I love books. They are like windows to another worlds. Feeding your thoughts with ideas. Its different though the feeling of flipping the pages compared to mouse clicking. Yeah i tried that before reading Harry Potter in PDF format. Felt like something was missing. Books.. they are like treasures. I read whatever i feel like reading. Mostly I would like to get my hands on design books. I do love IKN@Institut Kraftangan Negara library. Small it is but aint small in contents. Surprisingly, it does have lots of design books apart from its usual "arts n crafts" titles. Working here does have its privileges. My eyes are always watching, eager anticipating new titles, trying to fulfill my hunger for books. Hehe. Good job Kak G for keeping up with new titles. Yes, she is that nice Puan in the picture-a kind heart and soft spoken person. :) Thank You..thank you..and thank you... say "NAK" to more books..

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