pictures taken were on the night b4 hari raya. Scene : Masjid India and Jalan TAR. As expected, these two places were flocked by people, hoping to get their hands on last minute bargains. Though it did rain that night, it didn't dampen the spirits of many who were obviously so determined to get their hands on something. It was crowded and fun at the same time. Still, a bit less compared to last year. At one in the morning, more and more people came. Jalan TAR was really packed. From four lanes, it finally narrowed to one lane, haha, but hey! it was raya. What would u expect..?? Got myself finally a sling back at this one makcik (yer laaa, those mat-mat despatch pakai tuu) for rm23.

Raya for me this year was somewhat different. First time ever.. The home was all mine starting from the mlm raya. I was just there sitting by myself. Went to the mosque just by myself. Went to my mum pusara just by myself. Went to my dad house by myself. I had practiced earlier in my mind imagining such situation as how i would be facing it then. Surprisingly, it turned out all a-okay. Wasn't feeling sad or depressed. In fact, i was glad. It did give me a lot of time to think about many things -To be happy and grateful to ALLAH swt for all the blessings.

Well, today is the fourth day of hari raya, and i wont be coming to work till next monday. So, what i am going to do then...?? Simple.. just rest. My internet, my astro and my cat (blakie) are my companions for now. hehehe.. Then again, who knows, busan-busan, mau merayap jawabnyer mlm nanti.. hehehe.. Cheers and be Hapi yo..

[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]