I ll get into "worst comment ever" later.. haha.
(This is actually a new version of the previous "Restnrileks is crippled" Lol!!)

I ve been longing to post some items received from my online blogging friends. Alas, the time was never right. Since restnrileks.blogspot.com has a new domain name (whoaho!!), today seems the best day to post pixs about em. First is a handcarved rubber stamp awesomely crafted by Manggo, the owner of kulitmanggis.com, which was previously known as mangosteenskin.blogspot.com I was in awe when she first mentioned about my customised work in her post. Check it out here. Do check her other works on handcarved rubber stamps. Awesome!! Second is a set of asid-free colour stamp pad which i bought from debbie a year ago
. Debbie is the owner of ramblings of the phat and crafty-heart. In fact, she even has an online store, from which i bought my set of stamp pad. These two items are just nice for me to start rebranding restnrileks.com Whoaho!!

Speaking of restnrileks (not like any of you havent noticed), i have moved from .blogspot to .com. Feels good? i would be lying if i say i am not. Yee haa!! However, my earlier processes of forwarding to dot.com werent smooth as i had hoped for. Buying a new domain name, importing back all comments, and a crippled commenting box proved to be a challenge . Phew!! Even, as i speak, i still couldnt retrieve all comments for my last 3 posts.
Sigh.. I guess i just have to do with its current state. Aha.ha!

Changing to dotcom means i ll have to ditch my PR3, back to zero, but hey, i am okay with that. Moreover, I am not into monetizing my blog. But, i am happy that restnrileks has reached to a certain level (well, nothing in comparison to the likes of John Chow or Kenny Sia...aha.ha.ha) At least, restnrileks is on 1st, 2nd and 3rd page of google and yahoo search engines on "rattan crafts and rattan craft" keywords competing on hundreds thousands and millions of sites respectively. WHoaho!! Yeah, i know i should concentrate on more keywords since ranks will bounce up and down. At this moment, i am just happy for restnrileks.

Rank 4th(1st Page) for "rattan crafts" on yahoo search engine among 2 million sites. Whoaho!!

Rank 5th(1st page) for "rattan craft" without the "s" on yahoo search engine among 4 million sites. Whoaho!!

Rank 22 (3rd page - ouchh)
for "rattan craft" without the "s" on google search engine among 900K sites. Aha!

Rank 13 (2nd page - ouchh) for "rattan crafts" on google search engine among 200K sites. Aha!

And restnrileks too is on 1st page of yahoo and google search engines on few targeted Rattan BM keywords.

Hopefully, restnrileks.com will have its own shares in the future.

Ohh in blogsphere! restnrileks has not been spared from receiving a nasty comment . And i know few of my online friends who have received one/s as well. True as they say, when you are into blogging, be ready for part n parcels of blogsphere.
Here is one nasty commen(anonymous) : Check it out here or just read em :

smt says:
12 Januari 2008, 17:07:00
“what interesting format!! U must get cikgu to write about rotan budak, u can get the grocery man to talk about the bakul rotan barang, the soon to be mom about rattan baby basket, from cat lovers the lovely rattan cat basket, the hotel should know better about the rattan laundry basket, the antique enthusiast's hope on rattan chairs, the bird lover betting on rattan bird cage...and on and on..zzzzzz...

Hey wait ! Aren't we at wits end about using rattan???..Has it reached twilight...u know...the tunnel syndrome. WHAT has plastics done? rattan???

We need revolutionary minds to metamorphous a new era for rattan,,N it can start w U.....Gulp...bloop..the journey must begin, somehow...anyone out there !!!

I think sometimes the best way to reply is just simply say "thank you," and move on. Tee hee. Or use em as a motivation to work harder and prove em wrong.

Oh, another one comment but aint so nasty is "Grow Up" which i received in my mailbox for my previous unedited version of "Restnrileks is Crippled" I think it was from one of my rss subscriber. Aha.ha, and by no means, this new version is the result of such comment. I do understand how my previous post would look to him / her due to my over excitement. Lol!! It was only time for me to go proper.

So, what about you? Any nasty, sarcastic heart-breaking comments? What is your most nasty comment ever received? And how do you take it?

In the meantime, Happy blogging and have a great day everyday ya. :)


Adakah blog anda mempunyai apa yang diperlukan untuk memenangi rm1000 di dalam peraduan Weblog Popular 1Malaysia? Baca seterusnya tentang Peraduan Weblog Popular 1 Malaysia :) di bawah pautan ini

Owh, have you nominated any Malaysia blogs for the running of Weblog Popular 1Malaysia? If you havent, you should. More about the contest which offers rm5000 to be grabbed here : Weblog Popular 1Malaysia.


