Well, this is my homage to "Happy Child-Like Feeling" inside each of us, waiting to burst out. After a while, we sometimes seem to forget how good and wonderful it is to experience that happy.happi.joy.joy feeling. A feeling that we seem to enjoy much during our childhood years. So, my illo is about how these creatures are swept by this great joy feeling since "abang" and "adik" are having a good time dancing. Hehe. Doing IF has brought out my inner child too. Done using pen-ink with a light dash of colours (colour pencils and digital). Hope you like it. Heppi drawing and have a great day. :)
[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

28 ulasan:

  1. Oh I love that feeling! We have our inner child in all of us. Great drawing Rizal!

  2. Rizal! Ikan awak dah gumuk, saya bagi makan banyak tadi!

  3. hehe, thanks kak emila..

    ikan dah gemuk..huhu..tak perr..nasib baik ikan digital. Kalau ikan betul, rasanyer dah kiok dah ikan tuu sebab terlebih kenyang..

    rizal pun busan2 suka acah2 ikan tuu ngan mouse..nanti dia ikut kat mana mouse.. dah penat ikan tuu, baru bagik dia makan.. tee hee.. =)

  4. cute la caricature tu. ermmm org kalau ade bakat mesti tak bosan sepanjang hari. sentiasa ade benda nak dibuatnye.....

  5. hehe.. mekasih shahril,

    wah kalao spanjang masa tuu idak la jugak.. nasib baik IF ni keluar theme dia setiap jumaat. so boleh la buat bila hari sabtu..

    hari ahad jer hari komen mengomen kat IF pulak.. hehehe

    ehhh dah makan?

  6. This is so joyful, you really captured the feeling!

  7. Helo senta,

    thanks for visiting. glad that you like it. :)

  8. hehe..
    having good time dancing..??
    i tak sama.. kitorang kocik kocik dulu asik gaduh je.. hiks.. sume nakal2..

    tapi beso2 jadik sangat rapat plak.. even, kalu i nak balik ke jb frm penang, my bro just sent me to bayan lepas, n cepat2 balik.. xmo tunggu.. sebak kononya sbb adik dia away.. hiks, kelako laa...

  9. kecik2 tuuu memang kalau adik beradik selalu gaduh..

    selalunyer bila dah besar memang camtu..

    yerr laaa mana abangnyer tak terasa..sorang kat utara, sorang kat selatan. bila dah besar..bukan senang nak jumper sgt, kalao dok jauh2

    hmmmm..teringat pulak zaman kecik2 den.. :)

  10. That's so lovely. A wonderful homage. You've so captured perfectly joyful childlike enthusiasm!

    Happy Happy Joy Joy to you :)

  11. hey "hey.harriet!", (double hey!)

    thanks for dropping by. I was enjoying doing it.

    And a merry hepi hepi joy joy to you too.. tee hee. :)

  12. Rizal... mungkin esok I akan ke HKK... kalau tak pun dalam minggu nih... ada harapan ker nak jumpa u??

  13. Really like your 'busy' illustrations. Great drawings and characters...lots of interest :)

  14. Especially the 60+ can appreciate the feeling. Drawing also great, by the way.

  15. pelik2 sungguh imaginary friend rizal nih. like usual, u always come up with great details. itu yang sukar ditandingi tuh.

  16. Hello bee, debbie and connie,

    thanks for dropping by. Thanks for your support too. Yup, i believe there is a child inside everyone of us, waiting to burst out having a great time.

  17. salam.. hello bro.. lovely art bro.. it full of joy and fun seing all those creatures dancing and have a great moment together.. even some of them look scary and thorny but they all enjoy life being together.. maybe some of the creatures represent the things what we come up with along our life.. the hardnesship and all.. hope u r always happy there.. take care

  18. Great drawings, it remember my child days memories. :)

  19. tra cha cha cha~ *dancing* I like this la rizal! We all do have our inner child. *teeheeee* i like i like. Happy2 mood!

  20. hello bro beruang madu,

    hari senin tak pergi sana. Selasa ada sebab ada bicara kraf rotan kat seri cipta dari 10pg sampai 12 tghari. jemput laa datang.

    Helo manggo,

    haa ahhh, memang imaginery friends tuu semua pelik2..kekeke.. details tuu terajin sebab sambil buat dok lukis2 tuu yang dok berangan-angan.. sambil tuu tambah details too..

    Halo clip,
    amboi panjang betui falsafah dia..hehehe.. tak dak represent apa2 pun sgt. just kira cam a tribute to each and every one of us. Gambar creatures2 tuu just represent yang manusia nii mcm kaler, perangai, emosi, bangsa..still ada inner child.. hehehe

  21. hey sameer,

    thanks for keep coming here.. so you can expect to see new illo on monday from now on. I am happy that it does bring some reminiscence of your childhood memories.

    Helo pupu,

    yeahaaa..come on vogue (ehh tuu lagu lain..) tra ta ta cha cha cha ,tra ta ta cha cha.. come on pupu.. lets dance.... hehe.. it is a good way to start our monday.. :)

  22. riang nya.. hehe.. love it as always :D

  23. blue,

    hehe..monday kena laaa riang sekali sekala.. wanna join? tra tra cha.. hehe.. :)

  24. a wonderful feeling! and you expressed it very well :)

  25. Another amazing one, I can see they all having fun. I play with your fish too, they calm me down a bit, heehee.

  26. Wow! What a fun and detailed illo!

  27. hey bobo...

    hehehe..glad that you play with the fish...yup.. i too play when i am getting bored seeing no reply..tee hee..

    hey doodle girl..

    thanks for visiting.. :) appreciate it.


Terima kasih bertandang ke RestNrilekS. InsyaALLAH. Setiap komentar akan cuba dibalas. Sila langgan jika anda suka RestNrilekS : )