Well, in my spare time, i ve just made these mini bookmarks. Making them seems a great way for me to keep on doing my art work. Doesnt consume so much time. Give me more room too to try different styles or medium. As mentioned earlier, i am not keen on using watercolours, more of a pen-ink and colour pencil type of person. But hey, i ve found that using w.colours does take less time. I like to use them as my backgrounds. So, here they are, my mini bookmarks. Hepi blogging and have a great day ya.
[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

25 ulasan:

  1. wow! these mini bookmarks are great! I like the patterns that flow over the page and the colors are beautiful

  2. thanks cecilia.
    i just have time to make mini-mini artworks lately.

    And i love doing these minis.

    I can have my many bookmarks too. :)

  3. another awesome people says;

    yeah rizal. I love both bookmark on top. want to exchange bookmark? hehe.

  4. Mango hehe..

    that seems a good idea. I have thought about it. Tapi nanti2 i ll anounce on my post. Quite bz lately with HKK - Hari Kraf Kebangsaan. I think, i want to make more like 10, then people can choose laahh.. which one they like.

    the question is.. bila lahhh nak buat post tuu..

    I love to swap bookmark with you- i ll inform you bila my bookmark ready -


    p/s : wahhh so early dah depan komputer.

  5. taknak bagi freebies gak ke?
    bookmark tu best..

    nice piece of artwork, dude!

  6. aloha... wah
    nampaknyer this month is a month of tag,meme and freegifts.

    hehe.. nanti2lah yer.. ni pun nak hantar postcard untuk "pipit" punyer event. tuu tak terkejar.. Hkk.. Illos tok buku rotan lagi..

    awal check tenet.. hehe..

    ehhh.. i am still waiting yours you know. hihihihi..

  7. tambah satu kerja lagi...buat bookmark. banyak2. hehe.

  8. Nice mini bookmarks la! I love it rizal. So nice. You should make lots of them. Mangosteenskin idea is not bad. Exchange bookmark. *teehee* Yup.. watercolor can sure save our time and its fun too. ;)

  9. weh.. jgn act ok!
    i pon dpt in ai from kak emila.

    btw, i nak bagi freebies apa?

    anybody wants my son?
    hahahaha... as if..

  10. wah tenang sekali sihh lihat gambar ini

  11. hello baybe fox,

    thanks u for dropping by. Hope u enjoy your stay. heppi blogging ya.

    halo manggo..aiyarkk my kerja has taken its toll laaa... tak terkejar ni... uhuk uhuk

  12. aloha roxy..wah wah..dapat ai jugak..

    bagik baby? hehehe..nanti umur dia 10 tahun, orang datang as pari2 and i shall grant him 3 wishes.. okay.
    1.pandai buat illo
    2.pandai buat rotan
    3.pandai masak..kekeke

    helo pak bono,
    terima kasih ya sudi datang ke situ saya. Wah tenang ya? Yang saya kira nggak tenang..keliatan artworknya dinamik. tapi bagusnya masing-masing punyer pandangan yaa.. heppi blogging ya pak bono. :)

  13. Rizal thanx for dropping your comment in http://bonoriau.com .... bagaimana next year kita nonton F1 bareng-bareng(sama-sama).

  14. Salam,

    Cute, tapi saya tak ajar art n craft kat sekolah...but boleh ajar pelajar guna program paint untuk buat bookmark..heheeh.TQ for the idea!

  15. cantik Rizal.. I pun suka art tapi tak reti nak berart art nih.. tahniah... bakat u besar, kalau kat Barat u dah buleh kaya raya... sekarang ni dah kaya kan...

  16. bila nak send satu bookmark kat sini..ahaks

  17. wow! these mini bookmarks are great!
    thanks for comments.

  18. i pon nak jugak bookmarks nihh..
    bole buat tagging in my acts..
    kekadang dok kelam kelibut kalu nak cari facts.... maklumlah, kononye keje laa kan... ehh, berkait kahh komen aku..??

  19. I really enjoy the depth you've got going in those two pink ones.

  20. hehe..pak bono,

    jika ada kesempatan, mungkin buleh nonton f1 bareng-bareng. hihihi

    helo kak sharifah,

    ajar student buat doodling the zentagle way pun boleh jadik. hehe..
    that idea..no problem..

    helo bro beruangmadu,
    hahahaha...kaya? nope laaa..more likes kayap ada laaaa....kekeke..
    tuu kalo kat barat..nii kat timur..hehe

    adoi adoiii why do i feel like i am replying this in one single breath.. fuhh fuhh.. sambung..

    halo arsaili,
    mekasih singgah balik..send bookmark kat sana? adoii nanti2 nii kerja pun tak terkejar..tukar bookmark australia ker? hehehehe..


    you are welcome.. hihihi

    helo nikli..

    berkait kerr tak tak perr..aper2pun mekasih sebab komen.. apa tag? hehehe kalo aku tag kena buat bookmark amacam? ada berani..lepas kena tag..yang ditag tuu wajib jugak buat bookmar dah post di site..heheheh

    helo andrea,

    thanks yea.. glad that you like it. you have nice illos tuuu on your site. have a great day and heppi blogging.

    yaaaaaa siap semua balas dalam satu nafas...adoi doi..

  21. Wow your bookmarks look beautiful! Bila nak tukar dengan bookmark zentangle saya yang tak berapa lawa tu? Hehe

  22. helo phalatera,

    jgn cakap mcm tu.. bookmark zentagle tuuu lawak jugak. semua pun lawa..mana ada tak lawa.. hehehe..ehhh sarawak kan? boleh tukar ngan ikan terubuk masin tak? hehehe..

    dunno laa bila nak buat swap swap ni walaupun dalam hati memang ada.. tunggu kerja settle down dulu kot..


  23. ehh, xmo..
    tangan keras..
    xbulih laa sume benda tuh..

    p/s: aku dah buat tag spread the loved link tuh.. :D
    hat tuh dah cukup.. xmo lagik yg lain... hahahha

  24. oittt nikli,

    belum cube belum tahu..hehehe..


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