Till next time.


Congrats to all my first three commentators on Restnrileks.

DenaiHati of Yang Terbuku Di Hati

Mariuca of Wishing on a Falling Star

And last but not least is Eida of MyLife Journey

[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

71 ulasan:

  1. Bro tahniah ..aku pun berangan-angan juga ni nak guna dot com

  2. Salam Bro..

    Bila lagik.. Beli Cepat

    Beli custom domain jer dalam usd10=rm40 max la.  Kalau cincai2 bahagi dengan 365hari baru dalam 10sen sehari.  Murah sangat tu.

    Ahak, ni masalah dah ada orang komen pun masih tak tunjuk lagi dah ada yang komen.  Apa jer laa masalahnya ni.. hehehe =-O =-O

  3. masalah tu biasa la..bila dapat selesaikan rasa best jee..aku dah subscribe blog ni...tq sebab subscribe denaihati

  4. aduihhhh setengah Hidup (tak nak guna mati) aku membetulkan ni.. sampai tak boleh komen dan orang lain pun tak boleh komen..

    3 posts dah hilang komentar tak buleh buat apa.. janjji entri-entri lain masih ada komentar... penat dah godek macam2 ni..

  5. aduihhhh setengah Hidup (tak nak guna mati) aku membetulkan ni.. sampai tak boleh komen dan orang lain pun tak boleh komen..

    3 posts dah hilang komentar tak buleh buat apa.. janjji entri-entri lain masih ada komentar... penat dah godek macam2 ni..

  6. testing testing!!!!!

  7. woo hoo!!! ok lemme try without the http.... hang on!

  8. Rizal! I try without http and www, tak leh load page. I try with http, also cannot get here. I have to use the full http://www then baru can open ur page!

  9. At least can comment again! :)

  10. Congrats Rizal, dapat jugak RnR as ur URL!!!

  11. Denai hati! Beli la domain heh he, nak jadi "stone fire" ni LOL! ;)

  12. Mmg murah actually kan Rizal? Just have to make sure I have sufficient funds inside my paypal so nanti nak renew senang! :)

  13. setuju tuu marzie.. musti laa beli.. kena poison minda dia.. hoho..

    Ohh marzie.. congrats for being 2nd today..

  14. thank you for testing and for verification. whoaho =-O

  15. Yay me FC2!!! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

  16. yes, tu yang penting.  Tak berani dah nak godek2 lain. hahaha.  kang tak boleh komen mengomen payah pulak.

    So far, tahap ni will do lah.. hehe :)

  17. Terima kasih.

    memang dugaan, nak register rnr memula tak boleh. pakai visa debit card tak boleh.  ingat nak jadik myrestnrileks.  But finally lepas. hahaha.

  18. wawaaahhh uncle rizal makin maju  lerrr.. syabas... mama sy kata kan nti sy kuar mama nak ajar sy menaip then kalau mama sibuk sy boleh buatkan ntry post kat blog mama sy.. heheheh... cayokkkk cayookk uncle.. mama sy tengah giler main Sims skrg...

    Plant vs zombies amacam???

  19. hehehe.. musti lahh mau ke depan..

    Ni uncle siang tadi pun ada masalah.. biasak laa.. sedangkan Airport baru Hong Kong dulu masa mula rasmi pun ada problem.

    Mama nanti kalau malas bukan apa, sebab mama tuu sibuk main Sim3.. kekeke

    Mama, plants vs zombies banyak levels dah selesai.  Bahkan ni pokok2 tanaman semua penuh berbunga bagi duit. hoho

    p/s : lepas ni uncle nak pergi kat papa nak suruh buat kad rnr yang macam unclu tunjuk kat mama hari tu. hoho ;)

  20. lupa pulak nak cakap ida.. congrats ida for being 3rd comentator.  Nanti settle abang rizal bagi free linky love.  :)

  21. lupa pulak nak cakap ida.. congrats ida for being 3rd comentator.  Nanti settle abang rizal bagi free linky love.  :)

  22. Morning Rizal! yay yr comment box is okay now! 8-)

  23. Congrats on the new domain! ;)

  24. *t<span style="">epuk tangan* haha!

  25. morning mon.  Whoaho! You are early. Have a super duper tuesday yaaa..

  26. thanks.

    Yeahhh komon.. me too together2 teguk tangan plus wooooo ooooo ooooo (hula hup chicken dance) aha :-D

  27. tuesday???????? hahhhahhahaahahha!!!

