult people. I am just going to share just few of them. Let me see.. ermmm here are few of them which i like (taken directly word by word from the book)

The Gloom and the Doomer -This person loves to say anything that spreads fear and depression.

The Moaner and the Groaner - The person always injects a little or a lot of moaning and/or groaning whatever he says, hoping you would ask. And if you should, the reply of course would be, "You are so Intuitive!! - How did you know anything was going on with me?"

The Know-It-ALL - No matter what you say, his / her reply is always " I know, i know" or will add something better just to let you know he / she has more knowledge than you.

LOL!! - This is such a great mini book to read. I recommend it!! Funny is as it seems, it is also true. The similarities in real-life are things to ponder. So, having finished the book again, i see my biggest HIDUP BERANI UNTUK GAGAL for this year is not about making more money, getting a better promotion or having an awesome life.

I just need to have a peace of mind...

And how am i going to achieve that? Starting by dealing with difficult people in a sound manner (owh! my place is swarmed with them - including me owh!). I have promised myself that I am also going to handle all these difficult people (some people are a combination of more than two) as gently as i can, no matter how sometimes i feel like screaming at their face.

:sobrakana:Last two years, i lost my temper with one colleague of mine. She was the classic case of "The Excuse Machine." I blew it, giving a piece of my mind at the top of my lungs(think of those hollywood heated-debate-lawyers in a room) . It did feel great. I had been keeping my anger for lots of her incompetency. Lots of people came up to me later saying she had em coming, even my boss did so. No matter how right i was, how wrong she was, how right the rest of the people were in supporting me, at the end i still feel what i did was wrong. It wasnt cool. It was just way toooo wrong. You see, she was in her 40s+ and i was more than 10 years younger than her. At that point, i think i was being "Lebih Barat dari Barat" and the idea of me did that, reminds how i had finally scrapped the last of my "Malay budi bahasa". Owh! Gosh! me and my mouth. Most people are so caught up in their own words of "The truth hurts" that they justify their acts. Honesty and rude are two things. You can be honest and not rude at the same time. But it does require some finesses on your act . It is a constant exercise on life that one need to master. And me, being lazy on that day, i opted the easy way out ; by being honest and rude.

Thus, this year, i am going to clean up my act better ; better in handling those difficult people, better in not making myself as one of them too and most important is, to calm down on provoked issues. I want to glide elegantly which looks effortlessly. I know I am not perfect, but i will thrive on getting better . That will be my Hidup Berani Untuk Gagal for this year. Then, at least i can have my peace of mind.


Happy Blogging

Congrats to my first 3 commentators :

Till next time.

[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

50 ulasan:

  1. a great book! :) good luck in Berani Gagal

  2. Mekasih. Zul, awat hang tak letak pautan ke blog hang? Boleh add ke blog hang balik.

    Kak Jie pun kurang arif guna echo ni : )

    Selamat berjaya jugak buat hang. Tahniah jadi yang pertama :)

  3. some people can be difficult... and some people do make life difficult for others.. some people just drain you out. i guess you must have reached your total limit of patience.. hehehhe

    tact is good. handle it with tact next time :)

  4. I hear ur doing very well in the contest Rizal, rooting for u to win yay! :* :* :*

  5. That sounds like a great book, mini book eh? Menarik tu...

  6. Sometimes we just can't help but lose our temper... so u had ur right to meluahkan perasaan to ur colleague... cuma rasa guilty lepas tu je kan? He he takpe... am sure she dah lupa dah... :* :* :* :*

  7. Morning Rizal :)

    I like this entry. I struck me a lot... haha

    I tak buat any resolutions dis year... i cuma harapkan like you mentioned 'a peace of mind'. That is to me is most precious.

    Good luck with the contest.. i hope you win :-D

    salam damai... lol!

  8. oops... shud be 'it' struck me and not 'i'... silap kendalian... :-P

  9. it is anny.

    i was laughing reading the book :-D

  10. Thanks anny.

    The draining thing = yeah i agree, the book calls the people as energy thief. This people just come to you and chat chat chat, and at the end, you just feel tired after that chatting.

    "Tact" = thanks, that the word i was looking for. :)

  11. :) :) Congrats being the third

  12. Right now, i am doing okay. Slipping from 3rd to 5th place. Harap2 dapat la : )

  13. Marzie, it is a great mini book to read during your past time. Beli kat MPH berapa tahun lepas :)

  14. A bit akward for both of us. Tapi yang bagusnya, selepas insiden itu, semua yang deal dgn Rizal mula buat kerja teratur la kira mcam bersedia bila ada projek. Haha :-D :-D

  15. Yeah i guess i was GALMing masa tu . Haha :-D :-D

  16. Tengahari Nessa (ni tgh merebus daging sambil membalas komen) aha.

    Ye betul! memang nak ketenangan fikiran aje tahun ni

    Salam Mesra dan Salam Damai buat Nessa Juga . Aha! :-D

  17. Satu pemerhatian dan tindakan yang pantas Nessa!


    Salam Ceria lagi Mendamaikan! :-D :)

