Well, i like to say thanks to lots of people for commenting my last post - "Life is Boring?". Here are what some have said : -
Ida said "there is some tips to share with u..:
1. defind ur NEED. what is the things or activity that u love to do..
2. Try to get involve n gain more experience on that..
3. Share with ur fren...
4. it going to change your routine activity... its maybe simple but help..."
Bee said "When things are a bit gloomy, I would write. Writing is a healing process for me."
Mango said "well, my husband once told me that internet can come between couples. i'm sure it's a kind of hint..."
Bali said "Normally everyone has this kind of experience once in a while and the way I do to skip this bad time is just quiet and be alone for a while..."
Fliffy said "salam bro ~ chill out..hehe mcm mana.. yang paling penting tetapkan satu tujuan dlm hidup..utk diri sendiri dan utk org y kite paling sayang..kerana dgn kite x sedar memberi kpd yang disayangi akan menambah kegembiraan dlm hidup...."
Mariuca said "I feel u Rizal! I pun boring jugak sometimes, and I'm so with u on the routine. Maybe u need to go for a vakasi! Apa kata?"
Antown said "Saya juga sering mengalami hal seperti ini, Mas. Di saat yang penat kita butuh istirahat. Sejenak melupakan beban fikiran yang ada. Touring atau jalan-jalan ke desa mungkin bisa membantu..."
Marvic said "Hi rizal, when my brother told me that i has turned myself to anti-social months ago, I just smile and whatever it is."
Horny said "It is the hot weather plus the 'money not enough' syndrome! Now cannot afford to minum kopi & makan nasi lemah! Aiyah! Life is getting very very hard!"
Kak Emila said "Been there. I hate the routine of bangun pagi, pergi kerja, balik kerja, tidur, bangun pagi pergi kerja, balik kerja, tidur...so I decided to leave the 9 to 5 and work from home..."
Well, its true. Sometimes you feel blue, which is part and parcel of life. When things run amuck, friends and families are your best alliances you can have. They will come out with motivational ways to uplift your spirit. So, over the course of few days, I was having this imaginary scene in my mind. There were two Rizals. We were both walking in opposite directions and suddenly, BANG!!, i turned and shot the other Rizal - the imposter, the gloomy, the anti-social, the "it is just the way i am" - And it felt goooooodd.
I guess, i had been having too many "Shoulds" in my life. I should drop 200 cards per day(entrecard). I should make 2-3 illos per week. My department book should be the best of all. Drawings for the book should be perfect. My class should be fun and educational. Your design should be good. People should be more considerate and grateful. You should know how hard it is. Should..should...should..A reasonable set of expectations had made me unhappy. There is nothing wrong having some sort of expectations. But then, I had forgotten the wonderful feelings of zero expectation too - that is to give all your best without expecting anything. "Should" beliefs are okay but they dont help us, because "Reality" doesnt understand "should." Things work they way they are. I had been busy trying to figure out the the whys and shoulds when i should (haha should again) have been enjoying the course of things in life. I had cluttered my life with lots of stuffs. Life is great. It s okay to miss few things here and there to experience life. It is okay to have bad things fallen onto you.
So, i would like to say thank you to all my families and friends ( including my blogging friends too.) Over a period of 7 months, blogging has brought me to a wonderful journey of knowing people with talented skills and ideas, articulate minds and thoughts, funny, warm and friendly characters. I am grateful. Thank you for keep coming to Restnrileks yaa.. Love yer all (Kak emila, how come we had the same emotional state dalam minggu yang sama arr.. weird..)..
So, i ve decided to make illos and pass them to you.
And i would like to say thanks to these special people for their continuous support to keep RnR alive (in no particular order- you ve been great to RnR..whoa ho!!) and i am giving you all an award (pictures above - one is inspired by Kak Emila's grin) . Ida, Kak Ida, Mariuca, Kak Emila, Mango, Pak Bono, Antown, Fliffy, Blue, Pupu, Megat , debbie, shinade and May (sorry if i miss any of you). And thanks too to all who have taken time commenting here. Hey i love each and every one of your comments even if it is only a single word of "Oh!.." Your comments feed my blog. Thank you.. thank you..

Well, it is time to be happy and since today is Friday.. yeee haaa..

Pak Rizal, thanks for your fantastic comment. Thanks for the appreciation. Hidup ni memang gitu sih some day up some day down some day happy some day sad some day lonely..without all this we will feel empty. Pak Bono want to give you 1 tip ...every morning selesai solat suboh ..talk to yourself "What really really really I want today?"..kemudian jawab se iklasnya ..nak mantap lagi SMS to your wife..make it routine every day sehingga mati...after 40 days U will see the result
BalasPadamthank you for the awards Rizal!!! Yehaaa, akak kaya awards!!!