  28. ohhh my my! Lol! Silly Me. Super Duper Thursday. Ahak.. (Gelaks2x! Tepuk Dahi)

  29. yay rizal!!! congrats on going dotcom!!! you go boy!!!

  30. Ni yang semangat nak beli ni...minggu depan start operasi...minggu ni busy sikit...

  31. Sekalung tahniah RestnRileks.com!! *clap clap clap*

    Yesterday I ada datang nak komen tapi tak boleh, tak tau knapa... something wrong somewhere la tu... hehe

    Nampaknya semua da beres... :) So, bila nak join buat pos berbayar?? nanti boleh pegi Vietnam...LOL!

  32. Hi Rizal!! Congratulations on your .com! :)   Nampaknya when you change to your own domain while using JSKit byk problem kan? Well, at least all dah settle.. so once again, congratulations!! and now gotta try not to forget to put RnR on my daily visits! :)

  33. Tahniah untuk Rizal tapi ingat dot com banyak masalahnya.... tapi takper. teruskan jer.. layout tanak bagi colourful ker??

  34. Rizal, tahniah sbb berjaya pindah ke dotcom! Yay!! Jahatnya komen org itu. Dia menyindir ke apa tu?

    For me, bak kata omputeh, if you don't have anything nice to say, it's better to not say anything at all. Org itu mmg patut grow up!

  35. Rizal, tahniah sbb berjaya pindah ke dotcom! Yay!! Jahatnya komen org itu. Dia menyindir ke apa tu?

    For me, bak kata omputeh, if you don't have anything nice to say, it's better to not say anything at all. Org itu mmg patut grow up!

  36. Oh terima kasih atas linky love to my craft blog and craft store. My craft blog pun dah dotcom, and mmg ada masalah dgn jskit, so bila dah jenuh try membetulkan, I remove je jskit and back to old commenting format. Tengokla nanti, kalau rajin baru godek2 lagi.

  37. Salam Kak Emila.

    Aha.. yee haa.. Thank you.. thank you :-D

  38. Olla nessa,

    Terima Kasih.  Tu la, semalam memang ada problem.  Tuu yang kelam kabut sikit tu. 

    Aha.. pos berbayar, mau bukan jadik restnrileks tapi workhardntired sebab tak terkejar lain cam kamu semua yang power blogger. haha ;)

  39. =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O

    Shemah?!! owk mekasih sebab sudi singgah ke teratak yang tak seberapa ni.  :)

    Ha ah. memang problem betul, wahh rupanya sebelum ni tak dak siapa nak bagik hint fasal js-kits tu. hahaha.

    Terima kasih.  Terima Kasih.

    I ll will add you as well, my Chop mengechop Competitor.  Whoaho!! :)

  40. Mekasih Bro sebab singgah.

    Haa ahh tau ada masalah, bergantung jugak di mana domain name yang dibeli tu.  Kalau dengan Go.Daddy mungkin tak da masalah lah kot (harap-harap) sebab dia affiliate dgn blogspot.

    Layout tak nak tukar color sebab bila kaler ada yang minta sempoi, kang pening, jadik untuk selamat memang pergi clean cut simple fresh colour jer.  Kalau masuk widgets  lagi lain kali tak laa nampak banyak sagt warna kot.  Ohohoho. :-D

  41. ntah laa, rasanya masa baca tuu memang tau sindir.  Sindir2 macam perli.  Kalau puji takkan dia nak letak anonymous yer tak?

    Ehh debbie, sabar- sabar.. ni kang macam kesinambungan venting semalam laa pula.  hahaha :-D

  42. Hahahahhahah berjaya kita stone fire Denai Hati ahaks!!! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$

  43. Rizal tapi u takde comment luv kat rnr kan?

  44. Hahhahahahah nessa ajak u monetize RnR he he!!!

  45. Nama beruang madu comel gila! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

  46. Kalau betul nak beli.  Bagus la.  Sebab blog hang nampak dah mantap dah tu.  Banyak juga pembaca.  Haaaa kena laa tukar ke .com  Whoaho!! 8-)

  47. tak da.  speaking of that thing, baru perasan you ada =-O , and that s why when leaving comments, you can choose from drop down menu ya.  I ll check it out. :)

  48. Ohh my...

    kang tak terkejar nak monetize semua.. if monetize.. i also wanna be like you until ke tokyo.. ehhh narita only la.. hahaha

  49. Belum cuba belum tahu :)

    When you get that first payment, wah... you feel like you've just conquered the world!!

  50. Aiseh.. terdelete la plak komen.

    I was saying... meka tu tau sindir je tapi letak anonymous. Cuba la letak nama sebenar ngan nama bapak skali ngan gambar yang lawo...

