I am sure all those wonderful hand drawn ATCs have finally reached their new homes. And i am sure too the new owners are happy as i speak. I know I am. Hehe. Speaking of ATC, that would bring us to the 2nd ATC swap thing. I am taking the liberty to host this one.. Yeaaayy! Any objections?? ( I am still going to host anyway hehe..chuckle) Previously, we were commenting (or discusing) on blogspehere on how this should be carried out. We came to a casual decision that the first should be hosted by Mango (Mangosteenskin), 2nd by me, 3rd by Kak Emila and 4th and so on, by anybody who would be interested on hosting.
So, here i am annoucing the 2nd ATC Swap. Due date will be on 31st August 2008. It is pretty obvious isnt it, to Malaysians at least. Since that date will be our National Independent Day, (Hurray Merdeka!!) thus, the theme is Independent / Independence. So, now you people out there, come on and get busy.
Oppss, restnrileks tukar ke Bahasa Malaysia pula yer. Peraturannya mudah :
1. Setiap peserta hendaklah menghasilkan 3 kad ATC hasil lukisan kraftangan asli -hehe chechewah nak juga tuu guna ayat "kraftangan"- (handmade / handrawing) dan bukannya yang dicetak (not printed).
2. Saiz adalah berukuran 2.5 in x 3.5 in setiap satu.
3. Hantarkan ke tiga-tiga kad yang telah disiapkan dengan sepenuh hati jiwa raga anda itu kepada saya. (Untuk alamat, sila email saya di talrasha2007@gmail.com / atau tinggalkan pesanan secara "off line" di ym pada talrasha2004). Hati-hati!!, dimaklumkan bahawa wujudnya kebarangkalian hasil kerja anda mungkin hilang di dalam perantauan seperti yang telah dialami oleh Che Pupu kita dari Brunei. Ohh! sedihnya kami.
4. Bagi mendapatkan aroma hasil seni yang lebih menggiurkan, disarankan menggunakan kertas yang berkualiti. Pasti syoknya lebih terasa! Whoaho!! Namun ini hanyalah saranan.
5. Pada tarikh ini, walaupun kemelut ekonomi yang melanda negara terasa, restnrileks akan tetap berusaha menaja sampul surat dan juga setem kepada para peserta.
5. Akhir kata, nah segeralah bergegas menyiapkan projek yang tak seberapa tapi nikmat tak terhingga ini dengan memberikan nama anda di ruang komentar. Terima Kasih!!
Opps balik semula ke English.

In conjunction with this 2nd hand drawn ATC Swap, I am giving my small freebies to 1st(1), 2nd(2), 3rd(3), 5th(4) and 7th(5) commentators as well(excluding mine). Check those pictures above. Nothing fancy though, they are sets of 5 printed ATCs of my previous illos except, for set 5 which will come in 6 mini printed illos. I will too throw some small mini2 rattan crafts together with each set. So, what are you waiting for. Komen jgn tak komen!!. I will update this post too, listing out the names of those interested in joining the 2nd Swap. In the meantime, i will hide all comments until all are done for.
Heppy blogging and have a great day.
Pecah kaca pecah gelas, sudah baca harap balas. : )

And here is a name list of people who have decided to join in : )
1. Mangosteenskin(Malaysia) 2. Kak Emila(Malaysia) 3. Kak Ida(Malaysia) 4. Megat(Malaysia) 5. Fun Fliffy(Malaysia) 6. Cecima(Malaysia) 7. Hellosue(Malaysia)
8. BlueCyrstalDude (Pemain Simpanan!!)(Malaysia) 9. Antown(Indonesia)
10. Syntheticsoul(Malaysia) 11. Eugina (Pemain Simpanan!!)(Indonesia) 12. Pupu(Brunei)
13. May(Canada) 14. Bee(Malaysia)
Apa-apa pun, restnrileks ingin mengucapkan selamat datang ke pemain-pemain baru samada pemain sepenuh masa mahupun pemain simpanan..
Let the game begins.. hehehe..good luck.. ohhh if you like to join, you are most welcome ya..
.. jom jom
mcm berita pulak pos kali ni. hahaha.
