Ahhh... i am confused. Should i write about my cluttered office room?

Ahhh... i am confused. Should i write about my unfinished wall doodle?

Ahhh... i am confused. Should i write about my students final rattan projects?

Ahhh... i am confused. Should i write about my awesome restnrileks online friends?

Anyway, i dont know how some people have the energy to be constantly online. Oh Gosh! I envy them you know. Always i hear this "tweet tweet tweet" sounds which later will be followed by some kind of promotional text. Yet, here i am.. crawling.. at an exceptional superspeed (of course, comparing to a turtle that is.. :D ) trying to jugle my daily dose of web surfing, forum reading, blog hoping, and entrecard dropping. Plus that chopping thing game (FCC) which i always loose. Haha. Speaking of entrecard, i think i wont be able to drop like 150.. err no.. 100.. err wait 50 droppings per day. Dont get me wrong, i love entrecard but i just dont have the energy to do just that anymore. But for sure, i will still hop hop hippity hop on certain days. I am thinking too of dropping few widgets like My Awesome Readers (My BlogLog) and Blog Malaysia Directory. What do you think? Should I? Then there is this Blog Rolling which seems not to function properly. I cant see my "Kaching" (which tell me or my readers that a blog has been updated) and i wonder why. Oh.. need to do some trimmings on the list too. Oucchhh! But dont you worry, restnrileks beloved friends are safe n sound. Whoaho!! and new ones too. Yippie!!

On a second note, the weather was awesome in the late afternoon. Awesome as not in a clear bright sunny sky. Hoho!! It was raining, loud cracking thunderous sound with dark murky clouds above us . The wind was exceptionally strong. I did take some shots, somehow, i left them in my office desktop. Darn it Rizal!! We experienced couple short bursts of power failures. Shhzzttt buzzzz!! buzzz!! Lights went on and off. The whole office corridors were filled with stingging sounds of back up powers. Eeeeettt!!! Eeooottt!! eeetttt!! eooottt!! Winds were woooinggg outside my window. Out of boredom, i decided to snap some pictures. And in one shot, here what i ve found. Showed to couple of my colleagues. Eerrieeee!! It could be lights n pixels playing tricks on my mind. But knowing IKN with couple of its ghostly stories, ahaaaa, it could be the real thing too. Nevertheless, i am not saying it is real or it is not. All i am showing is just a pix. lol.

Anyway, happy blogging, have a great day everyday ya.

I am giving linky love here on restnrileks for first [4] commentators. Woot!! Woot!!

Till next time.


Congrats LJ for being the First Commentator. Woot! woot!!. She is an awesome blogger. Armed with a cup of coffee, she does awesome makeover too. She did mine and I am a happier person now. lol. Hope on to her blog will yer (click the pix). Whoaho!!

Congrats DenaiHati for being the Second Commentator. oo. Woot! woot!!. I am getting fond of his blog. Blog is in Bahasa Malaysia. Hope on to his blog will yer (click the pix). Whoaho!!

Congrats Marvic for being the Third Commentator. Woot! woot!!. Finally you made it. Yayy Hope on to his blog will yer (click the pix). Whoaho!!

LAst but not least, congrats Deb.. again.. Wah.. Kagum ni.. Tepuk Tangan. She manages to secure all my three posts. Hope on to her blogs ya. Whoaho!!

[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

53 ulasan:

  1. Yeay.. FC FC FC!!
    tweet tweet Rizal...
    Blogrolling now ok already.. only now no more one touch addition lah!!
    Happy tidor rizal!!

  2. Err.. can i please have LJL here please?? ambik my new badge eh.. maklumlah new look mah.. lol~~
    Thanks dearie!!

  3. ohhh la la.. woot woot... :-D

  4. One touch addition tu ape? how come my "Kaching" doesnt work arrr... pleik sungguh.. huhu

  5. Sudah pasti :-D new lappy buleh screen shot canggih.. hehehe.. sat arrrr.. nak pi link balik... hehehe

  6. bro aku pun confuse nak komen ke tidak ni... :-D

  7. la...i thought xder org bagi comment lagi...i dah terlambat da... :(

  8. Rizal, apa yg dlm pic last tu?

  9. tahniah.. jadi yang ke dua.. nanti aku link balik ngan hang.. hehehe
    aku pun masih confused jugak lagi ni.. lol

  10. Marvic, mana lambat..
    Congrats.. yaaaaa.. syabas yaaa.. :-D

  11. Deb,
    ada momok la.. dah laaa kat ruang koridor tuu memang ada antu budak2 suka lari-lari. tuu tak masuk Kak Pon yang ada sana-sini.. hehe
    Congrats ya.. wah 3 kali maintain kekal link.. tepuktangan

  12. sempat jugak ke...hehehehe..tenkiu tenkiu tenkie..dah lama x bagi comment kat sini..terus dpt that free lonky love...hahahha...happy nyer...

  13. I've been zooming in and out of the photo but I can't seem to figure out whats in the pic. Apa tuuu?

  14. Rizal, why don't you make a blog post for  each of the topics? banyak sikit heheheh. Wah I see my Spock face there as well.