  18. It is also kind of difficult for me to handle my anger. especially org suka mencucuk -cucuk kite dari belakang and said bad things about how bad yoru work is when she or he is even worst than our work. hehe..

    but now, i just act cool. 8-) hahaha. anyway, i hope this year will be a great year for you, rizal and hope that we all will be a better person than the last year. :-D :-D Happy new year. sorry for the late wish. ;)

  19. one of my used to be friend (she deleted my facebook friend's link) said I know it all kinda person. the reason of her outbreak was because i confronted her after she blindly get mad at me on a certain matter. The truth was she mad at the wrong person. gee..

    tho i take everything tat she said (including overly sensitive kind of guy n budget bagus). hehe. it's good to have a check n balance once in a while. we sometimes simple forgot to do so ;)

  20. 1. Dah re tweet entri ni.
    2. Seronoklah baca entri ni. Aku doakan RnR termasuk dalam top 5. Lebih sikit drop kot.

  21. bro dah buat okey dah tu.. mesti power dapat Rm500 nanti..

  22. Salam Pupu.

    Orang yang suka cucuk mencucuk tu memang ramai. Tapi biasa la. Pejam mata aje. :-D

    Kaki mengkritik pun memang ramai. Depa tu suka mengkritik ajer tapi bila minta cadangan bagaimana nak tambah kebaikan.. terus senyap. LoL

    Sama-samalah tahun 2010 ni lebih baik untuk kita semua. :-D

  23. Oh no Haaziq, The Mr/Mrs/Miss Know it All aka The Judge aka The Criticizer.

    Overly sensitive i guess she was.

    I agree on the check and balance.

    p/s : I am glad that you have updated yours. Hope to see more of HSFH seperti masa zaman gemilang terbilang dia. :-D

  24. Terima Kasih Bro sebab Retweet entri ni.

    Rasanya ada silap pemasangan retweet ni sebab no macam tak naik jer : )

    Terima Kasih untuk Doa tu. InsyaALLAH :)

    p/s : ni tgh godek-godek ni. Ahaha, macam la menjadi : D

  25. Zuls, aku curiga sket la.. err bukan curiga yang tak elok. Aku curiga sebab dah jatuh 2 anak tangga ke bawah. Haha :-D :-D

  26. oh sounds like a very interesting book! I'd love to read certain books but I've so many yet to read haha! :-D :-D

  27. I hope u win the contest! good luck Rizal! ;) :)

  28. yeah difficult people can make yr life less enjoyable.. >:o >:o
    all my friends describe me as an easy-going person! :-D :-D *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*

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  30. Olla Mon. Nice seeing you here. Sorry for being MIA lately, hehe :-D

  31. Sounds like me too. Aha, i still have few books i havent read (which i bought couple of years)

    Anyway, it is a mini book. Pretty much you can finish reading it in less than an hour. : )

  32. Thanks Mon. Frankly, i am no longer in top 5. Aha.. well, it s okay.

    That is why i get for being lazy in this contest. Aha : ) :-D

  33. I can really see that, especially by the way you reply comments to all your readers.

    Tahu tak? mula-mula pun takut nak komen kat sana, ingatkan Mon macam sombong tau. Yer laa sebab blog Mon glamour macam artis. hehe =-O =-X :-D ;)

  34. Thank you. I ll keep this in mind : )

  35. Thankyou for posting banner ku Rizal.. baik sungguh engkau :)

  36. Olla anny, terima kasih datang semula. Memang satu keseronakan meletakkan "banner" rakan-rakan. Whoaho! :-D :-D

  37. teringin nak baca buku tuh.....

  38. salam noor, ada peluang baca lah buku ni.. memang syiok. : )

  39. nice seeing you at TUO too Rizal and thanks for the comments! but gimme some time to reply ya :-[ :-[ :-[

  40. ohh can finish reading it in less than an hour!? =-O =-O :-D :-D

  41. how come u're no longer in top 5! >:o >:o >:o

  42. oh no!! i'm not sombong la Rizal!!! :-D :-D :-D and my blog mana ada glamour macam artis!? =-O =-O =-O

  43. of course mon. Aint that many pages. You sun-bathing di Pulau pangkor sure can finish one :-D :-D :-D

  44. Coz i am too lazy in working out my SEO or SERP. LoL. Padan Muka me : ) :-D :-D >:o >:o >:o

  45. I know you are such a cool down to earth person. Glamour what.. hehehe :-D :-D

  46. wow rajinya en rizal ni.. kalau menang jgn lupa blanjer ida tau.. huhu O:-)

  47. aha, tapi rasanya ni dah tercorot. Harapan nak menang dah tipis senipis kain sutera. kuang kuang kuang :-D :-D :-D


Terima kasih bertandang ke RestNrilekS. InsyaALLAH. Setiap komentar akan cuba dibalas. Sila langgan jika anda suka RestNrilekS : )