BalasPadamok, berdasarkan pengalaman, saya rasa kalau nak jimat dan selamat kiriman kita tu, sebaik2nya pilih untuk menggunakan surat berdaftar (registered mail). walopun lambat, x selaju pos laju atau seekspres pos ekspres, tp kiriman kita tu sekurang2nya terjamin keselamatannya.atleast ada tracking number dan tarikh bila kita pos, so bila surat x sampai kita boleh trace ke mana hilangnya.
ya ayooh kita join beramai2. pacik macik, cik adik cik abang, mari curah semngat kemerdekaan kita di atas kertas!! yg dari luar negara juga, mari!
Wah! You, Manggis and Emila seem to be having so much fun with ur arts and crafts, enjoyzz! :)
BalasPadamIm in
BalasPadamRizal! I'm so in! Independence is a great theme, love it! Nanti e-mail saya address ok?
BalasPadamokies bro rizal
me akan joinkan diri..yeha
salam mrRizal,..
BalasPadamthanks sbb ajak fliffy jugak
nanti fliffy emel kan detailsnye
tak sabar nak join..
fliffy nak jugak give out ni ..
nak yang no5 tuh :)
sbb setelah ditilik2 mcm ade colorful rainbow je kat situ...hehehe..
tp doddles semua kat ATC card tuh mmg marvellous !!!
Wow so cool, I love them they are all so cute. I would love to know more about cool swap, sounds fun :)
BalasPadamWell I will check around your site first, if I still ??? then I will ask you more :)
rasanya harapan ku punah
macam sudah terlewat je nak freebies tu
yang tak tahan tu small mini2 rattan crafts
tu yang mahal
arghhh meroyan la aku
yeay,,2nd swap sudah mariiiiii.. hepi hepi =)
BalasPadamCongrats to all who have won.
BalasPadamSyabas dan tahniah yaa..
Mango - You are lucky No.1
Kak Mariuca - You are lucky No.2
Kak Ida - You are lucky no.3
Kak Emila - Yeahh Kak Emila join.. syok tuu, tapi tak per, nanti lain kali RnR buat leh cuba lagi.. huhu
Megat - You are lucky no.4 (5th commentator)
Fun Fliffy - sorry la mender ni based on luck kan.. tak per yang penting join ATC ni..hehe..join ni pun fun juga tau..huhu
rkdsign88 - welcome.. you are lucky no.5 (7th commentator). i hope you will join us.
Shahril - mekasih sebab mencuba, mana tahu lain kali akan berjaya kerr apa kan.. jangan sedih.. jangan meroyan lak.. meroyan leh pergi william lagi. hehe
Cecima - tak per cuba lagi.. yerr yerr mari join atc yang ke dua..huhuhu
hermm..this is interesting..due date august...so saya ader masa lagi..hehe
BalasPadamgood luck to all !! hehe
BalasPadamI am not very confident with my air tangan lorh.. hehehe... And being such a dedicated student, who involves with many sort of college activities (haha), I am not even sure whether I have the times and guts to do it. I never see anyone here (among the future engineers) who draws anything other than work related stuff. Haha..
BalasPadamBut, a true patriot as I am, I never say no. At least, I will try to do it. But don't get to hopeful. hehehe..
saya tertarik untuk ikutan mas, saya mau nanya nih... ATC itu singkatan apa ya? mohon diberikan penjelasan sedikit.
BalasPadamMaaf saya juga masih belajar memahami bahasa Malay :)
BalasPadamI'm in!
Pardon my not too nice drawings tough. heheh.
(aiya... commentor no 10++ no gifts ka?)
bluecrystaldude: I'm a mechanical student too :P
Yeeha!!! I can't believe I won, so happy ha ha ha! Thank you Rizal, I can't wait to get my pressie lol! :):):)
BalasPadamPak udah install sezWho..saya udah install ...nampak mantap juga. Try it now.
BalasPadamRizal, could we trade 1 postcard only? :)) pleaaze..
BalasPadamSalam hellosue,
BalasPadamyup, rasanya 31Ogos tuu masih boleh lagi dan sempat nak buat.. Cool.. So, Rizal nanti tunggu yer.. jom jom buat handmade ATC.. huhu
Salam fun fliffy,
Yup good luck to us all too.. go go cayukk!!
