Well, finally after missing two IF themes, i am back. So here it is, my IF - "seed". It is actually a three-piece story made into one illo - mainly left,middle and right. Nothing fancy but just straight to the point. The seed(middle) is made of "sugar and spice and everything nice" hehe. See the left part where all things nice are dropped to make that seed. Now, what the seed needs are a little bit of patience, perseverance and constant love and passion. And finally, there you have it, it blooms into something unexpected - still in its "sugar and spice and everything nice" way. Ohhh of course with a bit of few punches here and there occasionally. My "Seed" illo is actually a reflection of my blogging experience. There..as simple as that. Hehe..

Anyway, hepi blogging and have a great day everyday ya.
[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

45 ulasan:

  1. salam rizal...

    u leave me in awe... love the flow.. u talented lad! :)

  2. Another creative piece as always.
    Btw, my regards to Blackie, hope he get well soon.

  3. wow, lot of detail, great entry.
    I see you met Julia, bobo's slave. one greatest IF illustrator.
    Hahaha.. baik! baik!

  4. Great illo and great post! I always love your detailing on every piece of your work! Great job Rizal! I wish I could be more abstract like you! But you never know heheh!

  5. salam moeha aziz,
    glad that you like it..terima kasih daun keladi..jika rajin,rajin2lah datang lagi yerr..

    aloha bobo,
    well, i will send your regards to blakie.. hihi..

    aloha may,
    thank you..glad that you like it too. i think i might give that 15-minute-exercise a try.. tapi belum pasti bila hendak dimulakan.. :)

    aloha kak emi,
    thank you kak emi. Sebenarnya, i wish i can do more like you. simple as always, but never failed to impress us with your stunning works. Tapi kak emila pun boleh buat detail kan.. hihi..tipu rizal yerr.. kiki

  6. i love the seeds you make. I can see the lollipop seeds! i would definitely love the seeds to grow into a lollipop so i don't have to go buy lollipops everyday. hahaha. I just pick it out in your garden.. haha

    Nice illustration Rizal. :D

  7. hi rizal! i just smile when i see ur illo. u've seen my expression kan? when i saw ur artwork at jesselton point. kagum. kagum. hehe. sometimes, i like being speechless. it saves a lot of energy!!

    what makes ur artwork so special is...dari jauh nampak cam simple, coz x nampak sangat garisan yg halus tu, tp tgk dr dekat br nampak rupanya terlalu banyak detail yg perlu dihayati. satu artwork saja boleh makan masa seperti melawat satu galeri seni (kalau saya). Haha.

  8. aloha pupu,

    hihi..lolipops are just other things needed to create just one seed. it is a magical seed after all.. you never know what it will grow into..huhu. :)

    aloha manggo,

    terima kasih..thank you.. malu lah pulak. i think i still need to learn a lot mot on experimenting different styles and medium. eishhh..malu laah pulak.. tak da laa sampai mcm satu galeri.. hihi..tapi apa2pun, rizal akan sahut cabaran manggo mencuba pelbagai style dan kaedah yang lain.


  9. This is beautiful! Love the colors!

  10. seeds that grow from love..nice spices n engridients .. it is just like the powerpuff girls..
    n they all are the saviour of the city.. lovely artwork bro..

  11. so alive and playful! I love it!

  12. aloha senta,

    thank you..glad that you like it

    aloha clip,

    yup..like powerpuff girls.. sugar n spice and everything nice.. hehe.. have a great day and heppi blogging ya..

    aloha garth,

    thank you.. thank you.. have a great day everyday yaaa.. :)

  13. Alhamdulillah I WIN I WIN ...syukur. Thanx pak rizal berkat your support.

  14. Very cool! I love the colors.
    Thanks for the blog visit!

  15. wow... that's really nice...i wish I have more time to do some of that..

    Can of Thoughts
    Designs By Vhiel
    Anything and Everything in Between

  16. halo pak bono,

    Alhamdulilah..wah pak bono..you won you won..hurray.. tapi errr...pak bono sebenarnya menang apa? hehe..saya tak pasti laaa

  17. hallo rbaird,
    thanks for the comment. glad that you like the colours

    hello vhiel,
    i am sure you can.. you are one great artist too. thanks for stopping by.

  18. Very cool. And different take on it. Nice!

  19. huik
    tu la,bila orang hadiahkan tu
    besok pagi terus snap pic

    me dah beli material
    soft copy pun dah ader dalam my head
    but tu la
    now ada tercampak kat seremban plak
    even me bawak semua skali my tools
    tapi macam x-der mood plak
    maybe this saturday baru me duk dalam studio n pelan2 siapkan

  20. Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.