  51. Thanks nessa for coming back to rnr :)

    I am sure it is. Once before, when i got my first check for advertlets, i was in yippie mood.

  52. Thanks nessa for coming back to rnr :)

    I am sure it is. Once before, when i got my first check for advertlets, i was in yippie mood.

  53. whoaho!

    Macam kes pernah alami ni. Tapi biar la kalau depa nak sindir pun, sebab jatuh bangun pun sebelum ni, depa bukan ada tolong atau bantu.


  54. aloha rizal,
    whoa, now sudah dot com! congratulations!! it's been a long time since my last visit and it's always a pleasure to be here. :)

  55. Hey hey Rizal,
    Congrats on your achievement with this blog, and congrats for going on the .com thing heheh. Your worst comment is not so bad after all.

    Let's see, I've had some annoying comments from a person, mostly opinions that I didn't like since she didn't quite know me. Things elevated to personal judgmental attacks and then I just banned her from my blog and asked her to, well.. it was harsh. Banning emails is one of the wonderful features of Disqus that I like heheh.

  56. yup debbie,

    RnR pun ada problem ngan jskit. Letak CL pun tak jalan. Sedangkan kalau boleh kita nak la reward readers dgn CL. sigh.

  57. Aloha Jean (wow, sounds like in Hawaii) hehe.

    Thank You. Yeah it has indeed been such a long time. Lebih2 lagi rnr hari tu dalam keadaan hiatus.

    Terima Kasih, now that reminds me to put you on my reading list. :)

  58. Terima Kasih Bem.

    Wow, sampai jadi camtu sekali ya Bem. That is a plus of Disqus since you cant leave comments as anonymous.

    Problem with online blogging, people now think they can be so openly judgemental ala Akademik Fantasia under the tag name "express your thoughts and ideas, be yourself whatsoever". Though such thing is good, but people seem to be forgotten the idea of respecting others, being courteous and budi bahasa lagi sopan santun. The blogspehere has pretty much create the Me..me.. me thing instead of the traditional value of We. Funny thing is, i find most people are willing to be pengkritik in online world but act otherwise in real world.

    Happy Friday Bem. :) Whoaho!!

  59. Page rank actually not that important...the most important is your search result in Yahoo/Google search. If your blog can appear in the first page then is very good already...

    well..nasty people are every where...just ignore them will do...some people are just too free :)

    Good to hear that your blog are back to normal :)

  60. Olla Ivy,

    thanks for dropping by to rnr.

    I agree, PR is probably related if your are more into monetizing your blogs doing paid post. Yeah, i need to work harder now rnr.com

    Haha.. like your opinion saying that some people are just too free. :)

    I am glad too everything is back to normal here.

    Have a great weekend. :)

  61. Finally, Comment Luv is working after much tweaking here and there. Whoaho!!!

    Recent blog:=- Ekspo Beli Barangan Malaysia Di KLCC dan Buku Kraf Rotan

  62. Hi Rizal,
    Wow! I got the 3rd place previously! I better hurry but the last two days was tire and lazy. He;;He;;
    Congrats Rizal of changing to dot com.
    You are quite a tendsetdoing this. Nessa also changed hers, I shall see one day I also do so, so inspiring!

    Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!

  63. Morning Yoon See..

    Thanks for dropping by on RnR again. Yeah Congrats, you are in 3rd place on that post. Unfortunately, i ve lost all the comments when upgrading to dotcom. Yeah, me sometimes am lazy too. Haha.

    Aha, come and join us. Things will be much smoother for you if you decide to change to .com since you are not using the js-kits. Hope you do so.

    Oh, you should have unticked and ticked back the box below so that your post should be linked instead of mine. tee hee.

    Happy saturday. :)

    Recent blog:=- Ahhh...I am cONfused!!

  64. uncler rizal.. mama tanya takde present ke 3 top commentor.. hihih

    Recent blog:=- happy Birthday Mak.....

  65. Yan,



    Mama, uncle rizal sedekahkan doa untuk kesahjetaraan Mama sekeluarga. Itu la hadiah uncle untuk Mama. :)


    Recent blog:=- Ekspo Beli Barangan Malaysia Di KLCC dan Buku Kraf Rotan

  66. I haven't really gotten any nasty comments, so far.. I hope I don't get one.. :-P

    But if I do get one, I will love it and post it for everyone to see! :-D

    Recent blog:=- A PHAT Post

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Terima kasih bertandang ke RestNrilekS. InsyaALLAH. Setiap komentar akan cuba dibalas. Sila langgan jika anda suka RestNrilekS : )