BalasPadamTulah, jangan boring2 selalu, bak kata forrest gump, "life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get!
life is like that ... isn't it great that we have friends (and family) to help us cope? :)
BalasPadamtq 4 the award... i sooooka bila u happy semula..... yeee haaaaa!!!
BalasPadamHi Rizal, tq so much...meriah award bulan ni mengingkat kak ida punya hall award rupanya lupa nak paste balik dlm blog selepas ter'delete'.
BalasPadamLife up and down....nothing wrong with it. It teachs us to be strong.
wah saya dapat lagi nih, makasih juga. Sama-sama, mas. Itu gambarnya boleh saya copy ke blog saya gitu?
BalasPadamwah saya dapat lagi nih, makasih juga. Sama-sama, mas. Itu gambarnya boleh saya copy ke blog saya gitu?
BalasPadamThank you pak bono.. terima kasih..
BalasPadamInsyaALLAH , nanti rizal amalkan. thank you for sharing with us here.
@Kak Emila,
wahhhh kayo akak bulan ni yerr.. syabas.. tapi choclate tuu.. kalau beli yang dah nampak bungkusan kan tahu.. Apa kata kak emila belikan bungkus, bagi RnR, kira cam surprise arr.. hehehe.. baru ngam itu life is like a box of choc.. hehe
hey mailah,
BalasPadamyeah it is great to have families and friends. :) Thanks for dropping by and commenting. Really appreciate it
Allo ida,
i pun happy sebab i pun happy jugak.. whoaho.. yee haaa!!
Allo Kak ida,
wahhh penuh laa kabinet bulan ni dgn award ya.. jgn lupa gilap selalu yerr.. huhuhu..
betul, obstacles make us strong.
Mas Antown,
BalasPadamsilakan lah, dah namanya kan award kan.. boleh ajerr copy... hehehe.. tapi yang bawah lompat(leap of Joy) tuu kalau copy, silalah link sini.. huhu..
Yeeha!!! Dapat illos comel from Rizal! Thanks so much for thinking of me Rizal. Hope things will look up for u soon and everyone else who's feeling a little "bored"! Have a great weekend. ;)
BalasPadamsambil gosok2 mata sebab kengantukan
mana yerk award tu ????
bro rizal
yeah sometimes kita rasa borink
atau hopeless
tapi bila ada kawan2 yg buat me gelak or ketawa
dan ada movie yg bagus di pawagam
makan hidup ini jadi terlalu indah
me terlalu bussy ngan kerja now
tu yg kadang2 over stress sket
but tu la
dah lama x-melukis n melakar
baru lepas kemas my studio
brush n pencil pun banyak yg me baru beli
x-sabar nak duduk bekarya
hi rizal...
BalasPadamthanks sooooooo much for the award.
thanks sooooooo much for the award.
thanks sooooooo much for the award.
Mariuca... glad that you are happy..
BalasPadamhave a great weekend too..
BalasPadamaward tuu dalam bentuk lukisan.. gambar pertama yang paling atas sekali. Wah beli supply baru nampak. orait-orait.. teruskan berkarya yaa..
BalasPadamsama- sama.....
sama - sama.....
sama- sama.....
(echoing.... hehehe)
Salam bro..thanks for the cute i love you award..hehe semoga terus success and keep on blogging...thanks for coming to my small blog.. what ever u decide in life..as long as it is ur priority..nothing else matters
BalasPadamthanks fliffy.. betul tu.. small? but i think penuh kreativiti kat blog tuu..
syabas.. sebab usaha penuh kreatif. :)
That is so sweet, I really appreciated you who always kind leaving comment too, I love the special dedication illo you created to the fellow bloggers including me!
BalasPadamSangat Terima-kasih! banyat suka itu gambar!
YOu are one special, polite, talented and heartful fella I know! keep it that way,,,,,, yar?
I hope we get to meet up when I take my family for a visit next year!
Hey May,
BalasPadamthanks for dropping by, and thank you.
I think you are a good nice cool blogger too.
Great to hear that you will be taking your family back to Malaysia next year. Me too, hope we can meet..
Have a great Sunday ya.
Nice post.
BalasPadamI like your blog. I'm looking unique blog for my blogroll, would you like to xch4nge l1nk with me? Terima kasih
olla drunken dragin,
BalasPadamthanks for dropping by and commenting at restnrileks..
No problem. I ll be happy to exchange link with you.. ill put it up here.. once i ve settled few things.. :)