  21. Love the work as always, but what take my eye's focus the most is the painted rose. It was so contrast with others. Love it :)

  22. Hi Rizal! I ually enjoy these wonderful creations at Emila's blog, but now I get to enjoy them from you and Mangosteen too! You guys are so creative kan? :)

  23. Salam dan terima kasih rizal for this beautiful share!!:-)

  24. alo megat,

    besok pagi terus snap pic? tak faham apa maksudnya laa megat.. hehe

    wah siap ada bunyi soft copy tuu, tak perr, kauh pelan-pelan.. sure nanti hebat hasil nukilan idea megat.. i am waiting urs.

    alo BCD,

    huhu..ohhhh suka bunga rose yer...wah..in touch dengan hang punyer fminine side nampak.. huhu

    aloha maurica,

    thanks for dropping by. wah, another Emila's famous friend drops by. Begitu teruja. I think everybody is creative in his or her own way. sudi-sudilah singgah selalu..huhu..

    aloha shinade,

    selamat datang dan terima kasih kerana berkunjung. Thank you and glad that you like it. :)

  25. alhamdulillah rezeki yang tak di sangka-sangka ...Pak rizal di negara kami sekarang sedang HOT pasal pemerintah mu naikkan harga BBM(Oil) ..sana sini DEMO ...apa akan jadi kepada anak cucu kita YA!!!

  26. hello Rizal!
    wonderful abstract composition, so full of little details and colors : )

  27. Nice splash of colour which brings a softness to the detailed line work.

  28. this reminds me of Miro. great work.

    i enjoy your blog, found you on entrecard.


  29. Full of details and beautifully done! :)

    *One of the flowers remind me of a batik motif.

  30. Hey great lines and the color gives lots of movement! Nice!

  31. Hi Rizal, you've been tagged! Have fun and happy weekend!

  32. hallo ppl... sorry for taking some time to reply back..

    hey pak bono, iyer parlimen malaysia sekarang makin hangat. memang begitu. Kami juga ada pak gunawan di sini (short course indonesian lecturer) who seems to be intrigued by our ways of parlimentary syle.

    hey nicky, thanks ya

    hey zari, thanks ya.. it has been a while since last i visited your wonderful site

    hello bee, thanks ya..i ve seen u in many IF sites.. love your works too

    hello william, thanks, glad that you enjoy my blog. hey love those works at beardedbunny. cool stuffs they are.

    helo platidunal, thanks..ohhh is it?batik flower.. i think my stroke style makes it looks like batik flower..

    hello van dyke, thanks..another familiar names on IF sites..cool cool

    hello maurica..ohhh no..another tag. May nii bulan tag kebangsaan kerr? aiyorkkk so many tags you know.. huhu :)

  33. as usual..
    i dont knw much abt arts..
    but i do love the colors..
    its make my day..

    have a great weekend dude..!!

  34. allo bro. anda telah ditag oleh saya. sila rujuk kpd entry terkini. oh lupe sy belum reply ur tag. nanti2 ye. hehehe....

    seed - umpama bayi yg baru dilahirkan memerlukan bimbingan dan jagaan untuk membesar & mencapai impian.

    betoi ke apa aku ckp ni? hahaha.... klu salah sori

  35. salam..wow..u have the talent....and it remind me of this quote>
    "Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character.”

  36. ur talent makes me goes woooohhh...i'm always followed ur art@blog via Nikli's Blog..awesome dude...

  37. salam nikli..

    mekasih sebab menjadi pembaca setia yang selalu singgah.. thanks ya.. glad that you like the colours..

    salam shahril, wah wah..dah pandai buat ulasan tersendiri yerrr..baguih laaa

    salam arsaili..lama tak nampak singgah..sihat kat sana? harap2 semuanya sihat..

    salam axim,
    ohh tuan hamba rupanyer..rasanyerr ada jugak rizal singgah2 blog axim thru nikli jugak..wah selalu follow kerr..mekasih..kalau nak tukar link apa salahnya.. huhuhu

  38. Hi... I love to exchange links with you. Please check out my blog and tell me if you are interested. Just leave me a message. Thanks.

    Petite ;0

  39. Seriously bro, apa kata jual your art work secara besar-besaran di internet.

  40. helo petite,

    thanks for dropping by...

    helo newacx,

    thanks for the suggestion.. ada jugak rasanya nak buat..tapi belum berani lagi..hahaha..banayak lagi artis luar kat sana yang power2..hahahaha.. nii pun tgh kumpul sket2 dulu.. nanti kalau dah banyak buleh laaa rizal promote secara sekaligus..keke

    terima kasih sebab sudi singgah yer..

  41. I really appreciate a blogger such as you, Rizal. Some write, and others load one from you tube. Yet, you shall illustrate first, then only you write a post. Wow!

  42. Helo Encik Zubli,

    Terima Kasih..sebab menghargai usaha saya. Rasanya, Rizal tak da laa buat sesuatu yang spesel pun. Ramai juga illustrators Malaysia yang lukis dan post. hehe :) apa pun still thanks.. really appreciate your comment.

    You tube? hehe.. rizal tak upload you tube sebab nanti nak buka page jadi slow.. :)

  43. I ni Rizal memang appreciate orang yang berbuat sesuatu dalam blognya melebihi normalnya bloggers. You are especially one of this few. Ya ker You Tube boleh slow kan kita punya blog? I punya blog page sarat jugak muatan dari You Tube. I harap seluruh dunia maju ke top speed soon. Pun, setiap video You Tube harapnya tidak lah seberat Batu Gajah! Hehehehehe...


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