  15. Nevermind, I found it. And yes, its scary.

  16. hehe.. syabas.. syabas yerr.. ni lepas ni pulak nak kena jalan2 mengomen blog orang lain pulak.. hehehehe

  17. memang nak buat.. banyak hutang topik post.. bab rotan illo skecth semua dah tertinggal.. ayoooo tu nak sambung doodle kat dinding lagi.. syoknya.. mendoodle kat bilik ofismate, not my room.. lol.. :-D

  18. Uihhhh berpusing-pusing laaa itu gambar Bem or Mr.Spock. kekeke

  19. Eeeee...dah tenung gambar tu tadi, Rizal. Nasib baik tak nampak sangat kan?

  20. Nampak jugak Debbs, cuba photoshop adjust level, scary jugak lah

  21. deb, kalau click pic tu kat new tab, agak senang sket nak nampak.  Tak bestnya, kalau tgk kat hp, memang jelas.  Sampai ofis mate pun terjerit2 lari.. keke

  22. NAsib baik mlm tadi hujan lebat empunya tu tak datang jengah. keke. siap hujan kuat, terjaga malam terus tutup tingkap. lol

  23. deb, amik la gambar tu tempek kat desktop.  leh buat inspirasi blogging tgh2 mlm kan. lol. peliknya, bila print kan, part muka jadik cair.. lol..funny
    funny but weird.. =-X

  24. part muka jadik cair? kalau hilang terus lagi pelik hhaahha

  25. Aiyo 4 fcs pun tak dapat! :(

  26. Wah so cool la ur office room Rizal, I can see a teddy bear oso!

  27. Smlm hujan 2 kali, today panas semacam je! Kena la bukak aircon besar2!

  28. Suka tau nak takutkan org hehehe...takmo, sekian terima kasih. :)

  29. jgn sedih.. jgn sedih..
    ehhh marzie, actually rizal dah bagi hint tau semalam.. tapi musti syiok tgk adam kat AI. hehehe.. penat tweet tweet kata composing la apa laaa.. kekeke

  30. tak per boleh cuba lagi  :)

  31. Dah click dah masuk new tab hehehe...

  32. ehhh mana ada.. biasa ajerr ofis tu tau marzie..
    gambar nampak chantek.. reality sepah.. kui kui kui.. teddy bear tuu orang bagi letak je le.. huhu
    wahhhh sini tak panas sgt. ok ok jerr sebab semalam hujan lebat ngan malam pun hujan kan kl :)

  33. Hallo Rizal!
    Aduh... takotnya tengok gambar last skali itu... am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?? *Serammmm*
    Len kali bagi la amaran 18SG. Tak nak tengok dis post lagi :( :'(

  34. Bestnya hujan! Nak lagi sampai banjir... hehehe

  35. Ohh yer ker? Mcm tuu lain kali letak 18sg - ada unsur2 seram.. hihihi.
    Tapi cayalah nessa! sebab boleh nampak.  Debs tak nampak.
    Memang seram di kala cuaca yang suram.  Rizal terus lari keluar bilik lepas shot gambar. ahak ahak

  36. U know what, rizal memang suka kalau hujan.. best suasana..
    lepas tuu mula laa buat nescafe minum di kala hujan berangan macam iklan nescafe tuu.. :-D

  37. hehehe rizal pastu amik gambar luar ek?

  38. ahh confused? why? bnyak nak di cerita kan? but i really want to read all about ur unfinished doodle! :D hehehe. Here pun kat Korea, hujan dri pagi sampai la ke malam ini. Asyik memerap jer kat bilik. Ahhh!! Membosankan. haha.

  39. hehehe.. idak laaa, kalau cuaca okay cuma, duduk nikmati jer.. lol

  40. thanks pupu,
    itu doodle sudah tersangkut beberapa bulan dah.  Nasib baik member jenis tak kisah.  hehehe..
    Ehh, syabas for you Mail Me Art tuu.. :)

  41. Saya memang suka pokok-pokok hijau. Dalam bilik airpun saya letak pokok....

  42. so what are u gonna write Rizal? :-D :-D :-D

  43. =-O =-O =-O
    ohh monica.. i am still confused.. lol..

  44. Wah cantik lah you buat kita org nya FC links.. i loves lah.. thanks so much Rizal!!! yeah I do blog makeover.. sapa nak.. cari LadyJava Ok :)

  45. Thank You2.. Actuallu buat yang tuu senang ajer.. Sebab Lappy rizal ada fungsi Qshot.  So boleh amik mana-mana part yang terpampang kat dalam skrin (macam print screen jugak).. :-D :-D
    Blog Makeover semakin Boom.. :-D

  46. Oh Qshot? kene carik ni... Rizal tau buat blog makeover gak?

  47. yup it was, sending a goosebump rush right after seeing that pix. :D


Terima kasih bertandang ke RestNrilekS. InsyaALLAH. Setiap komentar akan cuba dibalas. Sila langgan jika anda suka RestNrilekS : )