Ohh my, I was tagged by Bali. Thanks! (hehe). hey Bali look on the screen ya. See something familiar? So here it is, my little internet working space. I guess it falls under the category small and messy. I have had that cabinet for so long since i was 15 years old. It has served me well through all these years, kinda reminiscence of my school years. So.. How do I arm myself for my internet therapy session? - My necessities would include a mug (coffee usually - to keep my mind in tip top conditions heh..), a pack of cigarette ( a love and hate relationship), a notebook for jotting down interesting stuffs found on the net, my nokia5500 as a modem, N80 (which isn't in the picture - for answering calls), and some stuffs for quick grab on the upper shelf. So..any nice views to look out of the windows? Nada.. Just some back lot houses..haha.. so there you go.. My little internet working sanctuary. Just Click the picture to get a better view.

So, I am tagging few people of mine to see how do their internet working sanctuary look like?
And the lucky ones are :

And may the "tagging" continues
[Please share if you like / Sila Kongsi jika sudi : ) ]

9 ulasan:

  1. Hi Bro, thanks for doing your 'pushed' home work!! appreciate that!! have a great day..cheers... :-)

  2. No problem. The pleasure is all mine.. :)

  3. incek.. your pic didn't appear laa... i need to see yours first in order to 'create' mine.

    see, i don have a private internet sanctuary myself as i don have internet connection at home...

    kat ofis nye bole ke?


  4. Nice work, your working place is awesome thanks dude…. for tagging me. Great trick to browsing internet through mobile is it's connection also fast? I like your colorful lighted mouse. Keep it up antistatic work ……(^_^)

  5. Madam roxy,

    hehe..aikk tak keluar..harap2 kali ni dah dibetulkan. check ofis semalam ok, rumah ok, check pakai opera mini tak keluar. so godek2 dah betulkan tgk balik kat opera dah okay. so dah okay nii kira boleh laa selesaikan asignment yer..hehe

    aiyoo madam,internet sanctury mana pun boleh..ofis,rumah, cc (tapi kena station yang sama la) hahaha..

    ofis sure can..

    Dear sameer,
    yeah hopefully you ll continue the tagging. Yeah i am on wireless 2.5g and 3g. Though my service provider does have 3.5g, i dont have a 3.5g compatible hp :).
    Sure the wireless cant beat the wired broadband connection, but suffice to say, it does fulfill my usual internet need (usual means one irc, ym online, managing blog and surfing 4-5web pages all done simultaneously). But dont expect fast speed download of big files or multimedia files. Other than that, i am more than happy..

  6. huhuuu.apreciate my name at the 1st.. hehhehe

  7. hehe..

    if that so ida, then, i am going to sit here and wait for your "synopsis" of "little internet sanctuary.."


    dah dua orang settlekan.. dbab ngan roxychick.. ida bila lagi..

    hepi blogging ya

  8. hei...finally got my done...slow but steady...haha :)

    thanks for the tag...

  9. hey bidarlah..

    cool.. now so far, that makes 4 people done on their homework. :)


Terima kasih bertandang ke RestNrilekS. InsyaALLAH. Setiap komentar akan cuba dibalas. Sila langgan jika anda suka RestNrilekS : )