Salam Haziiq,
Ayoyoyo, your air tangan belum cuba belum tahu. Hang dok tuleh ala2 shakespear kat blog hang kira mantap camtu.. huhu.. ni dok buat pakai air tangan ntah2 meletup merecik2 kot.. hehe
Salam antown,
iyerrr.. udah diterangkan dengan panjang lebar kan kat email.. jadi saya kira mas antown turut serta sekali yaa.. huhu
Salam jiwa sintetik,
selamat kembali semula.. Sayang arr jiwasintetik..yang ke 10 tak dak laa.. Mungkin lain kali nanti aku buat lagi..hang boleh cuba mana tau kot2 cuba nanti terkena..huhu
alooo..hang punyer drawings okay per..jgn le rendah diri.. hehe..nak2 datangnya dari mech.student kan. Chayoookkk!
Aloha Kak Mariuca (ni tgh buat greetings sambil nari hawaii)
syabas sebab menang.. hehe.. tuu yang orang kata, tuah manusia siapa yang tahu kan? Syabas!! huhu..
Salam Pak Bono,
udah install. My szewho finally works. I think, we, as blogger platform users, have to wait for few hours for the system to kick in. But it took me hours searching here n there and i was going nuts, since i didnt get the script but only the blog key. Preserverance and patience are the key..haha
Olla kak gina,
Trade 1 postcard?..alamakk susahnya nak jawab.. 3 laaa.. hehe..please.. saiz ATC jer..i am sure you can, since previously 3 were traded.. just to be fair, yang tak dapat tuu nanti boleh dapat balik..
Ok... I'll join again!! and i hope this time my atc's will arrive at your place. huhu. *dies if they didn't arrive* hahaha.
BalasPadam31st August? This time I'll send early. *i hope* hehehe..
BalasPadamohh aloha pupu..
BalasPadamGreat that you'll be joining us. Harap-harap tak hilang. As mango suggested, better to register that package. Oh! sedihnya jika hilang kali ke dua.. Hate that if it happens again.
31 Ogos - 1 setengah bulan lagi.. hehe..musti boleh..
salam,,,tak paham la...ada contoh ker..ehehe
BalasPadamwow, got to support the host yar?
BalasPadamCount me in! will have to speed up, as I live across the miles....
Happy ATC.
yess!! yang dari Indonesia sudah dua orang. Mbak Gina ikutan juga kan? buat tiga aja mbak. Waktunya kan masih panjang?
BalasPadamwaalaikummusalam arsaili,
BalasPadamcontoh tuu ada rizal letak kat atas.. yang gambar 8 set (set of 3) tuu.. tuu semua hasil lukisan tangan dari 8 orang yang mengambil bahagian.. jadi ambil bahagian ker arsaili.. jom laa..
Hello May,
yaaaayyy!! one more is in. I am sure though you are in Canada.., that wouldnt deter you from sending your ATC. huhu..
Happy ATC to all of us.
Ya antown,
Ni saya tak pasti mbak eugina nak join atau tidak ni. Harap2 dia join la.. dia mintak swap satu poskad jer.. tapi yang nii dah namanya swap ATC kan.. jadi terpaksa laa..
buat satu cam swap sikit sgt.. buat 3 kalau swap syoknyaaaa.. huhu
haaa ahh 3 jerr..saiz "playing card" aje.. pasti boleh.. huhu
awesome ATCs!
BalasPadamThanks Zari,
BalasPadamyeah.. i love them all. Wanna join? I think you will make a great addition to the whole collection.
BalasPadamCan you send me your address via my gmail. wiwin0304@gmail.com. I will send it by tomorrow morning. :) Thanx.
Alrighty then,
BalasPadamI am e-mailing you now..
I am a newbie when it comes to ATC but I would really love to join this one... any spot for me?? pretty please?
BalasPadamoh gituu, aku pikir satu2 hihi! hmmm aku liat dateline dulu hahaha, nanti saya kabari.. :D thanks a lot rizal!
BalasPadamNo problem Bee.
BalasPadamThanks for datang ke sini. Lintas sini dari mangosteenskin ker? :)
You are In.. Yess..lagi ramai lagi meriah.. huhu..
Mbak Eugenia,
tak per..tak perr.. take your time... :)
your welcome.. :)
wow!!! you guys are talented!!! :)
BalasPadamthanks for dropping by.. err i hope you wont hate us.. just love us.. hehehe
heppi blogging and have a great sunday ya..
Great effort! :)
BalasPadamthanks Faisal for dropping by here. :)
BalasPadamSudi2 singgah lagi ya.. orait..