Well, this post is just for fun. These are my third year students who are now busy with their furniture project (at "refining idea development"). I like to refer to them as "Naughty but Nice.." hehe. Hopefully in May 2008, i would be able to post all their works. Ohh, illos above are all theirs too. It is a good exercise to deviate from the usual rattan stuffs once in a while. So, enjoy and heppi blogging ya.
[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

22 ulasan:

  1. hello Rizal! nice to meet you :)
    you have a great blog here, your illos for choose and theory are awesome!
    will come again soon!
    thanks for visiting my blog :)

  2. Helo Zari!

    Thanks for dropping by. I hope you have enjoyed your stayed.

    Well, i ve been visiting your blog too on and off. You have awesome artworks too. Love your works.

    Hepi blogging and have a great weekend ahead ya..

  3. wah wah memang cantik sekali ... happy week end dan selamat mengundi

  4. cantik laa...mcm bole amik tepek kat kain kosong then bole jadik baju batik...

    p/s: kalu guna tangan i, mesti lukisan tuh tak nampak rupa kann... heheh..

  5. ola pak bono..

    selamat hari weekend dan selamat berblogging... ya ya..selamat mengundi kepada saya saya tujukan..


  6. mekasih nikli,

    huhu..baju batik...ayoyo karawale!!..nampak cam batik kerr?..depa tuu just buat doodling berkaler jer..

    p/s : laa nikli cube jerr doodle..bukan buat illos figure..musti leh jadi..try la..huhu..manatau nanti meriah menarik..dah buat leh laa hang post kat blog hang yerr..

  7. huhuuuuuuuuuu... comey student n artwork mereka.. tunggu i attach final projek student i ek....

  8. hihi...ida,

    attach jgn tak attach yerr...suruh students ida lawan posing ngan orang punyer students..saper lagik power..kui kui kui ;P

  9. mekasih arsaili...

    lama tak kunjung.. australia kerr kat malaysia ni?

    hang tak nak cuba buat doodling ker?

  10. hi, rizal! is that your real name - rizal? rizal is a hero in the Philippines.

    it's interesting to see the work of arts. you must be a good teacher.

  11. hello narissa,

    thanks for visiting my site.

    yup, rizal is my name. Full name is Noorizal actually, but shorten it to just rizal.

    yeah.. Jose Rizal right?

    I used to get that kind of question whenever i met my counterpart colleagues..

    cheers and have a great week ahead ya..

    do visit again if you like what you see.. hihi..

  12. wowo.. wonderful as always (the arts).. haha.. :D

    Have a great weekend!


  13. thank you blue..

    so, there they are..my students..hehehe..

    any thoughts on doing the doodling?


    have a great weekend..

  14. What an awesome and interesting project!

    Looking forward to see the new works.

  15. hello nicole..

    thanks for visiting yaa..
    yeah, i hope to be able to post their works somewhere on May 2008.

    Have a great weekend and hepi blogging ya..

  16. Salam bro.. time kasih komen kt post sy! Really appreciate it! Sy letak blog u kt blogroll sy k!

  17. salam fadly,

    terima kasih sudi singgah..rajin2 singgah laaa selalu...

    dah singgah jangan lupa bawak sekali..gulai masak lemak chili api dan ikan goreng belada...


    selamat bercuti minggu..

  18. Morning ma Bos...wahwah...Rame2 owez in front with da maut punya posing...hehhe...owesome student oww..(^_^)

  19. huhu..morning mr.anonymous..

    camtu lahhh...rama2 memang dah menonjol lagi terover menonjol dalam gambar tuu..


    rama2... aint her a beautiful butterfly in her own ways.. hehehe

  20. wah rizal they're really talented & superb lor... itu dr kaca mata orang rabun ni tapi sesungguhnye aku mmg suke artworks dorg ni. rupenye ko ni lecturer ye....

  21. thanks shahril..

    yerr laa depa tuu semua "naughty but nice"..

    but i have learned to respect them as individuals..

    lecturer? suffice to say.. kira betullah tu..tapi bukan 100% betul hehehehe


Terima kasih bertandang ke RestNrilekS. InsyaALLAH. Setiap komentar akan cuba dibalas. Sila langgan jika anda suka RestNrilekS : )